Friday, October 4, 2013

Where is the Love-Proud to be an American; United We Stand.

I had a dream that President Obama was delivering the State of the Union speech and all the political parties of Congress stood together,  Democrats with Republicans, Independence with Republicans and Democrats they all sat together and talk to each other like mature adult leaders are supposed to do, then I awoke and turned on the news hoping that is was not a dream or some kind of show.  I was hoping that our government leaders really cared and they really do believe in the American Creed, United We Stand.
A little girl with cancer was on the news two days ago and they ask her and other kids what  they thought it would take for our Congress to start working together and the little girl said Love.  Even though she is going through her sickness and her opportunity for help from the NIH is being slighted she still believe that Love should be able to get these people working together again.

So I ask where is the love, where is the love for the human race that we proclaim to stand for, where is the love for equality, where is the love for compassion for one another.
It is hard to believe that the lesson our leader in Congress will teach our young people is you are never too old to throw a temper tantrum when things do not go your way.

Now we need to show our young people how our Leaders in Congress can behave like the mature adults that stood together at the State Of Union in showing solidarity for Gabrielle Gifford.

Let’s not let it take another shooting or some crazy disaster to make us appear United or appear like we care.

Can we come together for our youth and the American People that are watching and waiting for their time to lead?

Proud to be an American; United We Stand.  

One Luv- MoPoDC4Peace

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