I hope everyone got a chance to hear these young ladies cry for help in the earlier video posted. Now what were you all focused on? What she was saying or her choice of words?
I believe this is more of what is going on in these high
crime areas all over the world.
People are begging for help and the Government local
and abroad are saying the same thing I hear all the time, we doing
all that we can like they said at my son's school when I asked for help for
him. Thank God for his Uncle Charles and Aunt Joyce or we would be in trouble.
"I am so sorry, we are doing all we can to help. We
brought in the FBI, CIA, SWAT, and we are meeting in the War Room coming up
with some great ideas".
That is how it looks to me.
The worst part is, it seems like it's a World Wide issue. As Chris Rock said "Did you call
Shaq" ? Not that this is a laughing matter.
Case in point, as I approach the Van, the
officers except for one, were all sitting in their vehicles watching the
Congressional Heights Apartment People ( CHAP) morn their lost. I
continue to walk further into the complex when I heard the Heated exchange
between two people one sounding like a child.
I went over to see what was going on and as I
approach from behind the van, an officer was standing outside of the Driver
side. The young ladies were screaming cursing, and crying all the same time, as
you may have heard from my earlier posting.
You also heard me try to tell her at that point
in time that the Police was not to blame. But when I walked up I thought I saw
one of the officer’s sort of enticing the situation. Not verbally, more
so, their body language and facial expression, as the officers is trying to
explain how they tried to help once they got the call but seem to really be
irritated with the young lady in a sarcastic way with a childish grin on their
Funny that this article went this way, I asked
a young man to help me understand something as we hung out in the same
neighborhoods and everything.
I did encounter one or two gun situations
and I carried a gun and was not afraid to use it.
I thank God that I never had to use it or
got the chance to use, other than that, I never had any really crazy run-ins,
plus, I hung out in DC all the time and LOVED EVERY MINUTE/SECOND OF IT
:) :) :) :)
I was thinking, what was going on back then that's I don't
see either at all or enough now?
. Then I thought about what Baltimore Police Chief Kevin
Davis said at his Baltimore Safety Community meeting, He reminded us of
how he remember when Cops used to walk the BEAT and now that they have
Cars things have not been the same.
I agree
I Plan to Let U SEE. Like the Young Ladies
Can’t HELP ME , AND U Are SUPPOSED To BE THE POLICE. Especially as you smile and laugh in their
faces as they morn in their way of Morning. As if no one could see thru
you or as if you don't really give a Damn about them2.
I also remember having The Muslim Nation and the Guarding
Angels out there in strong force helping to keep our communities safe.
I will post pictures later of two different scenes where
things never look as it seems.
The Police officers are supposed to Protect and not be evil
or mean or petty especially at a scene. Illegally stopping young or old
minorities’ men and searching them with a Gleam or making them lie on the
ground because they are looking clean. HOW MANY KNOW WHAT I MEAN?
As I looked around, it seemed very hard to catch or really
deter crime or shooting while the Police Officers are chilling in their
vehicles or just in a booth stand.
There are too
many curbs and corners and back allies were things can go wrong and the
officers can’t get there in time to apprehend the person or prevent the person
from committing the crime.
Like the officer said in the video, once we got the
call, we reacted.
But what if they were already walking because that was part of their responsibilities and
once they heard the arguing and swearing like I heard walking pass them,
they could let their presence be felt and that would or could have stop
the situation. If someone knew
this young person had a gun, they should have, or could have said something,
especially if you know that the person is an angry person. I believe you
will see tremendous drop in crime and murders.
It's like catching things Before it get out of control, Hopefully.
I want to thank Police Chief Davis for really seeming
like he is sincere about helping Baltimore be better, now he may have helped
more than just his city.
I just hope the powers to be are listening. Because
enough people have died from your stupid a$$ game about who is in charge. Obviously
you are not because the criminal can do whatever they want because they can see
you do not REALLY care, so why should they.
I thought you were going to try to work on integrating the
police officers into the communities.
Could someone please tell me how you expect to build a
relationship with communities while the Officers are in their vehicles?
Like I saw a security guard or something with special
something on her uniform and she was hugging and crying with them like she
really knew them.
How are you supposed to achieve that sitting in a vehicle?
Like I said earlier the Baltimore Chief Kevin Davis sounds
like he is really trying to take the lead in getting this done right.
We should respect The Subject Matter Expert as he
should be, we could have implemented something by now while you and the CIA and
all the other forces meet.
I don’t know what it is. But you have to be truly committed or they will see right through you and continue to not listening or care about you or your Police crew.
Also with the Love Boat, Water or PCP, hanging around, be prepared
to deal with some Sh!T, but that numbers shouldn't be high.
By placing officers on the ground, having them walking thru
the neighborhood speaking & talking to the neighbors on regular basis could
do wonders for your City.
RIP 31-year-old Mrs. Tenika Fontanelle. Your son
is a Brave young Man and he is Ok. He truly tried to save you from that bullet
as he took it. I hope U can Rest knowing this.
MoPoDC 4 Peace
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