Good morning, could someone help me understand something, we have a shortage in skills set or trained people to do the jobs that our Prez would like to employ, how can we get upset with him. Especially since the jobs of the future should be Clean Energy and Solar types jobs. If no one from the corporate or small business is doing anything to help with the crisis. In fact, the oil companies High prices have been the main contributor to the reason why we are in the state we are in
How can we be upset with the President? Shouldn’t it be incumbent upon the companies that took advantage of all of the tax breaks and shady deals to take that money and use it to reinvest back into the job market.
This to me is just another case of selfish behavior. If we keep giving into these companies that exhibit this kind of behavior, how are we supposed to ever get ahead?
Please don’t tell me when someone else is in office. That would mean big companies are holding our President hostage because he asking them to stop this selfishness so America could have a chance in this race to making a difference.
People let’s not give in to this propaganda that is being portrayed about this job market stuff.
Until schools start providing the education and training we need, and certain people stop hurting our schools and teacher and making drastic cuts and the oil companies stop robbing us blind, it will always be a viscous circle and the American people will suffer MoPoDC
he Prez Has A Plan & He Understands Be patient & Work with da Man MoPODC