Saturday, April 30, 2011

RIP Sister Evans: Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Sister Evans passed away on April 24, 2011 on  Easter morning  What a beautiful service she had. People sad & People glad, which was not bad. 

As the young lady explained. " To know Sister Evans is to know a person who truly loves the Lord & calls on his name. So for her, it wasn't hard, because she was where she wanted to be, with her heavenly" & that touched me.

As she is smiling down & we gather around & making a joyful sound "I Got A Testimony"  The choir is putting it down, which rung so true, while sharing tears was all that I could do.
The solder for the Lord, was a tiny woman, but godly hard. On hear death bed, she prayed for others to seek the Lord. Constantly touching those in her path, sharing the Love she had & that will always last.

As they stood up one by one talking about how she wouldn't quit until her job was done. Preaching unity & Love, Peace & Prosperity from above

Thank You Sister Evans for being a women of God & not caring if it a made you look odd. 

RIP Sister Evans:  Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

NBA Players, People are always watching even when you think they are not. Always give it everything you got RIP Sister Sylvia Evans

Yesterday  I attended a funeral of Sister Sylvia Evans, in describing the type of person she was,  Pastor William E Peterson at( Deliverance Freewill Baptist Church) ( Who did a wonderful job speaking at her funeral) used the NBA as a analogy in how each team never gives up in the games. They play to the last second on the clock.  What a great way for someone to described you at the end of  your day. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Coolest Thing

The coolest thing to me is when my son who is 10yr says "Did u see me daddy I ran into home base twice". His 1st time playing baseball

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Medicare Concerns

Class Warfare is what I hear as if these people don't care to be so eager to do away with Medicare, so that their kids could lives as Heirs & others just disappear.

Open Government

Open Government

President Obama signed the Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government as his first executive action, ushering in a new era of open and accountable government meant to bridge the gap between the American people and their government: The Obama Administration is reshaping government according to three core values:
Transparency. Government should provide citizens with information about what their government is doing so that government can be held accountable.
Participation. Government should actively solicit expertise from outside Washington so that it makes policies with the benefit of the best information.
Collaboration. Government officials should work together with one another and with citizens as part of doing their job of solving national problems.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Joining Forces Our 1st Lady & Mrs Biden

The 1st Lady and Mrs Biden just held a conference honoring the Military Families. These ladies seem so cool. They have created a website to help Military Families.  .  Hats off to these wonderful women.. President & Vice President are two lucky men to have great wives like them.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Don't Worry About Your Opponent & Intention Is EveryThing By Oprah Winfrey

I watched OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) tonight for the 1st time on FIOS Channel 161. The show was called Master Class. It was about Oprah and how life has it's OWN path no matter how much we try to controlled it.
I thought it was a very inspiring show. She had a lot of great quotes. One of my favorite was when she said "

"Any one pretending to be who they are will never reach their full potential"

If you have not seen this show, I would recommend it to every person. It was mind blowing for me.
I also heard that since she decided to openly support Mr. Obama her rating has dropped. I don't know if that is true or not. But I will say this, after all she has done, we the people need to show her love and tune  into her network and show her the support that she has shown us. I do not mean us personally but us in general.
So Support, support, support

Friday, April 8, 2011

Budget Cuts Bickering Who Do You Blame

How much sense does it make to say Democrats are not serious about the cuts so you are not going to agree on a # & cause so many innocent people to suffer while you bicker, & snicker about who looks bad. This kind of nonsense make me want to say kiss my A$$.
 If you are effected by this you should be mad.

Mad enough to show these people that enough is enough.  Not do like we did last time and change our minds  and voted Bush right back into office; then we cry about the outcome.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Juila Cameron Author of Artist's Way Quote

An affirmation is a positive statement of (positive) belief, and if we can become one-tenth as good at positive self-talk as we are at negative self-talk, we will notice an enormous change.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Life was not easy growing up and I'm for sure it wasn't easy for  a whole a lot of people. But all I really wanted was for us is to treat and see each other as equal.  As I went thru my transformation, I've learned and believe that the difference between a person living the gang life and some1 trying to avoid strife is what it would take for them  to see what's right., Hence my poem Gangland,-my way of trying lend a helping hand. Inspired some by the TV show on Spike TV.,
I'm trying to commit it to memory b4 I perform  and publish it