I heard Baltimore had a local election but people were not happy with the options or didn’t know about the election so a Republican won. I also heard in New York another Republican won for that area because the Democratic person that was running is Jewish and because he and the Jewish community are upset with the President they wanted to send him a message to teach him so kind of lession. Another Democratic Senator saying that the Job Bill is too long so he doesn’t support it. This message is for you:
It’s people like you who have given the Democratic Party a bad name.
All of you that think you are hurting the President by not getting involved or running for offices with false pretense are wrong. The American people will suffer, our kids will suffer. The time has come for all of you to put your ill will and jealousy aside and stand with the one person who seems to truly have the American people best interest in mind. The only way we the American people can win is if we stick together. We need people in office that have a passion to help our teachers, our schools, and our kids to have a brighter future. We need people that understand that this is bigger than us or our President. This is the change we have been longing for and we do not need Politician whores who sell their souls for more. Let’s go back to the good ole President Jimmy Carter days were the dollar bill was not the true measure of your ways.
The Change has come for Peace today in every way. MoPoDC
Please view below as the President speak to NC State University
Please view below as the President speak to NC State University
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