Saturday, September 24, 2011

Particle Travel Faster Than Light Year, That's Right- Possibilities-

It's this change I see, could it be –Possibilities or will it be that President isn't for me; he has done nothing, See!!  Things like this, we forget. like the kind that happens in DC and now some regret.
 We have to stop being so easy to fall prey to their underhanded ways.
Let’s not forget the fight the Latinos Teachers pitched-Safe School , created 0 incidents since.  As they march & cry for Unity and Peace to only 2 Live---------in Harmony. 
As some of these Evil Doers, do understand; some may be a family man.  Either way all know what they do is wrong, especially when it hits home.
 I’m asking all the Gangs and Drug Lords, what every negative, robbing, dirty underhanded group you are in, especially the ones that are hurting our teacher and kids, as they, or we struggle to live, to please stop your violent ways so that a Bright Future will be our most days and figure out a way to do business without jealousy, envy or hatred or anything of the sort.
Either figure out a way to accepted your loses peacefully or be prepared to have the Law knocking at your door and you on the floor.  Because, you are in a new era, the Changes have started to Grow and We The People Are Saying No.   We do not attend to let you kill it or us.  I don’t care about your business or how you do things other than you are hurting our Future, our Dreams, and most of all Your Own People.
Yep, I know I am asking something Crazy and maybe farfetched, but even though I am not a gambling man, here is where I place my Bet. J,” but you never know until you asked. I love this quote. Its’ not complicated, it’s just MathJ.  The more people you hurt, the more time you would add in preventing us from reaching our Dream maybe quicker than one imaging.

I believe there is enough to go around, so stop letting your soul and your self-worth, be controlled by Fashion and gets you down.  I’m just Asking.


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