Notice: There is NO Absentee Voting for our Unassembled Caucus (a.k.a. Firehouse Primary).
The County and the State do not run this caucus. The LCDC Leadership runs the Unassembled Caucus!
Reminder...please read all!
Tell all our Democrats to get out and vote on the 23rd!!
This is a major event for Sterling Democrats with the results/outcome lasting 4 years!
Please rearrange your work and personal schedules so you and all you know can come and VOTE...!!!
Your help is needed!!!
Unassembled Caucus
(a.k.a. Firehouse Primary)
Will be held on Saturday, July 23rd from 12:00pm (noon) to 4:00pm.
At the Sterling Community Center/Library, 120 Enterprise Street, Sterling.
Note: Only current (up to date) Sterling District Registered Voters may come in and vote.
The Unassembled Caucus (a.k.a. Firehouse Primary) is run very much like any election day voting...come in and vote, then leave.
Unassembled Caucus (a.k.a. Firehouse Primary) Steps:
*Doors open at 12:00 PM. (Noon) on July 23rd.
*Voters come in with ID and must be verified that they are Sterling District Registered Voters.
*Next, they must sign an affidavit that they will support the Democratic winner.
*After the first two steps, they will be given a ballot so they can vote.
*Then they vote, and leave the premises...the voter is finished at this time.
*At 4:00pm the doors to voting will be closed; except for any voters still in line at that time they will be allowed to vote...!
Note: There is NO campaigning (or displaying of campaign materials) of any type within the building!
Each candidate will be allowed to have a spotter/observer; this request must be done in writing to the LCDC Chair (Mike Turner) before July 23rd.
The two names on our Ballot to be the Democratic Nominee for Sterling District Supervisor:
Alfonso "Al" Nevarez and Bahri "Barry" Aliriza
Al's web site:
Barry's web site:
Any questions and/or concerns please feel free to call me.
Tony Barney, LCDC Sterling District Chairman, will love to answer any questions you may have or help you understand the process. Thank you Tony.
703-450-0974 (home)
703-304-2084 (cell)
Web site:
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