Friday, October 4, 2013

Where is the Love-Proud to be an American; United We Stand.

I had a dream that President Obama was delivering the State of the Union speech and all the political parties of Congress stood together,  Democrats with Republicans, Independence with Republicans and Democrats they all sat together and talk to each other like mature adult leaders are supposed to do, then I awoke and turned on the news hoping that is was not a dream or some kind of show.  I was hoping that our government leaders really cared and they really do believe in the American Creed, United We Stand.
A little girl with cancer was on the news two days ago and they ask her and other kids what  they thought it would take for our Congress to start working together and the little girl said Love.  Even though she is going through her sickness and her opportunity for help from the NIH is being slighted she still believe that Love should be able to get these people working together again.

So I ask where is the love, where is the love for the human race that we proclaim to stand for, where is the love for equality, where is the love for compassion for one another.
It is hard to believe that the lesson our leader in Congress will teach our young people is you are never too old to throw a temper tantrum when things do not go your way.

Now we need to show our young people how our Leaders in Congress can behave like the mature adults that stood together at the State Of Union in showing solidarity for Gabrielle Gifford.

Let’s not let it take another shooting or some crazy disaster to make us appear United or appear like we care.

Can we come together for our youth and the American People that are watching and waiting for their time to lead?

Proud to be an American; United We Stand.  

One Luv- MoPoDC4Peace

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Let Your Actions Show Who You Truly Represent Not Your Words

Here we go again, first the Sequester and now the Closing of the government.   If you are not sick and tired of Congress punishing the American people like it’s a game, then I do not know what will get you to that point.
One thing is clear for me is that I do not blame our President for this Government closure, why should he be bullied into doing something that he know is not right.  Health care for all people is something that is truly needed regardless if the some people cannot see the benefit right now. 
Asking the President to negotiate something that will affect the Affordable Healthcare Act is one thing but closing down the government because he will not allow them to bully him into anything that affects the Obama care is not right.  Can someone tell me how does that help the American People? I feel we all should be able to see this, but yet we still find room to blame our President.  Now if we were in that situation would we want to accept being bullied, in fact we have a campaign against that.  So why should we expect our President to give in to something that has been sign into law by the Supreme Court.
The last time the President tried to negoate with the Tea party Republicans; we got the Sequester and for what, just to raise the debt ceiling.  It is obvious that they are not going to play fair.  Just like they tried to pass new laws to prevent certain people from voting.
This type of behavior has to stop and the only way I see that happening is when the American people start to vote in all elections.  I know that it is hard because they don’t give us much of an option.
That is why we need to be able to get a third party in the campaign running. Just like what Affordable Healthcare offers, a third party would give us the same, more and better options.
Those who decide to run, you have to be better than what we have out here now in order to win back the American people confidents.  That means stop stealing, stop making backroom deals that continue to hurt the people instead of helping the people also doing the right thing for the right reason.  Even if it cost you some political friends.  If we could get more people like that and have the American people truly support people like that and not let them fall by the waste side we would be amaze at what we could accomplish.
It is past time for a change in Congress and we need everyone to step up in order to make this work. If not, we will forever be a slave to  Congress and they can do whatever they want to us while we just sit there and take it.  Why should they get paid while some of us are not and they are the ones who caused this mess?  It is not right and we know this but what do we do  about it.  Complain, complain while nothing changes.
Unlike some people like the Speaker of the house John Boehner.  He and others try to act like they are speaking for the American people but yet they have done more to hurt the American people. 
Let’s keep in mind that the Sequester and the government closing all happen because of them. They  are the one who brokered those deals during their watch.   Instead of the speaker going down in history as a man who stood his ground to do the right things for the right reason, he will be known for his act of treason  to the American people.   No position could be worth your sole or worth putting people out of work, or forcing people to seek welfare in order to survive or forcing people to lose their homes or to become homeless  and even though Congress is the blame for these adverse situations,  they still seek to pass a bill to cut people food stamps.
I do not know about you but to me this type of government is not a government for the American people.  We are supposed to be nation that cares enough to jump in and help out other nations but we not only sit and watch but some of us help to cause our own people to starve and to fall victim of desperate means to feed or house their selves or love ones.
We talk a good game about what America stand for but our actions have shown differently.
It is pass time for the American people to stop preaching and start seeking ways to let Congress know that we are really sick and tired of being ponds in their sick little game.
Because their game hurts and have proven to make things worse not better.  And it doesn’t matter who you blame, if you did not vote to put people in office or you did vote to put those in office that continue to hurt the country then remember to share the blame you are also part of the problem. 
Also I wanted to share a few quotes that I thought were relevant.