Friday, December 30, 2011

Thank U - & Happy New Year 2012 MoPoDC One Love

Another New Year 2gether, were so many people stepped up to Help one another through out the year, A Christmas CheerJ, I want to say, Thank You J because 2gether is what pulled us thru,  

Now let’s help make this New Year Better- 2gether

Have a Wonderful  & Blessed New Year 2012 J 

One-MoPoDC- that's Me :)   Please Click below

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Congrats 2 My Mother

Congrats to my mother for going back to school at her age & making the Dean list two semesters in a row. 

Great example of U never to old to want to Grow. Way to go.

Love U Ma.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Rather or not we see it; we are all examples, Examples of what to do or not to do., or example to be or not to be, just as long as we are free. .

What we have to understand, that this is Bigger than U and Me.

Government shutdown in the year of 95 and 96, another fight against the Rich.  

All who gained in the name are now trying to drive the American people insane, with their selfish ways and selfish days buying up companies & then liquidate; these are not bums standing at the gate.

Blocking bills that could help, like the CFPB > Consumer Financial Protection Bureau established to preserved the wealth, or the possibilities to have a decent Health Care, not including the job bills 

Has anyone noticed that most of our problems stemmed from the Hill?

 Is it that they feel, that people always complain, protest, and then chill.

Another example of our Will, stay involved to help heal

We stand with all of those who care, Occupy, Move On, Our DC and, and can’t forget the Union’s Luv and still people rights to vote are being slugged.

On top of this, Congress debating if they should go on vacation while the government shut down.   Examples, examples, how does that sound?

The Hill set the tone, contributing to people loosing their status, money, and homes.

People continue to make this a class warfare, when it’s really a question do people really care, so far a low voter’s turnout every off year.

We are protesting and you believe the smear, telling the media you hope they disappear

Congress has left the building, while our President is still here, trying to help the American people overcome their fear, that the House want vote on the Senate Bill. 
This Is Not A Game,People Are Hurting For Real.

Please get involved and Stay involved the only way we can help solve.

 Wishing you all  a Blessed Christmas & New Year  from our Lord above but most of all ,I wish you a whole lot of Love. 

Peace- MoPoDC

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Friends of the President- Loudoun-Team MoPoDC

show details 12:12 PM (14 hours ago)
Friends of the President,

If you weren’t at Christmas in Middleburg last weekend, you missed a unique event. Many of us walked in the Parade as Obama for America-Loudoun, making sure folks in the county know there are supporters right in their neighborhood.  I overheard a couple of women timidly saying “Wow, that’s a good sign that there are folks that interested in the President’s re-election”.  What an excellent reminder of why we need to be highly visible! There are folks in the county still feeling alone in their support of the President—and waiting to join our cause.  Join us to get the word out and help re-elect President Obama

Like us on FB, see what you missed, and keep up on upcoming events

Don’t miss the parade this Saturday, Dec. 10,  as we march in the Leesburg Christmas and Holiday Parade.  We’ll gather at the Virginia Village Shopping Center on Catoctin Circle at 8:45 AM and carpool to Ida Lee at 9 AM.  Please bring wrapped candy to give to the children, wear your favorite holiday gear and be ready to have a great time! Bring the family.  RSVP to

We need folks who are interested in joining the following outreach efforts:  Latino, Muslim, Christian, youth, senior, women.  We’ll be planning events throughout December and 2012 to bring constituents from these and many other areas into our organization.
Want to help plan parties, plan events, assist with fundraising events?  We need your talents!   Can you help folks with Letters to the Editor?  RSVP

Please see the following for many of our events this week and weekend.

Thanks for all you do,

Jan Wilson
Community Organizer

Tuesday, December 6, Ashburn, 7-9 PM, meeting to reach out to former volunteers and build the Ashburn Obama team, contact Gail at

Tuesday, Western Loudoun, 6:45 PM---join the weekly meeting and phone bank meeting this week at Grandale Farm, 14001 Harpers Ferry Rd in Purcellville. We will be meeting at the house on the farm. Check out their website for directions: or  On December 13th and 20, join the Western Loudoun Group at the Purcellville Library at 6:45 PM.

Leesburg, Wednesday December 7, 7-9 PM, join us to reach out to former volunteers and current supporters of the President to join our OFA team and find out how you can help in the re-election efforts. RSVP to me at this email

Sterling, Wednesday, December 7, 6:30-8:30 PM, join us to reach out to former volunteers and current supporters of the President. RSVP to

Leesburg Christmas and Holiday Parade on 12/10/11. See above.  RSVP to Zach at
Voter Registrations Saturday and Sunday, December 10 and 11—RSVP at the corresponding link

Saturday, Dec. 10, Sterling Voter Registration (8:00 am - 10:00 am & 10:00 am - 12:00 pm)
Staging Location: Sterling DMV.  RSVP at the link

Saturday, Dec 10, Purcellville-Day of Action Event (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM)
Staging Location: Giant

Saturday, Dec. 10,  Leesburg Voter Registration Day of Action (2:00 PM - 5:00 PM)
Staging Location: Giant on Market Street

Sunday, Dec. 11, Purcellville Voter Registration and Day of Action, noon -4 PM
Staging Location:  Giant in Purcellville

Saturday, December 17, Leesburg Lattes and Learning, 9-11 AM at Jan’s house. Details on the subjects to follow. RSVP to me

Saturday, Dec. 17, Faith Based Outreach will have an organizational meeting and 2012 kickoff.  Details to follow, but SAVE THE DATE

Monday, December 5, 2011

Thanks Giving

It seems like a Nice Thanksgiving this past weekend with all the giving that people and organizations where doing this year.  Churches opening up to feed Occupiers and people giving away turkeys and other types of food.  In fact at the USO and 700 other agencies were granted the ability to served from 150 to 1,400 people this year Per the Post  

The news reported Marion Barry passed out enough turkeys to feed all of Washington DC and managed to recruited more people to Get Involve in their community.

S/O to Mosby family for hanging in there and everyone that is helping them get through.

Another family who Husband was in the IT field and had been laid off and can’t seem to find steady work then to add fuel to the flames, their kids become seriously ill.  How does that make you feel?

Some may say, that’s life, but if it wasn’t from the help they received, where would they be, where would their kids be?

Solders who return home from combat and their jobs are gone.  This was something I read about this Thanksgiving weekend.  The great thing is so many people and organization stepped up and helped.

Our solders served their county and they need their country to serve them. 

 Reading in the papers how Veterans retires have used 88 million in food stamp at US commissaries and this year, so many military families stood in long lines for a free turkey, because they are struggling to stay afloat.  
Our brave men and women and their families who fought for us are now fighting to survive these hard times.

Which proves we need to do more to help the American People, not less?

So if Simpson-Bowles “& Super Committee wants to cut Entitlements, let’s asked them to start with theirs 1st  I know it sound far fetch, but  there has to be something we can do.  I heard another idea; were media was talking about asking Congress to take a pay cut.
Either way, I created a petition asking all Congress to donate their Social Security income back to the Entitlement fund. In hopes to help reduce the strain on Entitlements and help prevent our Senior Citizens, Veterans, and   Military& People with disability, from having to just eat peas to please.  

This is my 1st Petition and I wanted to try to put a stop to all sides asking to cut Entitlements, when our American people are struggling to live, then we talk about Give. MoPoDC

Monday, November 21, 2011

My 1st Protest on The Key Bridge- 99% MoPoDC

I had a chance to participate in my first protest on the Key Bridge last week. 

I was surprise at the turn out & how so many different people came together in Solidarity.

S/O to:  Our DC, OccupyDC, and all of the different Unions and groups of people in other states that showed up to show their support  for the cause and demonstrating in a Peaceful manor. 

S/O to the Mayor & the Police Chief for not trying to escalate anything.

Like the young lady said on the news, just because you removed the Tents, does not change how passionate people feel about the cause or why they are motivated in the first place.   

People are Demonstrating in Peace for equality for jobs, education and fair housing ; just to name a few things most people seemed to be really upset about.   

People are tired of being taken advantage of, tired of politicians in office saying that they are fighting against, while taking money from.

We were on the Key Bridge chanting “We need jobs, and we need them now” &  "Human need, not Corporate Greed" and a few other Great chants I may share later.

A bunch of People who wants to contribute to society by working or holding down some type of job, but because of political games, and Congress not passing Bills that could put people back to work, we have to Demonstrate how much it Hurts.

Let’s stop being the cause and let’s try to be part of the Solution by focusing on Rebuilding a Better Future. MoPoDC

Monday, November 14, 2011

You Are Not Exempt

S/O to Occupy Freedom Plaza where I met a few Vets this weekend & thanked them for their services and what they stood for.  

Which surprise me; because some wanted the military to make cuts and stop wasting the money on expensive stuff to stock pile, especially when they could spend the money taking better care of our Soldiers with PTSD and VETs or anyone who served and that could used the help. 

We should not have one of the highest suicide rates after giving so much; that’s not including colleges.  
In case you did not hear me, I said the highest suicides.

Why are those toys worth more than a Soldier's life or your life for that matter?  

So, what can we do?  

We can fight back by taking a stand and saying -No More.  Now, the question is, how far are we willing to go to show that we really mean  No More. 

What will it take to let them know that you are For REAL?  

You are afraid to vote because you feel everyone is on the take, All Parties. 

S/O to Media for exposing a lot of it, & S/O to Wiki leak for helping to expose things as well.  I think because they could not find that balance of what not to leak it hurt them in a since.

Big as the media is and as big as Wiki leak grew, what’s happen in the end, they blocked funding to some and wrote bills to get around other.  

There was a special on CNN that talked about how companies go overseas to avoid human right laws & cost.  They sell their product back to us undercutting competitions that are trying to play by the rules & yet we still support companies like Wal-Mart, Verizon and others by buying their products.  

 See, how you are affected by this greedy mentality.    So what choices are you left with?

During my stay in McPherson #OccupyDC this weekend, a young lady came out and asked for help against how Wal-Mart is cutting their Health Insurance, their hours and profit sharing and  that Wal-Mart feels It’s going to do whatever they want and still open stores in Washington D.C. despite how the people or the Mayor feel about them. They have a point , we seemed to shop there no matter how we feel about what they are doing.

When nothing is really being done because everyone turns a blind eye to the injustices that have plague this World.   So, Thank U  OcuppyFreedomPlazaDC- for Standing & Thank U 60 Minutes for bringing  it to light.

What bothers me the most is how we can demand perfection from others but can’t give it ourselves? 

How do we put a stop to the influence big companies have in Congress? 

Some people that are occupying, are occupying because they lost their homes, their jobs, because of these political games.

They have no place to go because some people cut the funding that could help them get on their feet. 

Now, people are trying to cut their self-esteem by looking down on those that can’t clearly communicate all of the injustices that is been done to them.  

So, now the Occupiers looked like the trouble makers

See how people give in to the media and their propaganda.    

People are feed up and seemed to be at wits end in how to fix it without starting over.   

Rewrite the laws so that they are just and fair across the board.  

Provide people a place to lay their head in a safe environment. 

This does not seem like a lot to ask.  In fact, I think it falls under basic Human Rights or let them Occupy.  

Of course  big business and government wants it both ways, they don't want to help and they don’t want you occupying their space. 

 So, what should we do?

I saw some nice quotes engraved in the sidewalk at Freedom Plaza this weekend and  I  thought I would share in closing: 

 Where American citizen may be stronger, he  is at home here. Fredrick Douglass 1877

But the great question which confronted this body in 1945 is still before us: whether man's cherished hopes for progress and peace are to be destroyed by terror and disruption, whether the "foul winds of war" can be tamed in time to see the cooling winds of reason, and whether the pledges of our charter are to be fulfilled or defied--pledges to secure peace, progress, human rights and world law. John F, Kennedy 

Working Together For The Cause & Standing For Women's Rights and the People's fight.

One Luv & Peace From Above- MoPoDC

Thursday, November 10, 2011

1st Timer- I just wonder what it would take for more people to care enough to make voting your civic duty MoPoDC

Sitting at the Polls on Nov 8, was my first time doing something like this.  I started getting involved into politics last year because of the unjust things that I feel were being done to our President Obama.  I felt like he was and is trying to do the right things to help our country.  Even in how we campaign, I got the impression the President wanted to run a different type of campaign, a campaign that did not involve any underhanded or mean spirited dealing.  Just stick to the facts and present your case and let the people decide thru their votes.

In getting involved, I discovered how important the local races are. 

How the local races have a direct effect on our roads, schools, programs and development of our community.

I’ve learned that some people want to make drastic cuts to a already struggling systems; which will only hurt us.  Which is why I believe we should be more involved with the local races, like showing up to vote.

   Again, being that I am new to the process, as I  championed for certain candidates in Sterling, I learned a lot.  Doing my time at the poll, this guy showed up dressed like one of the opponents imitating him and carrying a sign that said SES Pool and greeting people telling them to vote for him.  I thought it really upset some of the voters and  the opponent of course, however; I thought it was funny and a good idea except the part were he engaged voters, even though I heard the opponent said similar things about the candidates I was supporting.  But I later heard it was not true.  

In talking to others standing out there at the polls when it all occurred, some felt that the guy was trying to incite something.  In looking back on it, I could see how people would feel that way especially if the person never really done those things to you in the first place.   Regardless of a candidates win or lose, it should be more about how you play the game.

As few of you may already know, I  do not agree with one of my candidate’ s opponent and I feel that his stay will hurt Sterling down the road, but his campaigning and his marketing and most of all the energy he displayed at the polls  hands-down were really impressive.  Staying within the guidelines of where we could stand near the poll, showing respect to each other and allowing the people to have a enjoyable trip to the polls.   I try to give credit where credit is due.  I was really impressed.

Which brings me to this point; we need some good candidates.  We need some young people to rise to the occasion.  You are the next generation, the future the next- Steve Jobs, or business owner, or President of the United States . We need you to get ready for this challenge that has been bestowed upon you. 

 Given our status quo, who knows?   

While sitting at the polls, this school bus dropped  some kids off from a private Christian school that my son attended in the second grade. 

The things I saw my son and other kids learned and accomplished blew my mind?   Then we switched to public school and I saw the different in the teaching. 

 If our kids have the ability to learn more at a faster rate why  not try to challenged them as a teacher in a public school as if you were in a private school.

 S/O to the Fairfax Christian School for their kindness & love they showed my family during my son tenure. 

That is why Nov 8, 2011 was so important and because of all the circumstances we might have lost our chance for this term.  We may be stuck with status quo.     

 We have too many people running unopposed.   We need candidates that will run a noble type of race like I believe President Obama is trying to do.  I understand there will be hitting below the belt and things, but on the day of election.

 I would think we would want to make  that day as peaceful as we can for the voters, because at this point people minds are sort of made up.   If we seem like we are antagonist at the polls, that could change people view of us.

At least that what I think I have learned after this terrible lost in Sterling.    

Times have changed, no more stepping in the race for the game.  We had an increase in voters turn out on Tuesday, which was a good sign.  Now we need to improve on that.

 As we were talking to our son about some of my candidates that I was supporting, my son asked “do you have to vote?”

Of course the answer was no; however, we explained to him you should vote all the time, given the sacrifices people paid for us to have the right.  I just wonder what it would take for more people to care enough to make voting your civic duty.

 I heard that several times at the polls.  It’s my duty.

There are few countries that make voting mandatory or they will be fined.  That is another idea.  But then people will be protesting, their right not to vote. :( Go figure.

 That’s why it’s important to know history, and what we went thru to get to this point. 

  However; I do blame both parties because, some feel like neither one really cares and in the end they are going to do what’s best for the people with money and the ones that gives the most to their campaign.  So in essence, our politicians are partly to blame.  

Which I also think part of the reason why we struggle like we do, because in the past, we let big companies and government gets away with during us a disservice. 

People I do what I do because I really care.  In doing what I do, if I make mistakes, or miss a step, please charge it to my heart, because I don’t plaaaay my part. 

Regardless if this is your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd time, let's  make sure that no woman, man or child is left behind & let your light shine, especially on your grind.
Peace - MoPoDC
Please click on link below

Monday, November 7, 2011

#OccupyDC- & Molly Katchpole- Voting Tomorrow Nov 8, 2011 Thank U- MoPoDC

Had a chance to go to McPherson Sq the other day and spend the night with #OccupyDC.  I was amazed at how all of these different people with different back grounds came together in unity to support the cause.  People were nice; they had a nice book store and a makeshift-kitchen which feeds the community.  It was good to hear how the surrounding shops are showing support by donating food and clothes and things to help the movement.   However, #OccupyDC could use more help with donations.  
Please show your support by donating whatever you can food, clothes, monetary, whatever you can provide.  
During my stay a group of them were rallying at the Convention Center and four people were hit by a car protesting against the Coke Brothers and their meeting here in Washington DC.  Out of the four, one young lady was sent to the hospital to be checked out.  There were disagreements in how the DC police officers are handling this, I just found out the case has been passed over to MPD, the Internal Affairs office.   More to come.  At the same time arresting two protesters and a man walking by.  This is the kind of craziness that makes things escalate.  Especially when those that are seemed to turned a blind eye to a young lady, a protester get run-over by a car while she is out there standing for those exact same people is a sad sight for sore eyes.  The last time I checked, our first responders, like police officers, are getting let go thru budget’s cuts and the Republicans did block a Bill to help keep them from jobs increases.  
I also heard during the rally that there were a few protesters that were kicking people cars and screaming thru their windows and trying to incite violence.  I know a lot of you are so fed up that you feel like it going to come down to that and I’m saying to you, are you ready to make any demands before  giving in to destruction.  Have we been able to point to one, or two items that could have  impact on us today.  We have to first give them a chance to Right their Wrong then relook at whether or not that behavior is necessary.  But if we tear down another person establishment; how are we being part of the solution?  That business could be one of our business and plus a few of them are supporting the movement then we turn around and vandalized their establishment.  Let win this battle from all sides like Molly Katchpole age 22 started a petition for  Bank Of America raising their fees  while, together with  OccupyWallStreet/World marching and making it so easy to file a petition, we were able to get the banks to rethink those fees.    
I wrote a Blog asking How Much Is Enough Before You Will Stand- There are people pitching tents outside in the cold ,while the people with the power and money are continually placing us in these situations where our economy is the worst since the great depression and it’s looking like it’s about to get worst. 
I’m hearing Verizon’s Union is about to go back on strike.  It appears they have not been able to work out agreement.  Now, the crazy thing is; it also appears Verizon may try to shut the Union out, if they go back on strike.  If that it is the case, another example of Big Companies don’t give a Damn and Verizon at the top.

These companies feel like they are Too Big To Failed until they fall.  Is that the kind of behavior or relationship you want to have to see if you  or your business  could be shut down, when all we ask for is at least a fair compensations for time given to your success.  Let’s not let it come down to this before we find a middle ground.  Let’s be the first to achieved Peace, let be the second to achieves what Gaddiff achieved for his country with his actions truly for his people, however misguided they may have became or seemed.  Everyone had the basic necessities like rent free homes, free health care and whatever else.  The Basic things to live.  We can achieve this if we get involve and stay involved. Voting is tomorrow from 6-7pm. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Our right to vote Nov 8, 2011 #occupyWallStreet/World-.- MoPoDC

 Our right to vote, we have witness our people go thru great lengths to established this, and yet,  some people are so fed up with all sides that they lost interest they lost hope, their will to care.  So what are they to do?   Not vote-,- which is the wrong place to be,- just because you proved your point does not make it right,- because if our schools suffers , our teachers and kids suffer & we suffer as a Nation.                                                                     This is not about party, this is about doing the right thing for the right reasons.                            Please Vote in Your Local Elections -We ThePeople-#occupyWallStreet/World-  MoPoDC                                                                                                                                            Absentee Voting - If it can snow this weekend, it can snow on
November 8th. Don't count on being able to make it to the polls if you
have a job and commute on that Tuesday. Absentee vote today! You can
actually go vote IN PERSON, right now:

"Absentee voting for the November 8, 2011, General Election is now
taking place at the Voter Registration Office, 750 Miller Drive, S.E.,
Suite C, Leesburg, 20175.  Hours for voting are Monday to Friday 8:30
a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Extended hours will start on October 24 and end on November 5, 2011.
Monday through Friday hours will be from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. On
Saturday, October 29 and Saturday, November 5, the hours will be 8:30
a.m. to 5:00 p.m.                                              
Saturday, November 5, 2011, is the last day to vote an absentee ballot
in person."

 Polls will be open from 6am to 7pm..

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gadhafi," Every One Of Us Good or Bad Serves A Purpose; "-MoPoDC

 I just read a nice article on Gadhafi & about the good he has done.  I also heard he was truly about Peace, and that every one of us Good or Bad serves a purpose; it’s by Designed.  

Which gets me to asking what could be so dyer that would cause you to not only overthrow your Leader, your Savior, the one that made it possible that you were healthy enough to fight & you shoot  him in the head. L

You shot an un-armed man in the head then put his body on display while holding up the Peace sign. That to me is a bad sign already.  The start of something that could put your country in turmoil or ruin the great things Gadhafi did achieved before his death---- 

Let Your Actions Be What People See- MoPoDC.

Which is why I questioned how some of us are easy to be influenced- me included; partly by Hope & the other, your Word.  Trusting you would do what you said you would.

For Gadhafi to do what I believe is not only the first but the only one to do what he has done,- In fact, if these things be true, I believe this concept could apply to Me & U. MoPoDC   I know he has done horrible things.  I also know our America leaders have done horrible things as well & still is and I would suspect so have every other leader that is in power.

Because life past should have thought us from the last, each time it’s not until someone puts a foot into our A$$.  

Why can’t we achieve something like that but do it together as One?  Why can’t we respect each other for who they are even though we do not like who they become? 

Again, nice article, it makes you think who is next, and has it really come down to this or is this some hyped up accusation.

I don’t know about other leaders of today but to achieve what this article say Gadhfi did to me shows the type of Love I Wish & Pray For.   

I’ve heard the president comment on how China is dictatorship & because leaders like him and Gadhfi have great ideas for their country and they are going to try it; no debating, but unfortunately it seems like China Leaders are willing to do it at any cost. -   Where is the Love?  As people walk by and watch a baby run over & do nothing.

Have you ever wonder what America would be like if we let our President lead. Instead, we sabotage ourselves from the mere fact of truly living the impossible.

I’m seeing, new signs everyday especially with the #OccupyWallStreet/World

We undercut ourselfivies, by achieving the biggest Birth to Grave deceit of mankind.  

"It’s All about Me"-   We all play a role on earth and whatever that role is, thoroughly  it’s not all about youJ but more about -What about you?

Only way you can tell that story is by your actions.

What about you-Libya, What about you-Congress, What about you- America, What about you- Leaders across the World?

Please click on link below to see article

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Gov. Bob McDonnell & Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s - MoPoDC

BY JIM NOLAN  Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s protracted battle with the Environmental Protection Agency over its process for regulating greenhouse gases took another legal step this week. On Monday, the AG’s office filed its response to the EPA related to its appeal of the agency’s 2009 ruling that carbon dioxide and other gases are pollutants that pose a threat to humans.

Gov. Bob McDonnell chided the federal government Tuesday for standing in the way of developing energy resources he called vital to the country's future.

Besides Virginia and Texas, the thirteen other states in the suit are Alabama, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Nebraska, Michigan, and Kentucky.   Who would you blame for contaminated drinking supply or for breathing in fumes that can cause cancer or other sickness? Self for allowing it to happen & for not getting involved or these current leaders in office. It's time for a change- MoPoDC

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sterling District - Winning Loudoun County, Virginia MoPoDC

Precincts and Polling Places
If you are unsure of your precinct, check your voter registration card,search here or call 703-777-0380.
  • Buchanan - Guilford Elementary School
  • Claude Moore Park - Claude Moore Recreation Center
  • Forest Grove - Forest Grove Elementary School
  • Guilford - Sterling Middle School
  • Mirror Ridge - Sugarland Elementary School
  • Park View - Park View High School
  • Rolling Ridge - Rolling Ridge Elementary School
  • Seneca - Seneca Ridge Middle School
  • Sully - Sully Elementary School

Virginia Senate - District 31

Precincts: Seneca

Virginia Senate - District 33

Precincts: Sully, Park View, Rolling Ridge, Guilford, Forest Grove, Buchanan, Claude Moore Park and Mirror Ridge

Virginia House - District 34

Precincts: Seneca

Virginia House - District 86

Precincts: Sully, Park View* and Forest Grove
*Some Park View voters may be included in House District 87. See this map for details.

Virginia House - District 87

Precincts: Park View*, Rolling Ridge, Guilford, Buchanan, Claude Moore Park and Mirror Ridge
*Some Park View voters may be included in House District 87. See this map for details.

School Board - Sterling District

School Board - Countywide At Large

Board of Supervisors - Sterling District

Board of Supervisors - Chairman At Large

Commissioner of Revenue

Soil & Water Conservation Director - At Large

Vote for three.

Ballot Questions

Vote yes or no.
Acquisition of Fire and Rescue Apparatus - Shall the County of Loudoun, Virginia contract a debt and issue its general obligation capital improvement bonds in the maximum amount of $3,000,000 to finance in whole or in part, the cost to acquire fire and rescue capital apparatus?

School Capital Projects - Shall the County of Loudoun, Virginia contract a debt and issue its general obligation capital improvements bonds in the maximum amount of $169,620,000 to finance in whole or in part, the cost to design, construct and equip the new Moorefield Station Elementary School (ES-16), Ashburn Area Elementary School (ES-22), Ashburn Area Middle School (MS-6), Ashburn Area High School (HS-8), and Park View High School Renovation?
Election Date Change (For the Town of Leesburg Only) - Shall the Town of Leesburg change the election date of the Mayor and members of the Town Council from the May general election to the November general election in even-numbered years, beginning with a change in the scheduled May 2012 election to November 2012