Tuesday, October 20, 2015

All Lives Matter Poem has been released. Please show your support by purchasing the Single

Hey Fam, It has finally been released. Hooray, Please check it out my single and let me know what you think.  Again it is a must hear poem,
All Lives Matter. 
Thanks you for your support in advance


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

All Lives Matter Single A Must Hear Poem Also A Message To The Black Lives Matter Campaign

Please do not let Black Lives Matter turn into Hate group, or group that targets Police Officers. Who ever is leading this effort, please clarify what Black Lives Matter mean or the media with put their on spin trying to show why the slogan Black Lives Matter should End. I would not think it means other Lives don't matter But Black live has been the main target of hate chattered and We deserve Better.  
MoPoDC4 Peace, which also includes the Police. Let's stay the course and see how many doors shall open for us. Positive Change 4 PEACE could be our reward

Please click on link below.

Please don't forget to check out my single (All Lives Matter). I think this will open eyes for what's better. 

What's up Fam, Just a reminder my single "All Lives Matter" will be released the 9th on ITune.  Also  S/O to Dave Harold from Howard University for making these Funky Beats  SRC#:TCACI1564270UPC:859715619119Primary Genre: Spoken WordSecondary Genre: New Age Language: English
Please show your support and purchase my 1st single.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Can We CoExist ?

What’s up You? You know who you are. Let me tell you who I am.  My name is Maurice Bryant and I have a strong love and passion and desire to work with kid or our future generations.  When I see people being mistreated or taken advantages of like the young lady crying for help, I get involved.  Especially when something hit near and dear to me,  I was responding to the people like the young lady who wants help and is tired of people coming in their life like they care and they laughing in her face.  My goal was to find out why people cannot live safely in their homes not to disrupt your money. All that I ask is that we stop senseless killing and terrorizing of low income black neighborhoods. Give them same opportunity like some of us have or you may have.

To be able to live your life in some form of peace without people feeling hopeless. I figured they deserve better, Baltimore deserves better, my Black people deserve better. I am tired of us being put down and labeled as lazy a thug or person who does not want more theme selves.  When that is not the case. Its thugs holding the people hostage in their own homes and taking the good life out of the neighborhood through killing or just plain violence

I would like for all us to be able work together, you make your money and people get a chance to live and feel safe in their own neighborhood. 

In fact, that would be a great way for you to be a part of the change.  Like looking out for the people in your area. For instance helping the neighbors fix up their home or put down new grass or buy all the kids backpacks and so forth. 

People want their investment to pay off as well. If they buy a home they would like to some kind of profit from it.  Why not help with that as you push your money thru the neighborhood. 

Honestly I do not know but I do believe we all can work together if it is for the Better of the city, neighborhood or the people.

But please do not blame me for you financial lost because I’m just a person with no powers who cares, I do not work for the Police or any other agency so my power to get them (decision makers) to buy in is weak to none. 

Please know this had nothing to do with your money just trying to save lives.  I was hoping to have a chance to give someone like me who came from the hood a better way of living, a different w ay living other than fighting, shooting, and killing.

How long do you think you would have before the high powers to be stepped in and started making changes on their own?

 I am tired of see my people struggle and hurt from our on. We do this to ourselves and then blame everybody but ourselves for our condition

. My life should not be threatened for that. If you do not want this for your people, you really do not deserve to be a part of them in fact to know that you are part of the problem who hold a foot on our necks why you get rich sucks. But please do not blame me for being tired of this killing and stuff. 

For real, you would think with this new change we could have a world where you can make money without killing so much,  That would be a Great world. 

Hope we can give it a try because I do not want to die. 


MoPoDC4 Peace

Friday, August 21, 2015

Change Has Come And Now Its Time 4 Us 2 Be Honest With Each Other Do Really Want 2 Be as ONE?

Part 2 of  Congressional Heights Apartmentshooting Woman & Son shot

I hope everyone got a chance to hear these young ladies cry for help in the earlier video posted.  Now what were you all focused on? What she was saying or her choice of words?

I believe this is more of what is going on in these high crime areas all over the world. 
People are begging for help and the Government  local and abroad  are saying the same thing I hear  all the time, we doing all that we can like they said at my son's school when I asked for help for him. Thank God for his Uncle Charles and Aunt Joyce or we would be in trouble.

"I am so sorry, we are doing all we can to help. We brought in the FBI, CIA, SWAT, and we are meeting in the War Room coming up with some great ideas".

 That is how it looks to me. 

The worst part is, it seems like it's a World Wide issue.  As Chris Rock said "Did you call Shaq" ?  Not that this is a laughing matter.

Case in point, as I approach the Van, the officers except for one, were all sitting in their vehicles watching the Congressional Heights Apartment  People ( CHAP) morn their lost. I continue to walk further into the complex when I heard the Heated exchange between two people one sounding like a child.

I went over to see what was going on and as I approach from behind the van, an officer was standing outside of the Driver side. The young ladies were screaming cursing, and crying all the same time, as you may have heard from my earlier posting.
You also heard me try to tell her at that point in time that the Police was not to blame. But when I walked up I thought I saw one of the officer’s sort of enticing the situation.  Not verbally, more so, their body language and facial expression, as the officers is trying to explain how they tried to help once they got the call but seem to really be irritated with the young lady in a sarcastic way with a childish grin on their face.  

Funny that this article went this way, I asked a young man to help me understand something as we hung out in the same neighborhoods and everything.

 I did encounter one or two gun situations and I carried a gun and was not afraid to use it.
 I thank God that I never had to use it or got the chance to use, other than that, I never had any really crazy run-ins, plus, I hung out in DC all the time and  LOVED EVERY MINUTE/SECOND OF IT :) :) :) :)

I was thinking, what was going on back then that's I don't see either at all or enough now?

. Then I thought about what Baltimore Police Chief Kevin Davis said at his Baltimore Safety  Community meeting, He reminded us of how he remember when Cops used to walk  the BEAT and now that they have Cars  things have not been the same.  
I agree

I  Plan to Let U SEE.   Like the Young Ladies SCREAMING TO THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS.  HELP ME, U Don't CARE CAUSE U  Can’t HELP ME , AND U Are SUPPOSED To BE THE POLICE.  Especially as you smile and laugh in their faces as they morn in their way of Morning.  As if no one could see thru you or as if you don't really give a Damn about them2.

I also remember having The Muslim Nation and the Guarding Angels out there in strong force helping to keep our communities safe. 

 I will post pictures later of two different scenes where things never look as it seems. 

The Police officers are supposed to Protect and not be evil or mean or petty especially at a scene. Illegally stopping young or old minorities’ men and searching them with a Gleam or making them lie on the ground because they are looking clean. HOW MANY KNOW WHAT I MEAN?

As I looked around, it seemed very hard to catch or really deter crime or shooting while the Police Officers are chilling in their vehicles or just in a booth stand.

There are too many curbs and corners and back allies were things can go wrong and the officers can’t get there in time to apprehend the person or prevent the person from committing the crime.

 Like the officer said in the video, once we got the call, we reacted. 

But what if they were already walking  because  that was part of their responsibilities and once they heard the arguing and swearing like I heard walking pass them,  they could let their presence be felt and that would or could have stop  the situation.  If someone knew this young person had a gun, they should have, or could have said something, especially if you know that the person is an angry person.  I believe you will see tremendous drop in crime and murders.

It's like catching things Before it get out of control, Hopefully. 

I want to thank Police Chief Davis for really seeming like he is sincere about helping Baltimore be better, now he may have helped more than just his city.

 I just hope the powers to be are listening.  Because enough people have died from your stupid a$$ game about who is in charge. Obviously you are not because the criminal can do whatever they want because they can see you do not REALLY care, so why should they. 

I thought you were going to try to work on integrating the police officers into the communities. 

Could someone please tell me how you expect to build a relationship with communities while the Officers are in their vehicles?
Like I saw a security guard or something with special something on her uniform and she was hugging and crying with them like she really knew them. 

How are you supposed to achieve that sitting in a vehicle?

Like I said earlier the Baltimore Chief Kevin Davis sounds like he is really trying to take the lead in getting this done right. 

 We should respect The Subject Matter Expert as he should be, we could have implemented something by now while you and the CIA and all the other forces meet.

  I don’t know what it is. But you have to be truly committed or they will see right through you and continue to not listening or care about you or your Police crew. 

Also with the Love Boat, Water or PCP, hanging around, be prepared to deal with some Sh!T, but that numbers shouldn't be high. 

By placing officers on the ground, having them walking thru the neighborhood speaking & talking to the neighbors on regular basis could do wonders for your City. 

RIP   31-year-old Mrs. Tenika Fontanelle. Your son is a Brave young Man and he is Ok. He truly tried to save you from that bullet as he took it. I hope U can Rest knowing this. 

MoPoDC 4 Peace

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

I have Learned Don't Judge Because Thing aren't always What They Seem. MoPoDC4 Peace

I want to share a video with you that I recorded last night at the young lady vigil. Where she was killed by her neighbor's son who was 17 years old. The young lady's 12 year old son tried to stop him and ended up getting shot himself and lost his mother anyway.
My prayers go out him and his grandmother and every other person, Family, friends that are going through this. . I was truly glad I was able to be there to hug such a Courageous young man the Heart it took for him to do that.  I do not have the words to describe it.  I to him sorry for his lost that somehow “God’s is going use turns this into a positive I didn't know how but I believe this is going to happen and that I loved him".
 And If any of you know this young man or his family please show them all the love you can because they/he really needs right now. I saw the neighbors outside in front of his their apartment. They were giving each other hugs and arguing with the police how it's their fault that this happened and the police trying to explain how if they could have done more they would have and how they did not have any control over what went on in front of their house.

I must warn you there is profanity in this video by a young lady who looked like she was no more than 12 to 14 herself. 

If you recognize this young lady voice please do not judge her go show her some Love as well. 

Continue to hug each other talk to each other but try to do it without disrespecting each other because that never helps.

I will post another article about the same thing but in a different way and you can feel free to share your opinion so that we get this out in the forefront.

MoPoDC4 Peace

Please click on the video below

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


PLease STOP , This Volence  on each other has to STOP.  I know you hear these people crying over &  over x a hell of a lot.  Dont you get tired of it? Dont you get tired of always  having to look over ur b ack  worried that u may Get Got. Oh. I know :) " Anit afarid to die", Thats the BIIGGEST LIE, &  the Really  SAD  part is U Dnt Know Y.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Baltimore Safety Meeting Central District 8/5/15 @7pm

What’s up BMore?

Thank you to all that came out to the Public Safety forum the other night. It was really nice to see so many people who cared enough to show up and let their voices be heard.  And that they did.
Let me say thank you to the Mayor, Police Chief, Fire Chief, and the other officials, clergy leaders and community leaders that were present. I’m sure all who came out were there because they also want to help fix the problems affecting the community.

One problem we cannot seem to get around, and not just in Baltimore, is whether or not the persons who witnessed the crimes being committed will come forth and testify, or snitch as some would say.  Yes, it is snitching no matter how we choose to look at it.  But, if snitching can give you  and your neighborhood peace at night then why not?  What are your choices to feel safe? To not say anything  or to bring criminal offenders to justice and help more people from being affected,recruited, shut down, and misused by these types of people. Then we start having more of these type ,uninvolved, unconcerned, (apathetic) people because they think no one cares or there is just no hope there for improving their neighborhood.  At some point, we have to break that cycle of destructive behavior and say "not in my neighborhood". Now is the time to do it.

I heard of a couple of cases were someone was shot or killed in broad day light while people just watched the shooter(s) do it.  No one was charged in those incidents and that person is still walking around freely. This leads to my other question. What could the Police or Special Forces Police Team do in cases like these to reassure the safety of individuals and/or their family?
What special protection program could someone be placed under, which would ensure their identity is safe should they choose to testify in a neighborhood crime incident?

What about the "rats" inside the police department?  How do you "out" those who are leaking information or working with/for the thugs/ gangs?  

I would think these thoughts and more go through peoples' head when they are considering snitching.  Now, if we could come up with ways to remove some of these worries among others, maybe we can make some progress in addressing the community's concerns.

Alike, we stand together in the neighborhood with Baltimore's finest side by side in confronting those evil doers together. I don’t know what it will take, but we have to figure out something quickly because we are losing too many people... especially our young people.

Now back to the Safety meeting; I also heard people talk about their kids having nothing constructive to do around the area,which leaves kids a lot of time to get into trouble.  They also talked about reviving some of the community centers so that kids would have something available to help them stay out of trouble.  Akin to what Mr. Bill Knoll shared about when he was growing up, saying how the Recreation centers helped him stay out of trouble. Or, Mr. Bobby Powel when he talked about the old days when the police officers used to be part of the Boys Clubs and how that helped the kids maintain good behavior back in those days.  One young lady talked about getting some kind of counseling for the kids that are experiencing the loss of friends and love ones. Or the one young man, Mr. Bates I think, who was a great representation for the Baltimore people  in bringing up the closing of elementary schools and recreation centers and how the community opposed it.         
There were many more people who had great ideas, and the Mayor and Police Chief addressed everyone's concerns. But, I really loved what the new Police Chief had to say about trying to be the first to get this right, and how they want to make BMore better all-around they (Police force) are ready to get started with their new actions to try to treat all the people of Baltimore with respect and courtesy.    

Many people informed me that they are excited about the new changes; they just want something done in the mean time until Baltimore officials get a plan in place to combat the violence in their community. I heard some say that they wanted boots on the ground now in their neighborhood. That means police officers there to protect and serve, not to harass or stop every young black man or person they see... making them lie on the ground in the mud or rain or illegal searching them just because they can.

Overall, I was really happy about seeing the people in the community come together for one cause. Not only did they know some of the police officers that were there, but it seemed like they had a connection with them. The people also said they needed more police officers that they knew and understood the circumstances of their neighborhood.
Let’s keep a positive mind set and let’s see what more Mayor Rawling-Blake does with her new opportunity to help make things better for the community. But I appreciated her effort so far.
Nice job BMore. Things are starting to look up for you and your city.

 I feel like its just amount of time for the change to sink in.
One Love MoPoDC4 Peace

One Love , Peace MoPoDC click on link below 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Going Home Service Celebration

Life is so crazy, I have been to three different funeral this pass two weeks.  What's crazy is that two out of the three people were cousin Rita Fry and Geraldine Elizabeth Lee aka Tangy buried in the same cemetery on two different days. 

The other person had a Muslim funeral,  my friend son Rodney Davis.  This was my first time to a Muslim funeral. I am not sure if Rodney knew the other two but I think Rodney and Rita came from the same neighborhood that I came from Stone Gate. 

But the one thing that seems to bind them all together is their love for God and they all will be missed. RIP to all three.

However, Tangy s funeral resonated with more because of our history together and because she had cancer and was given a time line to live. With everything she went through losing her two daughters around the same age at two different times and yet even on her way out of this world she kept her faith and gave God praise.  She was blessed to be given a chance to write her own obituary.  She knew based on what the doctors see she did not have long to live but longer than what the doctors’ give. 
So she started writing her obituary, they say it took her several months even though she was only given several weeks to live. See the power of God's will. She finished her master piece which was truly a blessing to me and to others we will see. 

 Please see attachments below to read

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Thursday, July 2, 2015

India Arie Live at Java Jazz Festival 2014

I really like this young lady or her music and the vibe she brings to the stage. Awesome! Thank You for what you do, helping people to get through.  This page is dedicated to you. Mrs. India Arie

 MoPoDC4 Peace   One 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Breaking The Cycle Thru Amazing Grace Great Speech RIP Reverand Pinkney

Breaking the cycle thru Amazing Grace, It seems President Obama has renewed his faith and God has sent favor his way that we spread Love and not hate which is exactly what  Reverend Clementa Pinkney would say, Well done & RIP Rev like your life your death has open more eyes to see how God works through our surprise.
MoPoDC4 Peace  (One of the best speeches from our President)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thank U With Much Love #Bmore

Thank you to all that came out in support of  African American Festival in Baltimore. It was the Best father day weekend ever! Nothing but Love, Love,Love.  To the Police officers, again thank you for your service so that we could have a Blessed Father's day weekend and a chance for new start to the Freddy Gray story.
One Luv Bmore


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Love Is The Only Way The Baltimore Sun Wed June17, 2015 #Baltimore

Mayor on police slowdown: 'As long as they plan to cash their paychecks, my expectation is that they work' http://fw.to/QO5q1lf

Love for  Humanity, Love for  Peace, Love for your Children/Family could see how much their Lives Mean, Enough that you wouldn't let your ego come between the Dream. Remember this is bigger than it seems. We all play a part on the team, even if we don't know what that means. MoPoDC4 Peace

Please click on the link below

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Baltimore Stand Up For Yours# The Freddy Gray Story

What’s good B-More, I know it seems like trouble always knocking at your door first the Wire now the Freddy Gray Story.   What picture do you want them to depict, you living in the slums burnt down ruins or City that help its people kick?  
But when a few bad people causes harm breaking into the people business or burning down to no more, its like stabbing yourself in the arm then lying on the floor and  hoping you don t bleed out any more.
May Sound witty but the police officer not policing is sh!tty especially when Freddy Gray didn’t have to die that day.
Police officer took the oath that’s why, now I hearing some officer are just standing by while crime is being committed right before their eyes.
Is this how the story ends or do you pick yourself up and start over again, 1st the Police should try to make friends in the community?

Setting the stage for the whole world to see, like the Great people of Baltimore that came out to help keep the peace or the mother who son was throwing rocks at the police.

Are there more good people than bad are there more who care about their city & what it had or do the bad outweigh the Good?

The Best way to find out is by your action in your neighborhood.

Are you there to help or just do for self because everyone knows these pigs don’t care?

With that attitude you would be the right dude, because its’ start with you.
The Mayor, Police Chief and minsters calling for peace.
People patrolling their own streets see how many ways this Freddy Gray Story could be?
Baltimore you deserve better, I agree, but for that to happen, you got to stand together and agree
This is your city and no one loves it more than you.
But we all have to acknowledge the truth,  police brutality is what broke the glue because crime is something that every city goes through.
It’s about your local leaders and police officer taken positive action in what they do
Serve & Protect, Serve & Protect, Serve& Protect.
The choice is yours and so are the regrets
One Love B-More Stand UP For Yours

MoPoDC4 Peace

I hope you watch the video below