I just read a nice article on Gadhafi & about the good he has done. I also heard he was truly about Peace, and that every one of us Good or Bad serves a purpose; it’s by Designed.
Which gets me to asking what could be so dyer that would cause you to not only overthrow your Leader, your Savior, the one that made it possible that you were healthy enough to fight & you shoot him in the head. L
You shot an un-armed man in the head then put his body on display while holding up the Peace sign. That to me is a bad sign already. The start of something that could put your country in turmoil or ruin the great things Gadhafi did achieved before his death----
Let Your Actions Be What People See- MoPoDC.
Which is why I questioned how some of us are easy to be influenced- me included; partly by Hope & the other, your Word. Trusting you would do what you said you would.
For Gadhafi to do what I believe is not only the first but the only one to do what he has done,- In fact, if these things be true, I believe this concept could apply to Me & U. MoPoDC I know he has done horrible things. I also know our America leaders have done horrible things as well & still is and I would suspect so have every other leader that is in power.
Because life past should have thought us from the last, each time it’s not until someone puts a foot into our A$$.
Why can’t we achieve something like that but do it together as One? Why can’t we respect each other for who they are even though we do not like who they become?
Again, nice article, it makes you think who is next, and has it really come down to this or is this some hyped up accusation.
I don’t know about other leaders of today but to achieve what this article say Gadhfi did to me shows the type of Love I Wish & Pray For.
I’ve heard the president comment on how China is dictatorship & because leaders like him and Gadhfi have great ideas for their country and they are going to try it; no debating, but unfortunately it seems like China Leaders are willing to do it at any cost. - Where is the Love? As people walk by and watch a baby run over & do nothing.
Have you ever wonder what America would be like if we let our President lead. Instead, we sabotage ourselves from the mere fact of truly living the impossible.
I’m seeing, new signs everyday especially with the #OccupyWallStreet/World
We undercut ourselfivies, by achieving the biggest Birth to Grave deceit of mankind.
"It’s All about Me"- We all play a role on earth and whatever that role is, thoroughly it’s not all about youJ but more about -What about you?
Only way you can tell that story is by your actions.