Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Remarks by President Obama in Address to the United Nations General Assembly

What a speech from President Obama!   I thought he covered a lot of important concerns and Peace as #1.   Please see his speech below.

 I hope and pray Peace will prevail.  Only time will tell.

Leaders across the world and people at the UN please help keep hope alive and help save innocent lives, because we all know when the fighting starts it is the innocent people that end up with the broken hearts, the loss of homes, kids out of school, creating a world of mad people being fooled and susceptible to join any militant group. MoPoDC4Peace

Какие речи от президента Обамы! Я думал, он охватывает много важных проблем и мира, № 1. См. его речь ниже.

  Я надеюсь и молюсь мира будет преобладать. Только время покажет.

Лидеры во всем мире, и люди в ООН пожалуйста, помогите сохранить надежду и помочь спасти жизни невинных людей, потому что мы все знаем, когда борьба начинается именно невинных людей, что в конечном итоге с разбитыми сердцами, потеря дома, детей из школы , создавая мир безумных людей обманули и восприимчивы к вступлению в какое-либо группировка. MoPoDC4Peace

Ce un discurs de la președintele Obama! Am crezut că a acoperit o mulțime de preocupări importante și pace, ca # 1. Vă rugăm să consultați discursul său de mai jos.

  Sper și mă rog pentru Pace va prevala. Numai timpul va spune.

Liderii din întreaga lume și oamenii de la ONU, vă rugăm să ajuta la menținerea în viață speranța și ajuta la salvarea de vieți nevinovate, pentru că știm cu toții, atunci când lupta începe, este de oameni nevinovați, care ajung cu inimile rupte, pierderea de case, copiii de școală , creând o lume de nebuni fi păcălit și susceptibile să se alăture unui grup militant. MoPoDC4Peace



請世界各地的領導人和人民在聯合國幫助保持希望活著並幫助拯救無辜的生命,因為我們都知道,當戰鬥開始是無辜的人,結束了破碎的心,失去家園,孩子們出校門創造一個世界,氣死人被愚弄和易受加入任何激進組織。 MoPoDC4Peace

Wat 'n toespraak van president Obama! Ek het gedink hy onder 'n baie belangrike kommer en vrede # 1. Besoek sy toespraak hieronder.

  Ek hoop en bid vir vrede sal seëvier. Net die tyd sal leer.

Leiers regoor die wêreld en die mense by die VN kan help om hoop in die lewe en help om onskuldige lewens, want ons almal weet wanneer die geveg begin is dit die onskuldige mense wat eindig met die gebroke harte, die verlies van huise, kinders uit die skool , die skep van 'n wêreld van mal mense word mislei en vatbaar enige militante groep aan te sluit. MoPoDC4Peace

ما خطابا من الرئيس أوباما! اعتقدت أنه غطى الكثير من الشواغل الهامة والسلام كما # 1. الرجاء مراجعة خطابه أدناه.

  آمل وأصلي سيسود السلام. المرة الوحيدة التي سوف اقول.

القادة في جميع أنحاء العالم والناس في الامم المتحدة الرجاء المساعدة إبقاء الأمل حيا وتساعد في إنقاذ الأرواح البريئة، لأننا نعلم جميعا عندما يبدأ القتال فإن الشعب هو البريء الذي ينتهي مع قلوب مكسورة، وفقدان المنازل، والأطفال خارج المدرسة ، وخلق عالم من جنون الناس يجري ينخدع وعرضة للانضمام إلى أي جماعة متشددة. MoPoDC4Peace

Quel discours du Président Obama! Je pensais qu'il couvrait un grand nombre de préoccupations et de la paix comme n ° 1 importantes. S'il vous plaît voir son discours ci-dessous.

  J'espère et je prie pour la paix prévaudra. Seul le temps nous le dira.

Les dirigeants à travers le monde et les gens à l'ONU s'il vous plaît aider à garder vivant l'espoir et aider à sauver des vies innocentes, parce que nous savons tous que lorsque les combats commence ce sont les innocents qui finissent avec des cœurs brisés, la perte de leur logement, enfants de l'école , la création d'un monde de fous dupés et susceptibles d'adhérer à un groupe militant. MoPoDC4Peace

Quid oratione Praeses Obama! Ego multa texit et pace # I maximarum. Videbis elóquium suum inferius.

  Pacem optare poteris. Tantum tempus narrabo.

Ducibus trans orbis terrarum populo et in spem vivam et custodiam IR placet auxilium auxilium nisi innocentes, quia omnes scire incipit proelium cum illo qui innocens est terminus sursum contritos corde, detrimentum domos, haedos de scholis partum universitas insanum susceptibilem et populo illusus aliquis coniungere group militantis. MoPoDC4Peace

Lo que un discurso del presidente Obama! Pensé que cubre una gran cantidad de preocupaciones y la Paz como # 1 importantes. Consulte su discurso a continuación.

  Espero y rezo para la paz prevalecerá. Sólo el tiempo lo dirá.

Líderes de todo el mundo y la gente en la ONU por favor ayudar a mantener viva la esperanza y ayudar a salvar vidas inocentes, porque todos sabemos que cuando la lucha se inicia, es la gente inocente que acaban con los corazones rotos, la pérdida de hogares, los niños van a la escuela , creando un mundo de locos siendo engañados y susceptibles de unirse a cualquier grupo militante. MoPoDC4Peace



戦闘は、それが学校の壊れた心、住宅の損失、子供外で終わる無実の人々である起動したときに、我々はすべて知っているので、国連では、世界と人々を越え指導者は、生きている希望と無邪気な命を救う保つ助けてください、狂った人々がだまされ、いかなる過激派グループに参加するために影響を受けやすいことの世界を創造。 MoPoDC4Peace

Was für eine Rede von Präsident Obama! Ich dachte, er bedeckt eine Menge von wichtigen Anliegen und Frieden als Nr. 1. Bitte sehen seiner Rede unter.

  Ich hoffe und bete Frieden durchsetzen wird. Nur die Zeit wird es zeigen.

Mitarbeiter auf der ganzen Welt und die Menschen auf der UN-bitte helfen Hoffnung lebendig und helfen Sie unschuldige Leben, weil wir alle wissen, wenn die Kämpfe beginnt es die unschuldigen Menschen, die mit den gebrochenen Herzen, den Verlust von Häusern, Kinder aus der Schule zu beenden , die Schaffung einer Welt der verrückten Leute getäuscht und anfällig für jede militante Gruppe mitmachen. MoPoDC4Peace

מה דיבור מהנשיא אובמה! חשבתי שהוא כיסה הרבה חששות ושלום ל# 1 חשובים. אנא ראה את נאומו בהמשך.

  אני מקווה ומתפלל לשלום ינצח. רק זמן יגיד.

מנהיגים ברחבי העולם והאנשים באו"ם בבקשה לעזור לשמור על גחלת התקווה ולעזור להציל חיי חפים מפשע, משום שכולנו יודעים מתי מתחיל הקרבות זה האנשים החפים מפשע שסופו של דבר עם לבבות שבורים, אובדן של בתים, ילדים מבית הספר , יצירת עולם של אנשים מטורפים שירמו ורגישים להצטרף לכל קבוצה מיליטנטית. MoPoDC4Peace

อะไรพูดจากประธานาธิบดีโอบามา! ผมคิดว่าเขาปกคลุมไปด้วยจำนวนมากของความกังวลที่สำคัญและสันติภาพเป็น # 1 โปรดดูคำพูดของเขาด้านล่าง

  ผมหวังและอธิษฐานสันติภาพจะเหนือกว่า เวลาเท่านั้นที่จะบอก

ผู้นำทั่วโลกและคนที่อยู่ในสหประชาชาติโปรดช่วยให้มีชีวิตอยู่และหวังว่าช่วยรักษาชีวิตผู้บริสุทธิ์เพราะเราทุกคนรู้ว่าเมื่อการต่อสู้เริ่มต้นมันเป็นประชาชนผู้บริสุทธิ์ที่จบลงด้วยหัวใจที่แตกสลายการสูญเสียของบ้านเด็กออกจากโรงเรียน การสร้างโลกของคนบ้าถูกหลอกและอ่อนไหวที่จะเข้าร่วมใด ๆ แข็งข้อกลุ่ม MoPoDC4Peace

Які мови від президента Обами! Я думав, він охоплює багато важливих проблем та світу, № 1. Див його мова нижче.
  Я сподіваюся і молюся світу переважатиме. Тільки час покаже.
Лідери у всьому світі, і люди в ООН ласка, допоможіть зберегти надію і допомогти врятувати життя безневинних людей, тому що ми всі знаємо, коли боротьба починається саме невинних людей, що в кінцевому підсумку з розбитими серцями, втрата дому, дітей зі школи , створюючи світ божевільних людей обдурили і сприйнятливі до вступу до якесь угруповання. MoPoDC4Peace

Nini hotuba kutoka kwa Rais Obama! Nilidhani yeye mifuniko mengi ya wasiwasi muhimu na Amani kama # 1. Tafadhali angalia hotuba yake hapa chini.
  Natumaini na kuomba Amani atashinda. Muda tu atakuambia.
Viongozi duniani kote na watu katika Umoja wa Mataifa tafadhali kusaidia kuweka matumaini hai na kusaidia kuokoa maisha na hatia, kwa sababu sisi wote tunajua wakati mapigano kuanza ni watu wasio na hatia kwamba kuishia na kuvunjwa mioyo, upungufu wa nyumba, watoto nje ya shule , na kujenga dunia ya watu wazimu kuwa fooled na wanahusika na kujiunga na kundi la wapiganaji. MoPoDC4Peace

ຈະເປັນແນວໃດຫມາຍຈາກປະທານໂອບາມາໄດ້? ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າຄິດວ່າລາວກວມເອົາຫຼາຍຄວາມກັງວົນທີ່ສໍາຄັນແລະສັນຕິພາບເປັນ # 1. ກະລຸນາເບິ່ງຄວາມຫມາຍຂ້າງລຸ່ມລາວ.
  ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າຫວັງແລະອະທິຖານສັນຕິພາບຈະຊະ. ໃຊ້ເວລາພຽງແຕ່ຈະບອກ.
ຜູ້ນໍາໃນທົ່ວໂລກແລະປະຊາຊົນຢູ່ໃນສປຊກະລຸນາຊ່ວຍໃຫ້ຄວາມຫວັງແລະມີຊີວິດຢູ່ຊ່ວຍກອບກູ້ຊີວິດຄືຊິ, ເພາະວ່າພວກເຮົາທຸກຄົນຮູ້ວ່າເວລາຕໍ່ສູ້ກັບການເລີ່ມຕົ້ນແມ່ນປະຊາຊົນຄືຊິວ່າໃນທີ່ສຸດມີຫົວໃຈທີ່ແຕກຫັກໄດ້, ການສູນເສຍຂອງເຮືອນ, ເດັກນ້ອຍອອກຈາກໂຮງຮຽນ , ການສ້າງໂລກຂອງປະຊາຊົນແມດຈະຖືກ fooled ແລະຄວາມອ່ອນໄຫວຕໍ່ໃຫ້ເຂົ້າຮ່ວມກຸ່ມໃດ militants ເປັນ. MoPoDC4Peace

오바마 대통령은 무엇 연설! 나는 그가 중요한 우려 # 1과 평화의 많은 덮여 생각했다. 아래의 연설을 참조하십시오.
  희망과 평화가 우선합니다기도합니다. 단지 시간이 말해 줄 것이다.
싸움이 학교의 깨진 마음, 가정의 손실, 아이 밖으로 결국 무고한 사람들입니다 시작할 때 우리 모두가 알고 있기 때문에 UN의 세계와 사람을 통해 지도자, 살아있는 희망 무고한 생명을 구할 유지하는 데 도움 주시기 바랍니다 , 미친 사람들이 속지 및 무장 단체에 가입하는 것이 감염되는 세상을 만드는. MoPoDC4Peace

New York, New York
10:10 A.M. EDT

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen: Each year we come together to reaffirm the founding vision of this institution. For most of recorded history, individual aspirations were subject to the whims of tyrants and empires. Divisions of race and religion and tribe were settled through the sword and the clash of armies. The idea that nations and peoples could come together in peace to solve their disputes and advance a common prosperity seemed unimaginable.

It took the awful carnage of two world wars to shift our thinking. The leaders who built the United Nations were not naïve; they did not think this body could eradicate all wars. But in the wake of millions dead and continents in rubble, and with the development of nuclear weapons that could annihilate a planet, they understood that humanity could not survive the course it was on. And so they gave us this institution, believing that it could allow us to resolve conflicts, enforce rules of behavior, and build habits of cooperation that would grow stronger over time.

For decades, the United Nations has in fact made a difference -- from helping to eradicate disease, to educating children, to brokering peace. But like every generation of leaders, we face new and profound challenges, and this body continues to be tested. The question is whether we possess the wisdom and the courage, as nation-states and members of an international community, to squarely meet those challenges; whether the United Nations can meet the tests of our time.

For much of my tenure as President, some of our most urgent challenges have revolved around an increasingly integrated global economy, and our efforts to recover from the worst economic crisis of our lifetime. Now, five years after the global economy collapsed, and thanks to coordinated efforts by the countries here today, jobs are being created, global financial systems have stabilized, and people are once again being lifted out of poverty. But this progress is fragile and unequal, and we still have work to do together to assure that our citizens can access the opportunities that they need to thrive in the 21st century.

Together, we’ve also worked to end a decade of war. Five years ago, nearly 180,000 Americans were serving in harm’s way, and the war in Iraq was the dominant issue in our relationship with the rest of the world. Today, all of our troops have left Iraq. Next year, an international coalition will end its war in Afghanistan, having achieved its mission of dismantling the core of al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11.

For the United States, these new circumstances have also meant shifting away from a perpetual war footing. Beyond bringing our troops home, we have limited the use of drones so they target only those who pose a continuing, imminent threat to the United States where capture is not feasible, and there is a near certainty of no civilian casualties. We’re transferring detainees to other countries and trying terrorists in courts of law, while working diligently to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. And just as we reviewed how we deploy our extraordinary military capabilities in a way that lives up to our ideals, we’ve begun to review the way that we gather intelligence, so that we properly balance the legitimate security concerns of our citizens and allies with the privacy concerns that all people share.

As a result of this work, and cooperation with allies and partners, the world is more stable than it was five years ago. But even a glance at today’s headlines indicates that dangers remain. In Kenya, we’ve seen terrorists target innocent civilians in a crowded shopping mall, and our hearts go out to the families of those who have been affected. In Pakistan, nearly 100 people were recently killed by suicide bombers outside a church. In Iraq, killings and car bombs continue to be a terrible part of life. And meanwhile, al Qaeda has splintered into regional networks and militias, which doesn't give them the capacity at this point to carry out attacks like 9/11, but does pose serious threats to governments and diplomats, businesses and civilians all across the globe.

Just as significantly, the convulsions in the Middle East and North Africa have laid bare deep divisions within societies, as an old order is upended and people grapple with what comes next. Peaceful movements have too often been answered by violence -- from those resisting change and from extremists trying to hijack change. Sectarian conflict has reemerged. And the potential spread of weapons of mass destruction continues to cast a shadow over the pursuit of peace.

Nowhere have we seen these trends converge more powerfully than in Syria. There, peaceful protests against an authoritarian regime were met with repression and slaughter. In the face of such carnage, many retreated to their sectarian identity -- Alawite and Sunni; Christian and Kurd -- and the situation spiraled into civil war.

The international community recognized the stakes early on, but our response has not matched the scale of the challenge. Aid cannot keep pace with the suffering of the wounded and displaced. A peace process is stillborn. America and others have worked to bolster the moderate opposition, but extremist groups have still taken root to exploit the crisis. Assad’s traditional allies have propped him up, citing principles of sovereignty to shield his regime. And on August 21st, the regime used chemical weapons in an attack that killed more than 1,000 people, including hundreds of children.

Now, the crisis in Syria, and the destabilization of the region, goes to the heart of broader challenges that the international community must now confront. How should we respond to conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa -- conflicts between countries, but also conflicts within them? How do we address the choice of standing callously by while children are subjected to nerve gas, or embroiling ourselves in someone else’s civil war? What is the role of force in resolving disputes that threaten the stability of the region and undermine all basic standards of civilized conduct? What is the role of the United Nations and international law in meeting cries for justice?

Today, I want to outline where the United States of America stands on these issues. With respect to Syria, we believe that as a starting point, the international community must enforce the ban on chemical weapons. When I stated my willingness to order a limited strike against the Assad regime in response to the brazen use of chemical weapons, I did not do so lightly. I did so because I believe it is in the security interest of the United States and in the interest of the world to meaningfully enforce a prohibition whose origins are older than the United Nations itself. The ban against the use of chemical weapons, even in war, has been agreed to by 98 percent of humanity. It is strengthened by the searing memories of soldiers suffocating in the trenches; Jews slaughtered in gas chambers; Iranians poisoned in the many tens of thousands.

The evidence is overwhelming that the Assad regime used such weapons on August 21st. U.N. inspectors gave a clear accounting that advanced rockets fired large quantities of sarin gas at civilians. These rockets were fired from a regime-controlled neighborhood, and landed in opposition neighborhoods. It’s an insult to human reason -- and to the legitimacy of this institution -- to suggest that anyone other than the regime carried out this attack.

Now, I know that in the immediate aftermath of the attack there were those who questioned the legitimacy of even a limited strike in the absence of a clear mandate from the Security Council. But without a credible military threat, the Security Council had demonstrated no inclination to act at all. However, as I’ve discussed with President Putin for over a year, most recently in St. Petersburg, my preference has always been a diplomatic resolution to this issue. And in the past several weeks, the United States, Russia and our allies have reached an agreement to place Syria’s chemical weapons under international control, and then to destroy them.

The Syrian government took a first step by giving an accounting of its stockpiles. Now there must be a strong Security Council resolution to verify that the Assad regime is keeping its commitments, and there must be consequences if they fail to do so. If we cannot agree even on this, then it will show that the United Nations is incapable of enforcing the most basic of international laws. On the other hand, if we succeed, it will send a powerful message that the use of chemical weapons has no place in the 21st century, and that this body means what it says.

Agreement on chemical weapons should energize a larger diplomatic effort to reach a political settlement within Syria. I do not believe that military action -- by those within Syria, or by external powers -- can achieve a lasting peace. Nor do I believe that America or any nation should determine who will lead Syria; that is for the Syrian people to decide. Nevertheless, a leader who slaughtered his citizens and gassed children to death cannot regain the legitimacy to lead a badly fractured country. The notion that Syria can somehow return to a pre-war status quo is a fantasy.

It’s time for Russia and Iran to realize that insisting on Assad’s rule will lead directly to the outcome that they fear: an increasingly violent space for extremists to operate. In turn, those of us who continue to support the moderate opposition must persuade them that the Syrian people cannot afford a collapse of state institutions, and that a political settlement cannot be reached without addressing the legitimate fears and concerns of Alawites and other minorities.

We are committed to working this political track. And as we pursue a settlement, let’s remember this is not a zero-sum endeavor. We’re no longer in a Cold War. There’s no Great Game to be won, nor does America have any interest in Syria beyond the wellbeing of its people, the stability of its neighbors, the elimination of chemical weapons, and ensuring that it does not become a safe haven for terrorists.

I welcome the influence of all nations that can help bring about a peaceful resolution of Syria’s civil war. And as we move the Geneva process forward, I urge all nations here to step up to meet humanitarian needs in Syria and surrounding countries. America has committed over a billion dollars to this effort, and today I can announce that we will be providing an additional $340 million. No aid can take the place of a political resolution that gives the Syrian people the chance to rebuild their country, but it can help desperate people to survive.

What broader conclusions can be drawn from America’s policy toward Syria? I know there are those who have been frustrated by our unwillingness to use our military might to depose Assad, and believe that a failure to do so indicates a weakening of American resolve in the region. Others have suggested that my willingness to direct even limited military strikes to deter the further use of chemical weapons shows we’ve learned nothing from Iraq, and that America continues to seek control over the Middle East for our own purposes. In this way, the situation in Syria mirrors a contradiction that has persisted in the region for decades: the United States is chastised for meddling in the region, accused of having a hand in all manner of conspiracy; at the same time, the United States is blamed for failing to do enough to solve the region’s problems and for showing indifference toward suffering Muslim populations.

I realize some of this is inevitable, given America’s role in the world. But these contradictory attitudes have a practical impact on the American people’s support for our involvement in the region, and allow leaders in the region -- as well as the international community sometimes -- to avoid addressing difficult problems themselves.

So let me take this opportunity to outline what has been U.S. policy towards the Middle East and North Africa, and what will be my policy during the remainder of my presidency.

The United States of America is prepared to use all elements of our power, including military force, to secure our core interests in the region.

We will confront external aggression against our allies and partners, as we did in the Gulf War.

We will ensure the free flow of energy from the region to the world. Although America is steadily reducing our own dependence on imported oil, the world still depends on the region’s energy supply, and a severe disruption could destabilize the entire global economy.

We will dismantle terrorist networks that threaten our people. Wherever possible, we will build the capacity of our partners, respect the sovereignty of nations, and work to address the root causes of terror. But when it’s necessary to defend the United States against terrorist attack, we will take direct action.

And finally, we will not tolerate the development or use of weapons of mass destruction. Just as we consider the use of chemical weapons in Syria to be a threat to our own national security, we reject the development of nuclear weapons that could trigger a nuclear arms race in the region, and undermine the global nonproliferation regime.

Now, to say that these are America’s core interests is not to say that they are our only interests. We deeply believe it is in our interests to see a Middle East and North Africa that is peaceful and prosperous, and will continue to promote democracy and human rights and open markets, because we believe these practices achieve peace and prosperity. But I also believe that we can rarely achieve these objectives through unilateral American action, particularly through military action. Iraq shows us that democracy cannot simply be imposed by force. Rather, these objectives are best achieved when we partner with the international community and with the countries and peoples of the region.

So what does this mean going forward? In the near term, America’s diplomatic efforts will focus on two particular issues: Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, and the Arab-Israeli conflict. While these issues are not the cause of all the region’s problems, they have been a major source of instability for far too long, and resolving them can help serve as a foundation for a broader peace.

The United States and Iran have been isolated from one another since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. This mistrust has deep roots. Iranians have long complained of a history of U.S. interference in their affairs and of America’s role in overthrowing an Iranian government during the Cold War. On the other hand, Americans see an Iranian government that has declared the United States an enemy and directly -- or through proxies -- taken American hostages, killed U.S. troops and civilians, and threatened our ally Israel with destruction.

I don’t believe this difficult history can be overcome overnight -- the suspicions run too deep. But I do believe that if we can resolve the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, that can serve as a major step down a long road towards a different relationship, one based on mutual interests and mutual respect.

Since I took office, I’ve made it clear in letters to the Supreme Leader in Iran and more recently to President Rouhani that America prefers to resolve our concerns over Iran’s nuclear program peacefully, although we are determined to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. We are not seeking regime change and we respect the right of the Iranian people to access peaceful nuclear energy. Instead, we insist that the Iranian government meet its responsibilities under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and U.N. Security Council resolutions.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Leader has issued a fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons, and President Rouhani has just recently reiterated that the Islamic Republic will never develop a nuclear weapon.

So these statements made by our respective governments should offer the basis for a meaningful agreement. We should be able to achieve a resolution that respects the rights of the Iranian people, while giving the world confidence that the Iranian program is peaceful. But to succeed, conciliatory words will have to be matched by actions that are transparent and verifiable. After all, it's the Iranian government’s choices that have led to the comprehensive sanctions that are currently in place. And this is not simply an issue between the United States and Iran. The world has seen Iran evade its responsibilities in the past and has an abiding interest in making sure that Iran meets its obligations in the future.

But I want to be clear we are encouraged that President Rouhani received from the Iranian people a mandate to pursue a more moderate course. And given President Rouhani’s stated commitment to reach an agreement, I am directing John Kerry to pursue this effort with the Iranian government in close cooperation with the European Union -- the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia and China.

The roadblocks may prove to be too great, but I firmly believe the diplomatic path must be tested. For while the status quo will only deepen Iran’s isolation, Iran’s genuine commitment to go down a different path will be good for the region and the world, and will help the Iranian people meet their extraordinary potential -- in commerce and culture; in science and education.

We are also determined to resolve a conflict that goes back even further than our differences with Iran, and that is the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis. I’ve made it clear that the United States will never compromise our commitment to Israel’s security, nor our support for its existence as a Jewish state. Earlier this year, in Jerusalem, I was inspired by young Israelis who stood up for the belief that peace was necessary, just, and possible. And I believe there’s a growing recognition within Israel that the occupation of the West Bank is tearing at the democratic fabric of the Jewish state. But the children of Israel have the right to live in a world where the nations assembled in this body fully recognize their country, and where we unequivocally reject those who fire rockets at their homes or incite others to hate them.

Likewise, the United States remains committed to the belief that the Palestinian people have a right to live with security and dignity in their own sovereign state. On the same trip, I had the opportunity to meet with young Palestinians in Ramallah whose ambition and incredible potential are matched by the pain they feel in having no firm place in the community of nations. They are understandably cynical that real progress will ever be made, and they’re frustrated by their families enduring the daily indignity of occupation. But they too recognize that two states is the only real path to peace -- because just as the Palestinian people must not be displaced, the state of Israel is here to stay.

So the time is now ripe for the entire international community to get behind the pursuit of peace. Already, Israeli and Palestinian leaders have demonstrated a willingness to take significant political risks. President Abbas has put aside efforts to short-cut the pursuit of peace and come to the negotiating table. Prime Minister Netanyahu has released Palestinian prisoners and reaffirmed his commitment to a Palestinian state. Current talks are focused on final status issues of borders and security, refugees and Jerusalem.

So now the rest of us must be willing to take risks as well. Friends of Israel, including the United States, must recognize that Israel’s security as a Jewish and democratic state depends upon the realization of a Palestinian state, and we should say so clearly. Arab states, and those who supported the Palestinians, must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution and a secure Israel.

All of us must recognize that peace will be a powerful tool to defeat extremists throughout the region, and embolden those who are prepared to build a better future. And moreover, ties of trade and commerce between Israelis and Arabs could be an engine of growth and opportunity at a time when too many young people in the region are languishing without work. So let’s emerge from the familiar corners of blame and prejudice. Let’s support Israeli and Palestinian leaders who are prepared to walk the difficult road to peace.

Real breakthroughs on these two issues -- Iran’s nuclear program, and Israeli-Palestinian peace -- would have a profound and positive impact on the entire Middle East and North Africa. But the current convulsions arising out of the Arab Spring remind us that a just and lasting peace cannot be measured only by agreements between nations. It must also be measured by our ability to resolve conflict and promote justice within nations. And by that measure, it’s clear that all of us have a lot more work to do.

When peaceful transitions began in Tunisia and Egypt, the entire world was filled with hope. And although the United States -- like others -- was struck by the speed of transition, and although we did not -- and in fact could not -- dictate events, we chose to support those who called for change. And we did so based on the belief that while these transitions will be hard and take time, societies based upon democracy and openness and the dignity of the individual will ultimately be more stable, more prosperous, and more peaceful.

Over the last few years, particularly in Egypt, we’ve seen just how hard this transition will be. Mohamed Morsi was democratically elected, but proved unwilling or unable to govern in a way that was fully inclusive. The interim government that replaced him responded to the desires of millions of Egyptians who believed the revolution had taken a wrong turn, but it, too, has made decisions inconsistent with inclusive democracy -- through an emergency law, and restrictions on the press and civil society and opposition parties.

Of course, America has been attacked by all sides of this internal conflict, simultaneously accused of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, and engineering their removal of power. In fact, the United States has purposely avoided choosing sides. Our overriding interest throughout these past few years has been to encourage a government that legitimately reflects the will of the Egyptian people, and recognizes true democracy as requiring a respect for minority rights and the rule of law, freedom of speech and assembly, and a strong civil society.

That remains our interest today. And so, going forward, the United States will maintain a constructive relationship with the interim government that promotes core interests like the Camp David Accords and counterterrorism. We’ll continue support in areas like education that directly benefit the Egyptian people. But we have not proceeded with the delivery of certain military systems, and our support will depend upon Egypt’s progress in pursuing a more democratic path.

And our approach to Egypt reflects a larger point: The United States will at times work with governments that do not meet, at least in our view, the highest international expectations, but who work with us on our core interests. Nevertheless, we will not stop asserting principles that are consistent with our ideals, whether that means opposing the use of violence as a means of suppressing dissent, or supporting the principles embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We will reject the notion that these principles are simply Western exports, incompatible with Islam or the Arab World. We believe they are the birthright of every person. And while we recognize that our influence will at times be limited, although we will be wary of efforts to impose democracy through military force, and although we will at times be accused of hypocrisy and inconsistency, we will be engaged in the region for the long haul. For the hard work of forging freedom and democracy is the task of a generation.

And this includes efforts to resolve sectarian tensions that continue to surface in places like Iraq, Bahrain and Syria. We understand such longstanding issues cannot be solved by outsiders; they must be addressed by Muslim communities themselves. But we’ve seen grinding conflicts come to an end before -- most recently in Northern Ireland, where Catholics and Protestants finally recognized that an endless cycle of conflict was causing both communities to fall behind a fast-moving world. And so we believe those same sectarian conflicts can be overcome in the Middle East and North Africa.

To summarize, the United States has a hard-earned humility when it comes to our ability to determine events inside other countries. The notion of American empire may be useful propaganda, but it isn’t borne out by America’s current policy or by public opinion. Indeed, as recent debates within the United States over Syria clearly show, the danger for the world is not an America that is too eager to immerse itself in the affairs of other countries or to take on every problem in the region as its own. The danger for the world is that the United States, after a decade of war -- rightly concerned about issues back home, aware of the hostility that our engagement in the region has engendered throughout the Muslim world -- may disengage, creating a vacuum of leadership that no other nation is ready to fill.

I believe such disengagement would be a mistake. I believe America must remain engaged for our own security. But I also believe the world is better for it. Some may disagree, but I believe America is exceptional -- in part because we have shown a willingness through the sacrifice of blood and treasure to stand up not only for our own narrow self-interests, but for the interests of all.

I must be honest, though. We're far more likely to invest our energy in those countries that want to work with us, that invest in their people instead of a corrupt few; that embrace a vision of society where everyone can contribute -- men and women, Shia or Sunni, Muslim, Christian or Jew. Because from Europe to Asia, from Africa to the Americas, nations that have persevered on a democratic path have emerged more prosperous, more peaceful, and more invested in upholding our common security and our common humanity. And I believe that the same will hold true for the Arab world.

This leads me to a final point. There will be times when the breakdown of societies is so great, the violence against civilians so substantial that the international community will be called upon to act. This will require new thinking and some very tough choices. While the United Nations was designed to prevent wars between states, increasingly we face the challenge of preventing slaughter within states. And these challenges will grow more pronounced as we are confronted with states that are fragile or failing -- places where horrendous violence can put innocent men, women and children at risk, with no hope of protection from their national institutions.

I have made it clear that even when America’s core interests are not directly threatened, we stand ready to do our part to prevent mass atrocities and protect basic human rights. But we cannot and should not bear that burden alone. In Mali, we supported both the French intervention that successfully pushed back al Qaeda, and the African forces who are keeping the peace. In Eastern Africa, we are working with partners to bring the Lord’s Resistance Army to an end. And in Libya, when the Security Council provided a mandate to protect civilians, America joined a coalition that took action. Because of what we did there, countless lives were saved, and a tyrant could not kill his way back to power.

I know that some now criticize the action in Libya as an object lesson. They point to the problems that the country now confronts -- a democratically elected government struggling to provide security; armed groups, in some places extremists, ruling parts of a fractured land. And so these critics argue that any intervention to protect civilians is doomed to fail -- look at Libya. No one is more mindful of these problems than I am, for they resulted in the death of four outstanding U.S. citizens who were committed to the Libyan people, including Ambassador Chris Stevens -- a man whose courageous efforts helped save the city of Benghazi. But does anyone truly believe that the situation in Libya would be better if Qaddafi had been allowed to kill, imprison, or brutalize his people into submission? It’s far more likely that without international action, Libya would now be engulfed in civil war and bloodshed.

We live in a world of imperfect choices. Different nations will not agree on the need for action in every instance, and the principle of sovereignty is at the center of our international order. But sovereignty cannot be a shield for tyrants to commit wanton murder, or an excuse for the international community to turn a blind eye. While we need to be modest in our belief that we can remedy every evil, while we need to be mindful that the world is full of unintended consequences, should we really accept the notion that the world is powerless in the face of a Rwanda or Srebrenica? If that’s the world that people want to live in, they should say so and reckon with the cold logic of mass graves.

But I believe we can embrace a different future. And if we don’t want to choose between inaction and war, we must get better -- all of us -- at the policies that prevent the breakdown of basic order. Through respect for the responsibilities of nations and the rights of individuals. Through meaningful sanctions for those who break the rules. Through dogged diplomacy that resolves the root causes of conflict, not merely its aftermath. Through development assistance that brings hope to the marginalized. And yes, sometimes -- although this will not be enough -- there are going to be moments where the international community will need to acknowledge that the multilateral use of military force may be required to prevent the very worst from occurring.

Ultimately, this is the international community that America seeks -- one where nations do not covet the land or resources of other nations, but one in which we carry out the founding purpose of this institution and where we all take responsibility. A world in which the rules established out of the horrors of war can help us resolve conflicts peacefully, and prevent the kinds of wars that our forefathers fought. A world where human beings can live with dignity and meet their basic needs, whether they live in New York or Nairobi; in Peshawar or Damascus.

These are extraordinary times, with extraordinary opportunities. Thanks to human progress, a child born anywhere on Earth today can do things today that 60 years ago would have been out of reach for the mass of humanity. I saw this in Africa, where nations moving beyond conflict are now poised to take off. And America is with them, partnering to feed the hungry and care for the sick, and to bring power to places off the grid.

I see it across the Pacific region, where hundreds of millions have been lifted out of poverty in a single generation. I see it in the faces of young people everywhere who can access the entire world with the click of a button, and who are eager to join the cause of eradicating extreme poverty, and combating climate change, starting businesses, expanding freedom, and leaving behind the old ideological battles of the past. That’s what’s happening in Asia and Africa. It’s happening in Europe and across the Americas. That’s the future that the people of the Middle East and North Africa deserve as well -- one where they can focus on opportunity, instead of whether they’ll be killed or repressed because of who they are or what they believe.

Time and again, nations and people have shown our capacity to change -- to live up to humanity’s highest ideals, to choose our better history. Last month, I stood where 50 years ago Martin Luther King Jr. told America about his dream, at a time when many people of my race could not even vote for President. Earlier this year, I stood in the small cell where Nelson Mandela endured decades cut off from his own people and the world. Who are we to believe that today’s challenges cannot be overcome, when we have seen what changes the human spirit can bring? Who in this hall can argue that the future belongs to those who seek to repress that spirit, rather than those who seek to liberate it?

I know what side of history I want to the United States of America to be on. We're ready to meet tomorrow’s challenges with you -- firm in the belief that all men and women are in fact created equal, each individual possessed with a dignity and inalienable rights that cannot be denied. That is why we look to the future not with fear, but with hope. And that’s why we remain convinced that this community of nations can deliver a more peaceful, prosperous and just world to the next generation.

Thank you very much. (Applause.)

10:52 A.M. EDT

Friday, September 20, 2013

A Plea for Caution From Russia-спасибо президенту Путину

Wow! There is hope, Thanks President Putin for taking the lead for Peace in  Syria.

I don't know President Putin true intent, I just hope he comes through in delivering a peaceful resolution in Syria.

Вот это да! Существует надежда, спасибо президенту Путину за инициативу об установлении мира в Сирии.
Я не знаю, президент Путин истинные намерения, я просто надеюсь, что он приходит через в предоставлении мирному урегулированию в Сирии.

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MOSCOW — RECENT events surrounding Syria have prompted me to speak directly to the American people and their political leaders. It is important to do so at a time of insufficient communication between our societies.
Oliver Munday

INTERACTIVE FEATURE:Reader Reactions to Putin’s Letter

Readers responded to multiple aspects of an Op-Ed by Russian President Vladimir V. Putin, published by The New York Times on Wednesday, Sept. 11.

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Readers’ Comments

Readers shared their thoughts on this article.

Relations between us have passed through different stages. We stood against each other during the cold war. But we were also allies once, and defeated the Nazis together. The universal international organization — the United Nations — was then established to prevent such devastation from ever happening again.
The United Nations’ founders understood that decisions affecting war and peace should happen only by consensus, and with America’s consent the veto by Security Council permanent members was enshrined in the United Nations Charter. The profound wisdom of this has underpinned the stability of international relations for decades.
No one wants the United Nations to suffer the fate of the League of Nations, which collapsed because it lacked real leverage. This is possible if influential countries bypass the United Nations and take military action without Security Council authorization.
The potential strike by the United States against Syria, despite strong opposition from many countries and major political and religious leaders, including the pope, will result in more innocent victims and escalation, potentially spreading the conflict far beyond Syria’s borders. A strike would increase violence and unleash a new wave of terrorism. It could undermine multilateral efforts to resolve the Iranian nuclear problem and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and further destabilize the Middle East and North Africa. It could throw the entire system of international law and order out of balance.
Syria is not witnessing a battle for democracy, but an armed conflict between government and opposition in a multireligious country. There are few champions of democracy in Syria. But there are more than enough Qaeda fighters and extremists of all stripes battling the government. The United States State Department has designated Al Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, fighting with the opposition, as terrorist organizations. This internal conflict, fueled by foreign weapons supplied to the opposition, is one of the bloodiest in the world.
Mercenaries from Arab countries fighting there, and hundreds of militants from Western countries and even Russia, are an issue of our deep concern. Might they not return to our countries with experience acquired in Syria? After all, after fighting in Libya, extremists moved on to Mali. This threatens us all.
From the outset, Russia has advocated peaceful dialogue enabling Syrians to develop a compromise plan for their own future. We are not protecting the Syrian government, but international law. We need to use the United Nations Security Council and believe that preserving law and order in today’s complex and turbulent world is one of the few ways to keep international relations from sliding into chaos. The law is still the law, and we must follow it whether we like it or not. Under current international law, force is permitted only in self-defense or by the decision of the Security Council. Anything else is unacceptable under the United Nations Charter and would constitute an act of aggression.
No one doubts that poison gas was used in Syria. But there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists. Reports that militants are preparing another attack — this time against Israel — cannot be ignored.
It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Is it in America’s long-term interest? I doubt it. Millions around the world increasingly see America not as a model of democracy but as relying solely on brute force, cobbling coalitions together under the slogan “you’re either with us or against us.”
But force has proved ineffective and pointless. Afghanistan is reeling, and no one can say what will happen after international forces withdraw. Libya is divided into tribes and clans. In Iraq the civil war continues, with dozens killed each day. In the United States, many draw an analogy between Iraq and Syria, and ask why their government would want to repeat recent mistakes.
No matter how targeted the strikes or how sophisticated the weapons, civilian casualties are inevitable, including the elderly and children, whom the strikes are meant to protect.
The world reacts by asking: if you cannot count on international law, then you must find other ways to ensure your security. Thus a growing number of countries seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction. This is logical: if you have the bomb, no one will touch you. We are left with talk of the need to strengthen nonproliferation, when in reality this is being eroded.
We must stop using the language of force and return to the path of civilized diplomatic and political settlement.
A new opportunity to avoid military action has emerged in the past few days. The United States, Russia and all members of the international community must take advantage of the Syrian government’s willingness to place its chemical arsenal under international control for subsequent destruction. Judging by the statements of President Obama, the United States sees this as an alternative to military action.
I welcome the president’s interest in continuing the dialogue with Russia on Syria. We must work together to keep this hope alive, as we agreed to at the Group of 8 meeting in Lough Erne in Northern Ireland in June, and steer the discussion back toward negotiations.
If we can avoid force against Syria, this will improve the atmosphere in international affairs and strengthen mutual trust. It will be our shared success and open the door to cooperation on other critical issues.
My working and personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this. I carefully studied his address to the nation on Tuesday. And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is “what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.

Vladimir V. Putin is the president of Russia.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Loudoun County Sheriff Department Does Not Have Time to Serve and Protect

I asked for help from the media or anyone that would listen and no response. I have a top federal agent as a roommate who could be a part of this crime against me and every time I have called the Loudoun County Sheriff Department, they have always come up with a reason why they could not do their job and investigate my concerns.   So I made the changes as they had suggested and still someone is tampering with my supplies. 
This time I had proof and even the Loudoun County Deputy agreed that he could smell the tampered bleach from where he was standing, he also acknowledge the time stamp break from my hidden camera that I showed him on my laptop and when I asked him to dust for fingerprints, he immediately said no, because the only fingerprints he would find would be mine. Now, how does he know what he will find, if he had not checked?
 If I proved to him that somehow, someway, someone got into my trailer while locked and tampered with my supplies then that should have been enough to at least look into my complaint or at least write up a report noting my concern but instead he just brushed me off and telling me he does not have the time to deal with it. He kept asking me what I wanted him to do, he is the Officer, what do you normally do when someone expensive item has been burglarize/tamper with. In my case, nothing.

I recorded the entire conversation because if I did not, it would be my word against their word and they would win every time, even though we know that some Officers of the law are some of your biggest crooks.    This to me is an obvious sign of corruption from the highest level on down and I believe partly my Federal agent roommate is involved.  Because all of a sudden someone comes to the door while the deputy and I were talking and turns on the outside light, then shortly afterward the deputy received a burglary call on his radio.

Now they knew the deputy was already on a burglary call and they supposedly did not know the status of that call at the time.  So why would you call that same deputy to another burglary call when you know he is working on one at the time without at least checking in with him to see where he was with the current case.  Bullsh!t
I don’t know what is going or why this crap is happening but I do know that if this could happen to me, it could happen to any of you. 
If no one comes to my rescue, than just maybe no one will come to yours.   Maybe It’s just a matter of time before it your time.

If anyone knows something or could help, please reach out to me.
I don’t know what else to do.   But I do see whatever is going on is not right and this lets me know that we are fighting a false fight especially when so many are involved with this ridiculous plight.

All I ever ask for is Peace, but I guess it does not apply to me.

Please listen to our audio conversation below, after you click on the link below, you may have to select a media to open this link in. Thanks MoPoDC 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Peace,和平,МИР,PAZ,PAIX, СВІТ,ສັນຕິພາບ,Alpha santiphab

How are we expected to ever achieve peace when it seems the fighting will never cease, Leaders of countries do not seem to care enough for its own peps, that they would treat them all equally: rich or poor gay or straight power or powerless caring enough not to abuse or poison for a test.
The God we serve has many names, Jehovah, Allah, Sar shalom Jesus and God, who some of us believe has given us the blessing to take innocents lives because we will forever be at odds, or is this just some crock of made up lies to hide the real image that shines; Knowing image of God is not inside.
To really achieve peace someone has to pay the price. we have tried to play nice. we have tried to talk in a civil manor but what are we to do if our reputation is constantly being badgered. What are we to do, if we ask you for peace and all you do is continue to trouble me?  What does by any means necessary really mean?
Is it our way of achieving peace through any means and keeping our hands clean and asking our God to bless the scene.  
They stole our land; they tried to take away our ability to feel like a man, so God I know you would understand, they really forced our hand.  Innocent lives lost are just a small cost, to achieve the ultimate Price, Peace and we all playing nice.
How are we any different from the Gaza Strip letting off bomb in hope that Israel would really hear, that this is our home, our land that you continue to seize, By Any Mean Necessary, is how we shall obtain Peace, can you fault me.
You leave us no choice, we cry out and you just deafened our voice. What will it take to really achieve Peace, since no one is really listening to our plea?
I think I’m starting to understand what By any means necessary really mean, it is what we feel our God have deemed. Praise to Allah, Jehovah, and Jesus our Lord, now Bombs away taken innocent lives doesn’t feel so hard and justify me for the Nobel Peace Award.
Quotes I thought were meaningful back in its time.  Now it’s September 2013 and these Quotes are still applicable to our lives. MoPoDC
A religion that takes no account of practical affairs and does not help to solve is no religion by Mahatma Gandhi

Anger is the enemy of Non-violence and Pride is a monster that swallows it up by Mahatma Gandhi

چگونه ما انتظار می رود که تا به حال دستیابی به صلح هنگامی که آن را به نظر می رسد مبارزه هرگز متوقف خواهد کرد ، رهبران کشورهای به نظر نمی رسد به مراقبت به اندازه کافی برای peps خود را ، که آنها به همه آنها را به طور مساوی رفتار : قدرت همجنسگرا یا راست غنی یا فقیر و یا مراقبت ناتوان به اندازه کافی به سوء استفاده و یا سم برای یک آزمون نیست .
خدا ما در خدمت بسیاری از نام، خداوند، خدا ، سر شالوم عیسی و خدا ، که برخی از ما معتقدیم به ما برکت را از مردم بی گناه زندگی می کند از آنجا که ما همیشه در تضاد خواهد بود ، این فقط برخی از خمره ساخته شده است تا نهفته یا برای مخفی کردن تصویر واقعی است که می درخشد ، تصویر دانستن خداوند است داخل نیست .
واقعا رسیدن به کسی صلح به پرداخت قیمت . ما تلاش کرده اند تا بازی خوب . ما تلاش کرده اند در یک مانور مدنی صحبت کنید اما چیزی است که ما به کار هستند اگر شهرت ما این است که دائما در حال badgered است . چیزی که ما به کار هستند، اگر ما از شما درخواست برای صلح و همه شما را انجام دهیم این است که همچنان به من زحمت ؟ چه به هر وسیله لازم واقعا چیست؟
آیا این راه ما را از دستیابی به صلح از طریق هر وسیله و دست خود را تمیز نگه داشتن و درخواست از خدا ما به برکت صحنه است .
آنها سرزمین ما به سرقت برده ، آنها در تلاش برای از بین بردن توانایی ما مثل یک مرد احساس ، پس از خدا من می دانم که شما درک کنید ، آنها واقعا مجبور دست ما . زندگی بی گناه از دست داده فقط یک هزینه کوچک ، برای رسیدن به قیمت نهایی، صلح و همه ما بازی خوب .
چگونه ما هر گونه مختلف از نوار غزه اجازه بمب در امید که اسرائیل واقعا می شنیدن ، که این خانه ما، زمین ما این است که شما همچنان برای به دست گرفتن ، با هر متوسط ​​لازم است ، این است که چگونه ما باید صلح، گسل می تواند به شما به من دست آوردن است است.
شما هیچ چاره ای ما را ، ما گریه کردن و با شما فقط deafened صدای ما . چه خواهد شد آن را واقعا رسیدن به صلح ، از آنجایی که هیچ کس واقعا گوش دادن به درخواست ما ؟
من فکر می کنم من شروع به درک آنچه که به هر وسیله لازم واقعا به معنای این ، آن چیزی است که ما احساس می کنیم خدا ما تلقی کرده اند . ستایش خدا ، خداوند و عیسی مسیح خداوند ما ، در حال حاضر بمب های دور زندگی می کند بی گناه می کند سقوط نه چندان سخت و توجیه من برای جایزه صلح نوبل .
مظنه من فکر کردم پشت معنی دار در زمان خود بودند. در حال حاضر آن را سپتامبر 2013 و این مظنه هنوز هم در زندگی ما هستند . MoPoDC
دین است که طول می کشد هیچ حساب امور عملی و کمکی نمی کند را حل کند هیچ دین توسط مهاتما گاندی

خشم دشمن از عدم خشونت است و پراید یک هیولا است که چلچله ها آن را توسط مهاتما گاندی

كيف يمكننا المتوقع أن يحقق أي وقت مضى السلام عندما يبدو ان القتال توقف أبدا ، قادة البلدان لا يبدو أن تهتم بما فيه الكفاية ل ممثلي المخاطر الخاصة بها ، وأنها سوف تعاملهم جميعا على قدم المساواة : قوة مثلي الجنس أو مستقيم غنيا أو فقيرا أو عاجزا رعاية كافية لا للإساءة أو السم لاختبار .
الله التي نخدمها لديه العديد من الأسماء ، يهوه ، الله ، سار شالوم يسوع و الله ، الذي يعتقد البعض منا قد أعطانا نعمة إلى إزهاق أرواح الأبرياء لأننا سنكون إلى الأبد على خلاف ، أم أن هذا فقط بعض من الفخار تتكون من الأكاذيب لإخفاء الصورة الحقيقية التي تشرق ؛ معرفة صورة الله ليس في الداخل.
لتحقيق السلام حقا شخص ما لديه لدفع الثمن . حاولنا اللعب الجميل . حاولنا أن نتحدث في مانور المدني ولكن ما هي علينا أن نفعل إذا ويجري باستمرار الح سمعتنا . ما عسانا أن نفعل ، إذا كان لنا أن نطلب منك السلام و كل ما عليك فعله هو الاستمرار في تزعجني ؟ ما لا بأي وسيلة ضرورية يعني حقا ؟
هو طريقنا لتحقيق السلام من خلال أي وسيلة و حفظ أيدينا نظيفة ويسأل الله أن يبارك لنا المشهد .
سرقوا أرضنا ، بل حاول أن يسلب قدرتنا على يشعر وكأنه رجل ، لذلك الله وأنا أعلم أنك لن تفهم ، هم حقا اضطر يدنا . أرواح بريئة فقدت هي مجرد تكلفة صغيرة ، لتحقيق السعر النهائي والسلام و نحن جميعا اللعب لطيفة.
كيف لنا أي مختلفة من قطاع غزة السماح قبالة قنبلة على أمل أن إسرائيل سوف تسمع حقا ، أن هذا هو وطننا ، أرضنا أن تستمر في الاستيلاء ، بأي وسيلة ضرورية ، هي الطريقة التي يجب الحصول على السلام ، يمكنك خطأ لي .
أن يترك لنا أي خيار ، نصرخ و لك صمت فقط صوتنا . ما سوف تتخذ لتحقيق السلام حقا ، لأنه لا أحد يصغي حقا أن نداءنا ؟
أعتقد أنني بدأت أفهم ما ، فمن بأي وسيلة ضرورية يعني حقا ما نشعر به قد اعتبر إلهنا . الثناء على الله ، يهوه ، و يسوع ربنا ، والآن قنابل تؤخذ بعيدا أرواح بريئة لا تراجع بجد و تبرر لي للحصول على جائزة نوبل للسلام .
كان يقتبس عدت بتفكيري ذات مغزى في وقته. الآن حان سبتمبر 2013 و هذه الاسعار لا تزال تنطبق على حياتنا . MoPoDC
فالدين الذي لا يراعي الشؤون العملية و لا يساعد على حل يوجد دين من قبل المهاتما غاندي

الغضب هو عدو غير العنف و الكبرياء هو الوحش الذي يبتلع ما يصل به المهاتما غاندي

Hoe moet ons verwag om ooit te bereik vrede wanneer dit lyk asof die geveg sal nooit ophou , die leiers van lande lyk nie genoeg omgee vir sy eie EPP's , dat hulle dit alles sou gelyk behandel : ryk of arm is gay of straight krag of magteloos omgee genoeg om nie te misbruik of gif vir 'n toets .
Die God wat ons dien het baie name , die HERE , Allah , Sar Shalom Jesus en God , wat 'n paar van ons glo aan ons gegee het die seën onskuldige lewens te neem omdat ons vir ewig sal wees op die kans , of is dit net 'n paar van sukkel en leuens opgemaak die werklike beeld wat skyn om weg te steek , omdat julle weet beeld van God is nie binne.
Om werklik te bereik vrede iemand het die prys te betaal. Ons het probeer om te speel mooi . Ons het probeer om te praat in 'n siviele Manor , maar wat moet ons doen as ons reputasie is voortdurend lastig geval . Wat moet ons doen as ons vra vir vrede en alles wat jy doen, is om voort te gaan om my te pla ? Wat beteken deur enige middele wat nodig is regtig beteken ?
Is dit ons manier om vrede te bewerkstellig deur middel van enige beteken en die behoud van ons hande skoon en vra ons God om die toneel te seën.
Hulle het met ons land , het hulle probeer om weg te neem ons vermoë om te voel soos 'n man , so God ek weet jy sal verstaan ​​, het hulle regtig gedwing om ons hand . Onskuldige lewens verloor is net 'n klein koste , die hoogste prys , vrede te bereik, en ons almal speel mooi .
Hoe kan ons 'n verskil van die Gazastrook afvuur bom in die hoop dat Israel sou regtig hoor wat dit is ons huis, ons land wat jy aanhou om beslag te lê , deur 'n Gemiddelde nodig is, is hoe ons vrede sal kry , kan jy skuld my .
Julle gee ons geen ander keuse nie , roep ons en jy net verdoof ons stem . Wat sal dit neem om werklik te bereik Vrede, omdat niemand werklik te luister na ons pleit ?
Ek dink ek begin om te verstaan ​​wat op enige wyse wat nodig is regtig beteken , is dit wat ons voel ons God het geag . Lof aan Allah , die HERE , en Jesus , onse Here, nou bomme weggeneem onskuldige lewens nie val so hard en regverdig my vir die Nobelprys vir Vrede ontvang het.
Aanhalings ek gedink het was betekenisvol terug in sy tyd. Nou is dit September 2013 en hierdie lyne is nog steeds van toepassing is op ons lewens. MoPoDC
'N godsdiens wat geen rekening hou met praktiese sake en nie help om op te los is geen godsdiens deur Mahatma Gandhi

Woede is die vyand van Nie- geweld en trots is 'n monster wat sluk dit deur Mahatma Gandhi

我們如何預期不斷實現和平的時候似乎戰鬥永遠不會停止,各國領導人似乎沒有足夠關心自己的PEPS ,他們會同樣對待它們:富國或窮國同性戀或異性戀的權力或無力足夠的關懷不濫用或毒藥一個測試。
行情我認為是有意義的在其後面。現在是20139月,這些行情仍然適用於我們的生活。 MoPoDC
沒有宗教的宗教,沒有考慮到實際的事務,並不能幫助解決由聖雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi

憤怒是非暴力和傲慢的敵人是怪物吞下它由聖雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi
Wǒmen rúhé yùqí bùduàn shíxiàn hépíng de shíhou sìhū zhàndòu yǒngyuǎn bù huì tíngzhǐ, gèguó lǐngdǎo rén sìhū méiyǒu zúgòu guānxīn zìjǐ de PEPS, tāmen huì tóngyàng duìdài tāmen: Fùguó huò qióng guó tóngxìngliàn huò yìxìng liàn de quánlì huò wúlì zúgòu de guānhuái Bù lànyòng huò dúyào yīgè cèshì.
Suǒ fúwù de shàngdì, wǒmen yǒu xǔduō míngzì, yēhéhuá, ālā, fàn dé sà de shā luò mǔ yēsū hé shàngdì, wǒmen zhōng de yīxiē shuí xiāngxìn yǐjīng gěile wǒmen wúgū de shēngmìng de zhùfú, yīnwèi wǒmen jiāng yǒngyuǎn shì yǒu fèn qí de, huòzhě zhè zhǐshì yīxiē wǎ guàn tíchū biānzào huǎngyán Yǐncáng zhēnshí de xíngxiàng zhào, zhīdào shén de xíngxiàng, shì bùshì zài lǐmiàn.
Yào zhēnzhèng shíxiàn hépíng de rén fùchū dàijià. Wǒmen shìtú fāhuī hǎo. Wǒmen shìtú shuōfú zài mínshì zhuāngyuán, dàn shénme shì wǒmen zuò de, rúguǒ wǒmen de shēngyù bùduàn bèi jiūchán. Shénme shì wǒmen gāi zuò de, rúguǒ wǒmen wèn nǐ fàngxīn, nǐ yào zuò de jiùshì jìxù kùnrǎo wǒ ma? Rènhé bìyào de shǒuduàn, shì shénme yìsi ne?
Shì wǒmen de fāngshì tōngguò rènhé shǒuduàn shíxiàn hépíng, bìng bǎochí shuāng shǒu qīngjié, bìng yāoqiú wǒmen de shén, bǎoyòu xiànchǎng.
Tāmen tōu zǒuliǎo wǒmen de tǔdì, tāmen shìtú ná zǒu wǒmen de nénglì, juéde zìjǐ xiàng gè nánrén, suǒyǐ shàngdì, wǒ zhīdào nǐ huì lǐjiě, tāmen zhēn de pòshǐ wǒmen shǒu li. Wúgū de shēngmìng shīqù de zhǐshì yīgè xiǎo de chéngběn, yǐ shíxiàn zuìzhōng de jiàgé, hépíng, wǒmen dōu tī de hǎokàn.
Wǒmen shì rúhé fàng zhàdàn, zhè shì wǒmen de jiā, wǒmen de tǔdì shàng, nǐ jìxù zhuā zhù, rènhépíngjūn bìyào de, shì wǒmen yīng rúhé qǔdé hé píng, nǐ de cuò, wǒ xīwàng yǐsèliè zhēn de huì tīngdào cóng jiāshā dìdài rènhé bùtóng .
Nǐ shǐ wǒmen bié wú xuǎnzé, wǒmen kūle, nǐ zhǐshì wǒmen de shēngyīn zhèn lóng. Zěnyàng cáinéng zhēnzhèng shíxiàn hépíng, yīnwèi méiyǒu rén zhēn de zài tīng wǒmen de hūyù?
Wǒ juéde wǒ kāishǐ liǎojiě rènhé bìyào de shǒuduàn de zhēnzhèng hányì, zhè shì wǒmen juéde wǒmen de shén shì wéi. Zànměi zhēnzhǔ, yēhéhuá, wǒmen de zhǔ yēsū, xiànzài zhàdàn duó qǔ liǎo wúgū shēngmìng bù huì xiàjiàng zhème xīnkǔ, zhèngmíng wǒ wèi nuò bèi'ěr hépíng jiǎng.
Hángqíng wǒ rènwéi shì yǒuyìyì de zài qí hòumiàn. Xiànzài shì 2013 nián 9 yuè, zhèxiē hángqíng réngrán shìyòng yú wǒmen de shēnghuó. MoPoDC
Méiyǒu zōngjiào de zōngjiào, méiyǒu kǎolǜ dào shíjì de shìwù, bìng bùnéng bāngzhù jiějué yóu shèngxióng gāndì (Mahatma Gandhi)

Fènnù shìfēi bàolì hé àomàn de dírén shì guàiwù tūn xià tā yóu shèngxióng gāndì (Mahatma Gandhi)

Jak se od nás očekává někdy dosáhnout míru, když se zdá, že boje budou nikdy nepřestane , vedení zemí, nezdá se, že dost záleží pro vlastní peps , že by s nimi zacházet stejně všechny : bohatý nebo chudý gay či energie nebo bezmocnou pečovatelských enough nezneužívat a jedu pro test .
Bůh nám sloužit má mnoho jmen , Jehova , Alláh shalom Sar Ježíš a Bůh, který někteří z nás věří, dal nám požehnání přijmout nevinných životů , protože budeme navždy být v rozporu , nebo je to jen nějaký hrnec skládá spočívá skrýt skutečný obraz, který svítí , Vědět, obraz Boží není uvnitř .
Chcete-li opravdu dosáhnout míru někdo musí zaplatit. jsme se snažili hrát pěkné. jsme se snažili mluvit v civilním panství , ale co máme dělat, když se naše pověst je neustále otravoval . Co máme dělat , když jsme vás požádat o mír a vše, co udělat, je nadále trápit mě ? Co to jakýmikoliv prostředky vlastně znamená?
Je to náš způsob, jak dosáhnout míru a to všemi prostředky a udržet naše ruce čisté a požádal našeho Boha , aby požehnal scénu .
Ukradli naši zemi , se snažili odnést naši schopnost cítit jako člověk , Bůh Vím, že by to pochopil , ale opravdu násilně ruku. Innocent ztracené životy jsou jen malé náklady , aby se dosáhlo nejvyšší cenu , mír a všichni jsme hrát hezký .
Jak jsme každý jiný z pásma Gazy nájem bombu v naději, že by Izrael skutečně slyšet , že je to náš domov , naše země , kterou i nadále chytit , a to všemi Mean Nutné je, jak budeme získávat mír , můžete mi chyba .
Necháte nám nezbývá , křičíme a stačí ohlušeni náš hlas . Co bude trvat opravdu dosáhnout klid , protože nikdo opravdu poslouchat naší prosbě ?
Myslím, že začínám chápat, co všemi dostupnými prostředky opravdu říct, že to je to, co cítíme, náš Bůh, se považuje . Chvála Alláhu , ó Hospodine, a našeho Pána Ježíše , teď Bomby pryč přijatá nevinných životů nejsou spadl tak těžké a zdůvodnit mě o Cenu Nobelovy ceny míru .
Citáty jsem si myslel, že smysl zpět do své doby. Nyní je září 2013 a tyto citace jsou stále použitelné do našich životů . MoPoDC
Náboženství, které nebere v úvahu praktické záležitosti a nepomáhá řešit, žádné náboženství Mahatma Gandhi

Anger je nepřítelem nenásilí a Pýcha je monstrum , které spolkne to tím, že Mahatma Gandhi

Comment allons- nous nous attendions à jamais parvenir à la paix quand il semble que le combat ne cessera jamais , les dirigeants des pays ne semblent pas se soucier suffisamment de ses propres peps , qu'ils allaient traiter tous également : puissance gay ou hétéro riches ou pauvres ou aux soins impuissant assez pas d'abus ou de poison pour un test.
Le Dieu que nous servons a beaucoup de noms , Jéhovah , Allah, Sar Shalom Jésus et Dieu , que certains d' entre nous croient nous a donné la bénédiction à prendre des innocents vies parce que nous allons toujours être en désaccord , ou est-ce juste quelque pot de fait des mensonges pour masquer l'image réelle qui brille , l'image Connaissant Dieu n'est pas à l'intérieur .
Pour y parvenir vraiment quelqu'un de paix doit payer le prix. nous avons essayé de jouer gentil . nous avons essayé de parler dans un manoir civile, mais que devons-nous faire si notre réputation est constamment harcelé . Que devons-nous faire , si nous vous demandons la paix et tout ce que vous faites , c'est de continuer à me troubler ? Qu'est-ce que tous les moyens nécessaires signifie vraiment ?
Est-ce notre façon de parvenir à la paix par tous les moyens et en gardant les mains propres et en demandant à Dieu de bénir notre scène.
Ils ont volé notre terre , ils ont essayé de nous enlever notre capacité à sentir comme un homme, Dieu, je sais que vous voulez comprendre , ils ont vraiment forcé la main. Des vies innocentes perdues sont un tout petit prix , pour atteindre le prix ultime , la paix et nous avons tous à jouer agréable.
Comment sommes -nous différents de la bande de Gaza en laissant hors bombe dans l'espoir qu'Israël serait vraiment entendre , que c'est notre maison , notre terre que vous continuez à saisir, par quelque moyen nécessaire , est de savoir comment nous allons obtenir la paix , pouvez-vous me faute .
Tu nous laisses pas le choix , nous crions et vous venez assourdis notre voix . Que faut-il pour atteindre vraiment la paix , puisque personne n'est vraiment à l'écoute de notre demande ?
Je crois que je commence à comprendre ce par tous les moyens nécessaires signifie vraiment , c'est ce que nous pensons que notre Dieu aurait jugé . Louange à Allah , Jéhovah et Jésus notre Seigneur , maintenant Bombs Away prises vies innocentes ne tombait si fort et me justifier pour le Prix Nobel de la Paix .
Citations je pensais étaient de retour significatif en son temps. Maintenant, c'est Septembre 2013 et ces citations sont encore applicables à nos vies. MoPoDC
Une religion qui ne tient pas compte de la pratique des affaires et n'aide pas à résoudre n'ya pas de religion par le Mahatma Gandhi

La colère est l'ennemi de la non -violence et la fierté est un monstre qui engloutit par Mahatma Gandhi

Wie sollen wir jemals erwartet, dass Frieden zu erreichen , wenn es der Kampf wird nie aufhören , Mitarbeiter der Länder scheinen nicht wichtig genug für den eigenen peps , dass sie sie alle gleich zu behandeln scheint : arm oder reich Homosexuell oder gerade Macht oder Ohnmacht fürsorglich genug nicht zu missbrauchen oder Gift für einen Test .
Der Gott, dem wir dienen hat viele Namen , Jehova , Allah, Sar Shalom Jesus und Gott, der einige von uns glauben, hat uns den Segen , Unschuldige das Leben zu nehmen , weil wir immer im Widerspruch sein wird , oder ist das nur einige Topf aus bis liegt um das reale Bild , dass scheint zu verbergen, wissen Ebenbild Gottes ist nicht im Inneren.
Um wirklich Frieden erreichen hat jemand den Preis zu zahlen . wir haben versucht zu spielen schön. haben wir versucht, in einem zivilrechtlichen Herrenhaus sprechen, aber was sollen wir tun, wenn unser Ruf wird ständig gehetzt . Was sollen wir tun , wenn wir Sie für den Frieden zu stellen und alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist weiterhin mich beunruhigen ? Was ist mit allen notwendigen Mitteln wirklich?
Ist es unser Weg zur Erreichung des Friedens durch irgendwelche Mittel und halten unsere Hände sauber und fragen , unser Gott , um die Szene zu segnen.
Sie stahlen unser Land , sie versuchte zu nehmen unsere Fähigkeit, wie ein Mann zu fühlen , so Gott, ich weiß, Sie würden verstehen , sie wirklich gezwungen unsere Hand . Innocent Leben verloren sind nur ein kleiner Preis , den ultimativen Preis , Frieden zu erreichen , und wir alle spielen schön.
Wie sind wir anders aus dem Gazastreifen ablassen Bombe in der Hoffnung , dass Israel wirklich hören , dass dies unsere Heimat, unser Land , die Sie ergreifen , Mit allen meine, das ist , wie wir den Frieden zu erhalten, können Sie mich auch weiterhin Fehler ist .
Sie lassen uns keine andere Wahl , rufen wir und Sie müssen nur unsere Stimme taub . Was braucht es, um wirklich zu erreichen Peace, da niemand wirklich hört unser Flehen ?
Ich glaube, ich fange an zu verstehen, was mit allen notwendigen Mitteln wirklich meine, es ist das, was wir fühlen, unser Gott haben als . Alles Lob gebührt Allah , Jehova und Jesus, unseren Herrn , jetzt Bomben weggenommen unschuldige Leben nicht so schwer fiel und mich rechtfertigen für den Friedensnobelpreis ausgezeichnet .
Quotes ich dachte, waren aussagekräftige zurück in seine Zeit . Jetzt ist es September 2013 und diese Kurse sind noch für unser Leben . MoPoDC
Eine Religion, die keine Rücksicht auf praktische Angelegenheiten nimmt und nicht helfen zu lösen ist keine Religion, die von Mahatma Gandhi

Wut ist der Feind der Gewaltlosigkeit und Stolz ist ein Monster, das schluckt es von Mahatma Gandhi

Як ми і очікували , щоб коли-небудь досягти миру , коли здається , боротьба ніколи не припиниться , лідери країн , здається , не дбають достатньо для власних політично значущими особами , що вони будуть ставитися до них однаково: багаті чи бідні геї або прямої влади або безсилі турбувати досить не зловживати чи отрута для тесту.
Богу ми служимо має багато назв , Єгова , Аллах , Сар Шалом Ісуса і Бога , який деякі з нас вважають, дав нам благословення взяти невинних життів , тому що ми завжди будемо в сварці , або це всього лише деякі глечик склали лежить , щоб приховати реальне зображення , яке світить , знаючи образ Божий не всередині .
Щоб дійсно досягти миру хтось повинен за це розплачуватися . ми намагалися грати добре . Ми намагалися поговорити в цивільному садиби , але що ж нам робити , якщо наша репутація постійно дражнили . Що ж нам робити , якщо ми просимо Вас за мир і все , що вам зробити , це продовжувати турбувати мене ? Що будь-яку ціну дійсно означає?
Це наш шлях досягнення миру за допомогою будь-яких засобів і підтримки наших руках чистий і питаючи нашої Бога благословити сцени.
Вони вкрали нашу землю , вони намагалися відняти нашу здатність відчувати себе , як чоловік , так і Бог Я знаю , ви б зрозуміли , вони дійсно змушені наших руках. Безневинних життів втрачено лише невелика вартість , для досягнення кінцевої ціни , світ і всі ми грали добре .
Як у нас не відрізняється від сектора Газа пускаючи бомбу в надії , що Ізраїль дійсно почути , що це наш дім , наша земля , що ви продовжувати захоплювати , будь-яким способом необхідності , як ми отримаємо світ , чи не так вини мене .
Ви не залишаєте нам вибору , ми кличемо , і ви просто оглушив наш голос . Що необхідно зробити , щоб дійсно досягти миру , так як ніхто не дійсно слухає наше прохання ?
Я думаю , що я починаю розуміти , що будь-яку ціну дійсно маю на увазі , це те , що ми відчуваємо Бога нашого визнали . Хвала Аллаху , Господу , та Ісуса , Господа нашого , тепер Бомби геть прийнято невинних життів не повипадали так сильно , і виправдовує мене на премію Нобелівську премію миру.
Цитати я думав , були значущими назад в свій час. Тепер це вересень 2013 і ці котирування як і раніше застосовуються в нашому житті. MoPoDC
Релігія , яка не враховує практичних справ і не допоможе вирішити немає релігії Махатма Ганді

Гнів є ворогом ненасильства і гордості , а чудовисько , яка поглинає його Махатмою Ганді
Yak my i ochikuvaly , shchob koly-nebudʹ dosyahty myru , koly zdayetʹsya , borotʹba nikoly ne prypynytʹsya , lidery kraïn , zdayetʹsya , ne dbayutʹ dostatnʹo dlya vlasnykh politychno znachushchymy osobamy , shcho vony budutʹ stavytysya do nykh odnakovo: bahati chy bidni heï abo pryamoï vlady abo bezsyli turbuvaty dosytʹ ne zlovzhyvaty chy otruta dlya testu.
Bohu my sluzhymo maye bahato nazv , Yehova , Allakh , Sar Shalom Isusa i Boha , yakyy̆ deyaki z nas vvazhayutʹ, dav nam blahoslovennya vzyaty nevynnykh zhyttiv , tomu shcho my zavzhdy budemo v svartsi , abo tse vsʹoho lyshe deyaki hlechyk sklaly lezhytʹ , shchob prykhovaty realʹne zobrazhennya , yake svitytʹ , znayuchy obraz Bozhyy̆ ne vseredyni .
Shchob diy̆sno dosyahty myru khtosʹ povynen za tse rozplachuvatysya . my namahalysya hraty dobre . My namahalysya pohovoryty v tsyvilʹnomu sadyby , ale shcho zh nam robyty , yakshcho nasha reputatsiya postiy̆no drazhnyly . Shcho zh nam robyty , yakshcho my prosymo Vas za myr i vse , shcho vam zrobyty , tse prodovzhuvaty turbuvaty mene ? Shcho budʹ-yaku tsinu diy̆sno oznachaye?
Tse nash shlyakh dosyahnennya myru za dopomohoyu budʹ-yakykh zasobiv i pidtrymky nashykh rukakh chystyy̆ i pytayuchy nashoï Boha blahoslovyty stseny.
Vony vkraly nashu zemlyu , vony namahalysya vidnyaty nashu zdatnistʹ vidchuvaty sebe , yak cholovik , tak i Boh YA znayu , vy b zrozumily , vony diy̆sno zmusheni nashykh rukakh. Beznevynnykh zhyttiv vtracheno lyshe nevelyka vartistʹ , dlya dosyahnennya kintsevoï tsiny , svit i vsi my hraly dobre .
Yak u nas ne vidriznyayetʹsya vid sektora Haza puskayuchy bombu v nadiï , shcho Izraïlʹ diy̆sno pochuty , shcho tse nash dim , nasha zemlya , shcho vy prodovzhuvaty zakhoplyuvaty , budʹ-yakym sposobom neobkhidnosti , yak my otrymayemo svit , chy ne tak vyny mene .
Vy ne zalyshayete nam vyboru , my klychemo , i vy prosto ohlushyv nash holos . Shcho neobkhidno zrobyty , shchob diy̆sno dosyahty myru , tak yak nikhto ne diy̆sno slukhaye nashe prokhannya ?
YA dumayu , shcho ya pochynayu rozumity , shcho budʹ-yaku tsinu diy̆sno mayu na uvazi , tse te , shcho my vidchuvayemo Boha nashoho vyznaly . Khvala Allakhu , Hospodu , ta Isusa , Hospoda nashoho , teper Bomby hetʹ pryy̆nyato nevynnykh zhyttiv ne povypadaly tak sylʹno , i vypravdovuye mene na premiyu Nobelivsʹku premiyu myru.
Tsytaty ya dumav , buly znachushchymy nazad v sviy̆ chas. Teper tse veresenʹ 2013 i tsi kotyruvannya yak i ranishe zastosovuyutʹsya v nashomu zhytti. MoPoDC
Relihiya , yaka ne vrakhovuye praktychnykh sprav i ne dopomozhe vyrishyty nemaye relihiï Makhatma Handi

Hniv ye vorohom nenasylʹstva i hordosti , a chudovysʹko , yaka pohlynaye y̆oho Makhatmoyu Handi
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Làm thế nào chúng ta dự kiến ​​sẽ bao giờ đạt được hòa bình khi có vẻ như chiến tranh sẽ không bao giờ chấm dứt, lãnh đạo của các quốc gia dường như không đủ quan tâm peps riêng của mình , rằng họ sẽ đối xử với họ một cách bình đẳng : điện đồng tính hay dị giàu hay nghèo hoặc chăm sóc bất lực đủ không lạm dụng hoặc chất độc cho một thử nghiệm .
Thiên Chúa chúng ta phục vụ có nhiều tên gọi , Jehovah , Allah , Sar Shalom Chúa Giêsu và Thiên Chúa, Đấng một số trong chúng ta tin rằng đã cho chúng ta phước lành cho những người vô tội mất mạng sống vì chúng ta sẽ mãi mãi là mâu thuẫn , hay đây chỉ là một số crock của tạo thành nằm để ẩn các hình ảnh thực sự tỏa sáng , biết hình ảnh của Thiên Chúa không phải là bên trong.
Để thực sự đạt được hòa bình ai đó đã phải trả giá. chúng tôi đã cố gắng chơi tốt đẹp. chúng tôi đã cố gắng để nói chuyện trong một trang viên dân sự nhưng chúng ta phải làm gì nếu danh tiếng của chúng tôi là liên tục được quấy rầy . Chúng ta phải làm gì , nếu chúng ta yêu cầu bạn cho hòa bình và tất cả các bạn làm là tiếp tục gây rắc rối cho tôi ? Không bằng bất kỳ phương tiện cần thiết thực sự có nghĩa là gì?
Là nó theo cách của chúng tôi để đạt được hòa bình thông qua bất kỳ phương tiện và giữ tay sạch sẽ và xin Chúa chúc lành cho chúng tôi để cảnh .
Họ đã ăn cắp đất của chúng tôi , họ đã cố gắng để lấy đi khả năng của chúng tôi để cảm thấy như một người đàn ông , vì Chúa tôi biết bạn sẽ hiểu , họ thực sự buộc tay của chúng tôi . Cuộc sống vô tội bị mất chỉ là một chi phí nhỏ , để đạt được giá cuối cùng , Hòa bình và tất cả chúng ta chơi tốt đẹp.
Làm thế nào chúng ta có bất kỳ khác nhau từ Dải Gaza để cho ra quả bom trong hy vọng rằng Israel sẽ thực sự nghe , rằng đây là nhà của chúng tôi , đất của chúng tôi mà bạn tiếp tục nắm bắt , theo bất kỳ nghĩa là cần thiết , là cách chúng ta sẽ có được hòa bình , có thể bạn lỗi tôi .
Bạn để lại chúng tôi không có lựa chọn , chúng tôi kêu lên và bạn chỉ cần điếc tiếng nói của chúng tôi . Những gì nó sẽ làm để thực sự đạt được hòa bình , vì không có ai là thực sự lắng nghe lời cầu xin của chúng tôi ?
Tôi nghĩ rằng tôi bắt đầu hiểu những gì bởi bất kỳ phương tiện cần thiết thực sự có ý nghĩa , đó là những gì chúng tôi cảm thấy Thiên Chúa chúng ta đã coi . Lời khen ngợi để Allah , Jehovah , và Chúa Giêsu , Chúa chúng ta , bây giờ Bom đi lấy mạng sống vô tội không giảm khó khăn như vậy và biện minh cho tôi cho giải thưởng Hòa bình Nobel.
Giá tôi nghĩ là lại có ý nghĩa trong thời gian của mình . Bây giờ là tháng 9 năm 2013 và những Giá vẫn còn áp dụng cho cuộc sống của chúng tôi . MoPoDC
Một tôn giáo mà không tính các công việc thực tế và không giúp đỡ để giải quyết là không tôn giáo của Mahatma Gandhi

Tức giận là kẻ thù của Không bạo lực và niềm tự hào là một con quái vật nuốt nó lên bằng cách Mahatma Gandhi
איך אנחנו צפויים אי פעם להגיע לשלום כאשר נדמההלחימה לעולם לא תחדל , מנהיגי מדינות לא נראה שאכפת להם מPEPs משלו, שהם היו מתייחסים באופן שווה לכולם : כוח הומו או סטרייט עשיר או עני או אכפתיות חסרת אונים מספיק לאלהתעללות או רעללבדיקה.
ישאלוהים אנו משרתים שמות רבים , יהוה, אללה, שר שלום ישוואלוהים , שחלק מאיתנו מאמינים שנתן לנו את ברכתו לקחת את חיי חפים מפשע בגלל שאנחנו יהיו לנצחבסיכויים, או שזה רק חלקמהשטויות המציאו שקרים כדי להסתיר את התמונה האמיתיתשזורח ; תמונה בידיעתו של אלוהים היא לא בפנים.
כדי באמת להגיע לשלום מישהו צריכה לשלם את המחיר. יש לנו ניסינו לשחק יפה . יש לנו ניסינו לדברבאחוזה אזרחית , אך מה עלינו לעשות אם הוא כל הזמן הציק המוניטין שלנו. מה אנחנו צריכים לעשות, אם אנחנו שואלים אותך לשלוםוכל מה שאתה עושה הוא להמשיך ולהטריד אותי? מה עושה בכל אמצעים נדרשים באמת מתכוון ?
האם זה בדרך של השגת שלום בכל אמצעיושמירה על ידינונקיות ומבקש מאלוהים לברך אותנולמקום שלנו.
הם גנבו את האדמה שלנו , הם ניסו לקחת את היכולת שלנו להרגיש כמו גבר , ולכן אני יודע שאלוהים היית מבין , הם ממש הכריחו את היד שלנו . חיי חפים מפשע איבד הם רקעלות קטנה , כדי להשיג את המחיר האולטימטיבי , שלום וכולנו משחק נחמד .
איך אנחנו שונים מכלהרצועה עזה ומאפשרות את פצצה בתקווה שישראל באמת הייתי שומעת ,שזה הבית שלנו , האדמה שלנו שתמשיכו לתפוס , בכל אמצעי דרוש , היא איך אנחנו צריכים להשיג שלום , אתה יכול באשמתי .
אתה לא משאיר לנו ברירה, אנחנו בוכים ואתה רק החרשת את קולנו . מה זה ייקח באמת כדי להשיג שלום , שכן אף אחד לא באמת מקשיבלטיעון שלנו?
אני חושב שאני מתחיל להבין מה בכל אמצעים הנדרשים באמת מתכוון , זה מה שאנחנו מרגישיםשאלוהים שלנו ייחשב . השבח לאללה, יהוה וישווע אדוננו , עכשיו הפצצות משם נלקחו חיי חפים מפשע לא נפל כל כך קשה ולהצדיק אותי לפרס נובל לשלום .
ציטוטים שחשבתי היו משמעותית אחורה בזמנה. עכשיו זה ספטמבר 2013והציטוטים האלה הם עדיין רלוונטיים לחיינו. MoPoDC
דתשאינו לוקחת בחשבון עניינים מעשיים ולא עוזר לפתור שום דת על ידי מהטמה גנדי

כעס הואהאויב של אי אלימותוהגאווה היאמפלצת שבולע אותו על ידי מהטמה גנדי

काफी अमीर हो या गरीब समलैंगिक या सीधे बिजली या शक्तिहीन देखभाल : हम इसे कैसे लड़ वे समान रूप से उन सब का इलाज होता है , अपनी ही Peps के लिए पर्याप्त देखभाल नहीं लगती , देशों के नेताओं ने संघर्ष कभी नहीं होगा लगता है जब कभी शांति हासिल करने की उम्मीद कर रहे हैं नहीं एक परीक्षण के लिए दुरुपयोग या जहर .
हम सेवा भगवान हम में से कुछ हमें हम हमेशा के अंतर पर होगा , या यह बना हुआ झूठ का अभी कुछ थका हुआ है क्योंकि बेगुनाहों की जान लेने के लिए आशीर्वाद दिया है जो मानते हैं कि कई नाम , जेनोवा , अल्लाह , सार एसएचएलओएम यीशु और भगवान है, चमकता है कि वास्तविक छवि को छिपाने के लिए , भगवान के जानने के बाद छवि के अंदर नहीं है .
वास्तव में शांति किसी को प्राप्त करने के लिए कीमत चुकानी पड़ती है. हम अच्छा खेलने की कोशिश की है . हम एक नागरिक मनोर में बात करने की कोशिश की है , लेकिन हम अपनी प्रतिष्ठा लगातार badgered जा रहा है कि क्या करना है. हम शांति के लिए आप पूछ सकते हैं और आप सब मुझे परेशान करने के लिए जारी किया जाता है तो हम क्या कर रहे हैं ? वास्तव में क्या मतलब है किसी भी तरीक़े से करता है?
किसी भी तरह के माध्यम से शांति प्राप्त करने और हमारे हाथों को साफ रखने और दृश्य आशीर्वाद देने के लिए हमारे भगवान पूछने का यह हमारा तरीका है .
वे हमारे देश चुरा लिया है , वे मैं आप समझ जाएगा पता है हमारे एक आदमी की तरह महसूस करने की क्षमता है, तो भगवान दूर ले जाने की कोशिश की , वे वास्तव में हमारे हाथ मजबूर कर दिया. खो मासूम जीवन परम मूल्य , शांति प्राप्त करने के लिए बस एक छोटी सी कीमत , कर रहे हैं और हम सभी अच्छा खेल रहे हैं .
हम यह कैसे आप किसी भी आवश्यक मतलब द्वारा , जब्त हम शांति , मुझे आप गलती कर सकते हैं प्राप्त करेगा कैसे है कि जारी रखने के हमारे घर , हमारा देश है , इसराइल वास्तव में सुना होगा कि आशा में बम बंद कर दे गाजा पट्टी से किसी भी अलग हैं .
आप हमें कोई विकल्प नहीं छोड़ , हम बाहर रोना और आप सिर्फ हमारी आवाज deafened . कोई भी वास्तव में हमारी दलील को सुनने के बाद से क्या यह वास्तव में शांति प्राप्त करने के लिए ले जाएगा ?
मुझे लगता है मैं किसी भी आवश्यक वास्तव में मतलब मतलब , यह हम अपने भगवान समझा है क्या लगता है क्या समझने के लिए शुरू कर रहा हूँ लगता है . अल्लाह , जेनोवा , और हमारे प्रभु यीशु की जय हो , अब दूर मासूम जान ले बम इतनी मेहनत से गिर गया और नोबेल शांति पुरस्कार के लिए मुझे औचित्य नहीं है .
मैंने सोचा उद्धरण अपने समय में सार्थक वापस रहे थे . अब यह सितंबर 2013 है और इन उद्धरण अभी भी हमारे जीवन के लिए लागू होते हैं. MoPoDC
व्यावहारिक मामलों का कोई खाता लेता है और हल करने में मदद नहीं करता है कि एक धर्म महात्मा गांधी द्वारा कोई धर्म नहीं है

क्रोध अहिंसा का दुश्मन है और शान एक राक्षस है कि महात्मा गांधी द्वारा इसे निगल ऊपर
Kāphī amīra hō yā garība samalaiṅgika yā sīdhē bijalī yā śaktihīna

どのように我々はこれはあなたがどれで必要な平均することにより、 、つかむ我々は平和を、私は障害can受けなければならない方法ですしていくことを私たちの家、私たちの土地であることを、イスラエルが本当に聞きたいことを期待して爆弾をオフさせるガザから異なっています。
私が思った引用は、その時間内に有意義な背中だった。今では20139月だし、これらの引用は、まだ私たちの生活にも適用可能である。 MoPoDC


충분히 부유하거나 가난 게이 또는 직선 전원 또는 무력 돌보는 방법 : 우리는싸움 들이 동등하게 그들 모두를 치료하는 자체 peps 충분한 주의 하지 않는 , 국가의 지도자 중단 하지 않습니다 보이는 경우 평화를 달성 것으로 예상된다 아니 시험 남용 또는 합니다.
우리가 봉사하나님은 우리 일부는 우리에게 영원히 확률 에있을 것입니다 , 또는 구성 거짓말 고치기 때문에 무고한 사람 생명 취할 수있는 축복을 주신 믿고 많은 이름 , 여호와 , 알라 , 사르 샬롬 예수님과 하나님 가지고 빛나는실제 이미지 숨기려면 하나님 아는 이미지 안에 없습니다.
정말 평화 누군가 달성 하려면 가격을 지불 있다. 우리는 좋은 게임을 시도했다. 우리는 시민의 영지 에서 이야기하는 시도했다 그러나 우리는 우리의 명성 계속 해대는 되는 경우 수행 작업 입니다. 우리는 평화 요구 하고 당신이 모든 수고 계속 하면 우리는 무엇을 있습니까? 정말 무엇을 의미 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는다 ?
어떤 수단을 통해 평화를 달성하고 우리의 손을 청결하게 유지 하고장면을 축복 하는 하나님 묻는 그것이 우리의 방법이다.
그들은 우리 땅을 훔쳐 , 그들은 당신이 이해할 알고있는 우리사람처럼 느낄 수있는 능력 , 그래서 하나님 데려가 려고 , 그들은 정말 우리 손을 강제로 . 잃은 무고한 생명이최고의 가격, 평화 달성하기 위해 단지 작은 비용 이며, 우리 모두가 좋은 게임 .
우리는 어떻게 당신이 필요 으로 , 압류 우리는 평화 , 당신이 잘못 얻어야 하는 방법입니다 계속 우리의 가정, 우리의 , 이스라엘이 실제로 들을 있는 희망 폭탄 시키는가자 지구 에서 어떤 다른 .
당신은 우리 에게 선택의 여지 남겨 , 우리는 울고 그리고 당신은 우리의 목소리를 deafened . 아무도 정말 우리의 탄원 듣고 되지 않기 때문에 무엇 정말 평화 달성하기 위해 걸릴까요?
내가 필요한 정말 의미 의미 , 우리가 우리 하나님 간주 했다고 생각 무엇인지 이해 하기 시작 해요 생각합니다. 알라 , 여호와 , 예수 우리 찬양 , 지금은 멀리 무고한 생명을 가지고 폭탄 열심히 떨어졌다노벨 평화 저를 정당화하지 않습니다.
내가 생각 따옴표 시간에 의미 돌아갔다 . 지금은 2013 9 이러한 지수 여전히 우리의 적용 있습니다 . MoPoDC
실무 아무 계정을 지지 않습니다 하고 해결하는 도움이되지 않는종교는 마하트마 간디 의해 아무 종교 입니다

분노가 아닌 폭력의 이며, 프라이드 는괴물 이다 마하트마 간디 의해 삼켜 그것을

Jak możemy oczekiwać , aby kiedykolwiek osiągnąć spokój , gdy wydaje się, że walka nigdy nie przestanie , przywódców państw nie obchodzi na tyle własnych PEPS , które traktują je wszystkie jednakowo : bogaty czy biedny gej czy hetero władzy lub bezsilny troski tyle nie do nadużywania lub trucizną dla testu .
Bóg nam służyć ma wiele nazw , Jehowa , Bóg , Sar shalom Jezus i Bóg , który niektórzy z nas wierzy, dał nam błogosławieństwo podjęcia niewinnych życie , ponieważ będziemy na zawsze w sprzeczności , czy też jest to tylko niektóre garnek składa się leży , aby ukryć prawdziwy obraz, który świeci ; Wiedząc obraz Boga nie jest w środku.
Aby naprawdę osiągnąć kogoś pokoju musi zapłacić cenę. staraliśmy się grać ładnie. próbowaliśmy rozmawiać w dworku cywilnej Co mamy jednak zrobić, gdy nasza reputacja jest stale badgered . Co mamy zrobić , jeśli poprosi o pokój i wszystko co robisz jest nadal mnie gnębić ? Co to za wszelką naprawdę oznacza?
Czy nasz sposób osiągnięcia pokoju w dowolny sposób i trzymamy ręce czyste i prosząc Boga , aby błogosławił scenę .
Ukradli naszą ziemię , starali się zabrać naszą zdolność do odczuwania jak człowiek , tak Boże, wiem , że zrozumiesz , że naprawdę zmusiła naszą rękę . Niewinnych ludzi porażka to tylkomały koszt , aby osiągnąć najwyższą cenę , pokój i wszyscy gra nice.
Jak mamy się różni od Strefy Gazy najmu off bombę w nadziei , że Izrael będzie naprawdę usłyszeć , że to jest nasz dom , nasz kraj , aby kontynuować zajęcia , za pomocą wszelkich Niezbędne jest, w jaki otrzymamy pokój, prawda wina mnie .
Zostaw nam wyboru , wołamy i po prostu ogłuszył nasz głos . Czym zajmie się naprawdę osiągnąć pokój , ponieważ nikt nie jest naprawdę słucha naszej zarzutu ?
Myślę, że zaczynam rozumieć, co za wszelką naprawdę myśli, to jest to, co czujemy, nasz Bóg nie uznaje . Chwała Bogu, Jehowa , a Jezus naszym Panem , teraz Bombs dala podjęte życie niewinnych ludzi nie spadła tak mocno i uzasadnić mnie do Nagrody Pokojowej Nobla .
Cytaty myślałem były znaczące z powrotem w swoim czasie . Teraz z września 2013 r., a te cytaty są nadal stosowane w naszym życiu . MoPoDC
Religia, która nie bierze pod uwagę praktyczne rzeczy i nie pomaga rozwiązać ma religii przez Mahatma Gandhi

Como é que espera-se sempre alcançar a paz quando parece que a luta nunca cessará, Líderes de países não parecem se importar o suficiente para suas próprias peps , que eles iriam tratá-los todos igualmente : o poder gay ou hetero rico ou pobre ou carinho impotente suficiente não abuso ou veneno para um teste.
O Deus que servimos tem muitos nomes , Jeová , Alá, Sar shalom Jesus e Deus , que alguns de nós acreditam que nos deu a bênção para tomar inocentes vidas, porque estaremos sempre em desacordo, ou isso é apenas algumas pote de composto reside para ocultar a imagem real que brilha ; Sabendo imagem de Deus não está dentro.
Para realmente atingir alguém a paz tem que pagar o preço. tentamos jogar bonito . tentamos falar em uma mansão civil, mas o que devemos fazer se nossa reputação está sendo constantemente atormentado . O que devemos fazer , se lhe pedir paz e tudo que você faz é continuar a me incomodar ? O que por qualquer meio necessário realmente significa?
É a nossa maneira de alcançar a paz através de qualquer meio e manter as mãos limpas e pedindo a Deus que abençoe a nossa cena.
Eles roubaram nossa terra , eles tentaram tirar a nossa capacidade de sentir como um homem , assim Deus eu sei que você iria entender , eles realmente forçado a mão . Vidas inocentes perdidas são apenas um pequeno custo , para alcançar o preço final , Paz e todos nós jogar bonito .
Como somos diferente da Faixa de Gaza soltando bomba na esperança de que Israel seria realmente ouvir , que esta é a nossa casa, a nossa terra, que você continue a aproveitar , por qualquer meio necessário , é assim que deve obter a paz , não é culpa me .
Você nos deixa escolha , clamamos e você só ensurdecido nossa voz. O que é necessário para realmente alcançar a paz, já que ninguém está realmente ouvindo o nosso apelo ?
Eu acho que estou começando a entender o que por todos os meios necessários significa realmente , é o que sentimos , nosso Deus, têm considerado . Louvor a Allah , Jeová, e Jesus , nosso Senhor, agora Bombs Away tomadas vidas inocentes não caiu tanto e me justificar para o Prêmio Nobel da Paz .
Cotações eu achava que eram de volta significativa em seu tempo. Agora é setembro de 2013 e estas citações são ainda aplicáveis ​​às nossas vidas. MoPoDC
Uma religião que não leva em conta os assuntos práticos e não ajuda a resolver não é religião por Mahatma Gandhi

Как мы и ожидали , чтобы когда-нибудь достичь мира , когда кажется, борьба никогда не прекратится , лидеры стран , кажется, не заботятся достаточно для собственных политически значимыми лицами , что они будут относиться к ним одинаково : богатые или бедные геи или прямой власти или бессильны заботить достаточно не злоупотреблять или яд длятеста.
Богу мы служим имеет много названий , Иегова, Аллах , Сар Шалом Иисуса и Бога, который некоторые из нас полагают, дал нам благословение взять невинных жизней , потому что мы всегда будем в ссоре, или это всего лишь некоторые кувшин составили лежит , чтобы скрыть реальное изображение , которое светит , зная образ Божий не находится внутри .
Чтобы действительно достичь мира кто-то должен за это расплачиваться. мы старались играть хорошо . Мы пытались поговорить в гражданском усадьбы , но что же нам делать, если наша репутация постоянно дразнили . Что же нам делать, если мы просим Вас за мир и все, что вам сделать, это продолжать беспокоить меня? Что любой ценой действительно означает?
Это наш путь достижения мира с помощью любых средств и поддержания наших руках чистый и спрашивая нашего Бога благословить сцены.
Они украли нашу землю , они пытались отнять нашу способность чувствовать себя, как мужчина, так и Бог Я знаю, вы бы поняли , они действительно вынуждены наших руках. Невинных жизней потеряно лишь небольшая стоимость, для достижения конечной цены , мир и все мы играли хорошо.
Как у нас не отличается от сектора Газа пуская бомбу в надежде , что Израиль действительно услышать , что это наш дом, наша земля , что вы продолжать захватывать , любым способом необходимости, как мы получим мир , не так ли вине меня .
Вы не оставляете нам выбора , мы взываем , и вы просто оглушил наш голос. Что необходимо сделать, чтобы действительно достичь мира , так как никто не действительно слушает нашу просьбу ?
Я думаю, что я начинаю понимать, что любой ценой действительно имею в виду, это то, что мы чувствуем Бога нашего сочли . Хвала Аллаху , Господу, и Иисуса, Господа нашего , теперь Бомбы прочь принято невинных жизней не упали так сильно, и оправдывает меня на премию Нобелевскую премию мира .
Цитаты я думал, были значимыми обратно в свое время . Теперь это сентябрь 2013 и эти котировки по-прежнему применяются в нашей жизни. MoPoDC
Религия, которая не учитывает практических дел и не поможет решить нет религии Махатма Ганди

Гнев является врагом ненасилия и гордости , а чудовище , которая поглощает его Махатмой Ганди

¿Cómo nos esperábamos alcanzar jamás la paz cuando parece que la lucha no cesará , los líderes de los países , no parece que se preocupan más por sus propios peps , que iban a tratar a todos por igual : el poder gay o rico o pobre o cuidado sin poder suficiente no al abuso o veneno para una prueba.
El Dios que servimos tiene muchos nombres , Jehová , Alá, Sar Shalom Jesús y Dios , que algunos de nosotros creemos que nos ha dado la bendición a tomar vidas inocentes , porque vamos a estar siempre en desacuerdo , o es sólo un poco de barro del compuesto se encuentra para ocultar la verdadera imagen que brilla ; Sabiendo imagen de Dios no está dentro.
Para conseguir realmente la paz alguien tiene que pagar el precio. hemos tratado de jugar bien . hemos tratado de hablar en una casa civil, pero ¿qué podemos hacer si está siendo constantemente acosado nuestra reputación. ¿Qué vamos a hacer , si le pedimos por la paz y todo lo que hacen es seguir molestarme ? Lo que por cualquier medio necesario realmente?
Es nuestra manera de lograr la paz a través de cualquier medio y mantener nuestras manos limpias y pidiendo a nuestro Dios que bendiga a la escena.
Nos robaron nuestra tierra , sino que trataron de quitarnos nuestra capacidad de sentir como un hombre , así Dios sé que lo entenderías , realmente forzados nuestra mano. Vidas inocentes perdidas son sólo un pequeño coste , para conseguir el precio más alto , la paz y todos jugando bien.
¿Cómo vamos diferente de la Franja de Gaza dejando fuera una bomba en la esperanza de que Israel realmente escuchar , que esta es nuestra casa , nuestra tierra que continúe para aprovechar , por cualquier medio necesario , es cómo vamos a obtener la paz , ¿no me falla .
Usted nos deja otra opción, clamamos y sólo ensordecidos nuestra voz. ¿Qué se necesita para alcanzar realmente la paz , ya que nadie está realmente escuchando nuestra petición ?
Creo que estoy empezando a entender lo que por todos los medios necesarios realmente malo , es lo que creemos que nuestro Dios ha atribuido. Alabado sea Alá, Jehová y Jesús, nuestro Señor , ahora Bombas fuera tomado vidas inocentes no cayó muy duro y me justifica para el Premio Nobel de la Paz .
Cotizaciones pensé que estaban de vuelta significativa en su tiempo. Ahora es el 09 2013 y estas cotizaciones se pueden aplicar a nuestras vidas. MoPoDC
Una religión que no tiene en cuenta los asuntos prácticos y no ayuda a resolver una religión por Mahatma Gandhi

La ira es el enemigo de la No - violencia y la soberbia es un monstruo que se lo traga por Mahatma Gandhi

Jinsi sisi inatarajiwa milele kufikia amani wakati inaonekana mapigano hawatoacha , Viongozi wa nchi hawaonekani huduma ya kutosha kwa ajili ya peps yake mwenyewe, kwamba wangeweza kutibu yao wote kwa usawa : tajiri au maskini mashoga au moja kwa moja nguvu au kujali halina nguvu ya kutosha si kwa matumizi mabaya au sumu kwa ajili ya mtihani .
Sisi kumtumikia Mungu ana majina mengi, Bwana , Mwenyezi Mungu, Sar shalom Yesu na Mungu , ambao baadhi yetu kuamini ametupa baraka kuchukua maisha wasio na hatia kwa sababu sisi milele kuwa katika tabia mbaya , au ni hii tu baadhi ya crock linaloundwa uongo kuficha picha halisi kwamba huangaza ; kujua sura ya Mungu si ya ndani.
Kwa kweli kufikia amani mtu ana kulipa bei. tumejaribu kucheza nzuri . tuna alijaribu kuzungumza katika Manor kiraia lakini hivi ni nini cha kufanya kama sisi sifa yetu ni daima kuwa badgered . Tufanye nini , kama sisi kuuliza wewe kwa amani na wote kufanya ni kuendelea kumsumbua mimi? Je, kwa njia yoyote lazima kweli maana ?
Je, ni njia yetu ya kufikia amani kwa njia yoyote na kuweka mikono yetu safi na kumuomba Mungu wetu kubariki eneo la tukio.
Wao aliiba nchi yetu ; walijaribu kuchukua mbali uwezo wetu wa kujisikia kama mtu, hivyo Mungu Najua ungependa kuelewa, wao kweli kulazimishwa mkono wetu . Innocent walipoteza maisha ni baadhi tu ya gharama ndogo, kufikia mwisho Bei, Amani na sisi wote kucheza nzuri.
Ni jinsi gani sisi yoyote tofauti kutoka Ukanda wa Gaza kuruhusu mbali bomu katika matumaini kwamba Israeli ingekuwa kweli kusikia, kwamba hii ni nyumba zetu, nchi yetu kwamba utaendelea kumtia , By yoyote Maana Muhimu , ni jinsi gani sisi watapata Amani, unaweza kosa mimi .
Wewe kuondoka sisi hakuna uchaguzi , sisi kelele na wewe tu deafened sauti yetu . Nini itachukua kweli kufikia Amani, kwa kuwa hakuna mtu ni kweli kusikiliza maombi yetu ?
Nadhani mimi nina kuanza kuelewa nini Kwa njia yoyote muhimu kweli maana , ni nini tunafikiri Mungu wetu aliona . Sifa kwa Mwenyezi Mungu , Yehova, na Yesu Bwana wetu , sasa Mabomu mbali zilizochukuliwa maisha na hatia haina akaanguka kwa bidii na kuhalalisha yangu kwa ajili ya Tuzo ya Amani ya Nobel.
Quotes nimeona walikuwa maana nyuma katika wakati wake. Sasa ni Septemba 2013 na hizi Quotes bado ni husika kwa maisha yetu. MoPoDC
Dini ambayo inachukua hakuna sababu ya masuala ya vitendo na haina msaada kutatua hakuna dini na Mahatma Gandhi

Hasira ni adui wa Non vurugu -na Pride ni monster kwamba huyameza na Mahatma Gandhi

เรา คาดว่าจะมี วิธีการ ที่เคย ให้บรรลุ สันติภาพ เมื่อมัน ดูเหมือนว่า การต่อสู้ไม่เคย จะหยุด ผู้นำ ของประเทศที่ ดูเหมือนจะไม่ เพียงพอสำหรับการ ดูแล peps ของตัวเอง ว่าพวกเขาจะ ปฏิบัติต่อพวกเขา อย่างเท่าเทียมกัน : อำนาจ เกย์หรือ ตรง รวยหรือจน หรือ ดูแล ไม่มีอำนาจ พอ ที่จะไม่ ทำผิดกฎเกี่ยว หรือ ยาพิษ สำหรับการทดสอบ
พระเจ้า ที่เราให้บริการมี หลายชื่อ พระยะโฮวา , อัลเลาะห์ ซาร์ ชาลอม พระเยซูและ พระเจ้า ที่ บางส่วนของเรา เชื่อว่า ได้ให้ พรเรา จะใช้ ชีวิตของ ผู้บริสุทธิ์ เพราะเรา ตลอดไป จะอยู่ที่ การต่อรอง หรือ เป็น เพียงแค่นี้ จาก หม้อ ขึ้น ตั้งอยู่ บาง เพื่อซ่อนจริงภาพ ที่ ส่อง ; รู้ ภาพ ของพระเจ้า ไม่ได้อยู่ใน
จริงๆ คนที่ บรรลุ ความสงบสุข จะต้องจ่าย ราคา เรา ได้พยายามที่จะ เล่นดี เราได้พยายาม ที่จะพูดคุย ใน คฤหาสน์ แพ่งแต่สิ่งที่ เรา จะทำอย่างไรถ้า ชื่อเสียงของเรา อยู่ตลอดเวลาการ กวน สิ่งที่เรากำลัง จะทำ ถ้า เราขอให้คุณ เพื่อความสงบสุข และสิ่งที่คุณ ทำคือการ ยังคง มีปัญหา นะครับ อะไร โดย วิธีการใด ที่จำเป็น จริงๆหมายถึง ?
มันเป็น วิธีการของเรา บรรลุสันติภาพ ด้วยวิธีการ ใด และ การรักษาความ สะอาด มือของเรา และขอให้ พระเจ้าของเรา ที่จะอวยพร ฉาก
พวกเขา ขโมย แผ่นดินของเรา พวกเขา พยายามที่จะ นำมาใช้ ความสามารถที่จะ รู้สึกเหมือน ชายคนหนึ่ง ของเราเพื่อ พระเจ้า ฉันรู้ว่าคุณ จะ เข้าใจ พวกเขาจริงๆ บังคับ มือ ของเรา ชีวิตของ ผู้บริสุทธิ์ ที่หายไป เป็นเพียงค่าใช้จ่าย เล็ก เพื่อให้บรรลุสันติภาพ ราคา ที่ดีที่สุด และเราทุกคน เล่น ดี
เรามี วิธีการ ใด ที่แตกต่างจากฉนวนกาซา ให้ ระเบิดออก ด้วยความหวังว่า อิสราเอล จริงๆจะ ได้ยิน ว่าที่นี่คือ บ้าน ของเรา ที่ดิน ของเราที่ คุณยังคง ยึด โดย ใด หมายความว่า จำเป็น คือวิธีที่เรา จะ ได้รับ สันติภาพ คุณสามารถ ผิดพลาดของ ฉัน .
คุณ ปล่อยให้เรา ไม่มีทางเลือก เรา ร้องไห้ออกมา และคุณ deafened เพียงแค่ เสียง ของเรา สิ่งที่จะ นำไปใช้ จริงๆ บรรลุ สันติภาพ ตั้งแต่ ไม่มีใคร จริงๆ ฟัง คำอ้อนวอน ของเราหรือไม่
ฉันคิดว่าฉัน เริ่มที่จะ เข้าใจสิ่งที่ ตาม วิธีการใด ที่จำเป็น จริงๆ หมายความว่ามัน เป็นสิ่งที่เรา รู้สึกว่า พระเจ้าของเรา ได้ ถือว่า สรรเสริญ อัลลอ พระยะโฮวา และ พระเยซู องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าของเรา ตอนนี้ ระเบิด นำตัวไป ชีวิตของ ผู้บริสุทธิ์ ไม่ได้ ลดลง อย่างหนัก และ แสดงให้เห็นถึง ฉันได้รับรางวัล โนเบลสันติภาพ
คำพูดที่ ฉันคิดว่า เขากลับมา มีความหมาย ใน ขณะนี้ ตอนนี้ก็ถึง กันยายน 2013 และคำพูด เหล่านี้ยังคง ใช้กับ ชีวิตของเรา MoPoDC
ศาสนา ที่ใช้ บัญชี ของกิจการ ในทางปฏิบัติ ไม่ได้และ ไม่ได้ช่วย ในการแก้ปัญหาเป็นศาสนา โดย มหาตมะคานธี ไม่

ความโกรธ เป็นศัตรูของ ไม่ ใช้ความรุนแรงและความภาคภูมิใจ เป็น มอนสเตอร์ที่ กลืน มันขึ้นมา โดย มหาตมะคานธี
Reā khād ẁā ca mī wiṭhī kār thī̀ khey h̄ı̂ brrlu s̄ạntip̣hāph meụ̄̀x mạn dūh̄emụ̄xn ẁā kār t̀xs̄ū̂ mị̀ khey ca h̄yud p̄hū̂nả k̄hxng pratheṣ̄ thī̀ dūh̄emụ̄xn ca mị̀ pheīyngphx s̄ảh̄rạb kār dūlæ peps k̄hxng tạw xeng ẁā phwk k̄heā ca pt̩ibạti t̀x phwk k̄heā xỳāng thèātheīym kạn: Xảnāc key̒ h̄rụ̄x trng rwy h̄rụ̄x cn h̄rụ̄x dūlæ mị̀mī xảnāc phx Thī̀ ca mị̀ thả p̄hid kḍ keī̀yw h̄rụ̄x yā phis̄ʹ s̄ảh̄rạb kār thds̄xb
Phracêā thī̀ reā h̄ı̂ brikār mī h̄lāy chụ̄̀x phra ya ḥo wā, xạl leāa h̄̒ sār̒ chāl xm phra yesū læa phracêā thī̀ bāng s̄̀wn k̄hxng reā cheụ̄̀x ẁā dị̂ h̄ı̂ phr reā ca chı̂ chīwit k̄hxng p̄hū̂ bris̄uthṭhi̒ pherāa reā tlxd pị ca xyū̀ thī̀ kār t̀x rxng h̄rụ̄x pĕn pheīyng khæ̀ nī̂ cāk h̄m̂x k̄hụ̂n tậng xyū̀ bāng Pheụ̄̀x s̀xn cring p̣hāph thī̀ s̄̀xng; rū̂ p̣hāph k̄hxng phracêā mị̀ dị̂ xyū̀ nı
Cring«khn thī̀ brrlu khwām s̄ngb s̄uk̄h ca t̂xng c̀āy rākhā Reā dị̂ phyāyām thī̀ ca lèn dī Reā dị̂ phyāyām thī̀ ca phūd khuy nı khvh̄ās̄n̒ phæ̀ng tæ̀ s̄ìng thī̀ reā ca thả xỳāngrị t̄ĥā chụ̄̀xs̄eīyng k̄hxng reā xyū̀ tlxd welā kār kwn S̄ìng thī̀ reā kảlạng ca thả t̄ĥā reā k̄hx h̄ı̂ khuṇ pheụ̄̀x khwām s̄ngb s̄uk̄h læa s̄ìng thī̀ khuṇ thả khụ̄x kār yạng khng mī pạỵh̄ā na khrạb Xarị doy wiṭhī kār dı «thī̀ cảpĕn cring«h̄māy t̄hụng?
Mạn pĕn wiṭhī kār k̄hxng reā brrlu s̄ạntip̣hāph d̂wy wiṭhī kār dı «læa kār rạks̄ʹā khwām s̄axād mụ̄x k̄hxng reā læa k̄hx h̄ı̂ phracêā k̄hxng reā thī̀ ca xwyphr c̄hāk
Phwk k̄heā k̄hmoy p̄hæ̀ndin k̄hxng reā phwk k̄heā phyāyām thī̀ ca nả mā chı̂ khwām s̄āmārt̄h thī̀ ca rū̂s̄ụk h̄emụ̄xn chāy khn h̄nụ̀ng k̄hxng reā pheụ̄̀x phracêā c̄hạn rū̂ ẁā khuṇ ca k̄hêācı phwk k̄heā cring«bạngkhạb mụ̄x k̄hxng reā Chīwit k̄hxng p̄hū̂ bris̄uthṭhi̒ thī̀ h̄āy pị pĕn pheīyng kh̀ā chı̂ c̀āy lĕk «pheụ̄̀x h̄ı̂ brrlu s̄ạntip̣hāph rākhā thī̀ dī thī̀s̄ud læa reā thuk khn lèn dī
Reā mī wiṭhī kār dı thī̀ tæk t̀āng cāk c̄hnwn kā sā h̄ı̂ rabeid xxk d̂wy khwām h̄wạng ẁā xis̄rāxel cring«ca dị̂yin ẁāthī̀ nī̀ khụ̄x b̂ān k̄hxng reā thī̀din k̄hxng reā thī̀ khuṇ yạng khng yụd doy dı «h̄māykhwām ẁā cảpĕn khụ̄x wiṭhī thī̀ reā ca dị̂ rạb s̄ạntip̣hāph khuṇ s̄āmārt̄h p̄hid phlād k̄hxng c̄hạn .
Khuṇ pl̀xy h̄ı̂ reā mị̀mī thāng leụ̄xk reā r̂xngh̄ị̂ xxk mā læa khuṇ deafened pheīyng khæ̀ s̄eīyng k̄hxng reā S̄ìng thī̀ ca nả pị chı̂ cring«brrlu s̄ạntip̣hāph tậngtæ̀ mị̀mī khır cring«fạng khả x̂xnwxn k̄hxng reā h̄rụ̄x mị̀
C̄hạn khid ẁā c̄hạn reìm thī̀ ca k̄hêācı s̄ìng thī̀ tām wiṭhī kār dı «thī̀ cảpĕn cring«h̄māykhwām ẁā mạn pĕn s̄ìng thī̀ reā rū̂s̄ụk ẁā phracêā k̄hxng reā dị̂ t̄hụ̄xẁā S̄rrs̄eriỵ xạllx phra ya ḥo wā læa phra yesū xngkh̒ phrap̄hū̂pĕncêāk̄hxng reā txn nī̂ rabeid nả tạw pị chīwit k̄hxng p̄hū̂ bris̄uthṭhi̒ mị̀ dị̂ ld lng xỳāng h̄nạk læa s̄ædng h̄ı̂ h̄ĕn t̄hụng c̄hạn dị̂ rạb rāngwạl no bel s̄ạntip̣hāph
Khả phūd thī̀ c̄hạn khid ẁā k̄heā klạb mā mī khwām h̄māy nı k̄hṇa nī̂ Txn nī̂ k̆ t̄hụng kạnyāyn 2013 læa khả phūd h̄el̀ā nī̂ yạng khng chı̂ kạb chīwit k̄hxng reā MoPoDC
Ṣ̄ās̄nā thī̀ chı̂ bạỵchī k̄hxng kickār nı thāng pt̩ibạti mị̀ dị̂ læa mị̀ dị̂ ch̀wy nı kār kæ̂ pạỵh̄ā pĕn ṣ̄ās̄nā doy mh̄ā tma khān ṭhī mị̀

Khwām korṭh pĕn ṣ̄ạtrū k̄hxng mị̀ chı̂ khwām runræng læa khwām p̣hākh p̣hūmicı pĕn mxn s̄ texr̒ thī̀ klụ̄n mạn k̄hụ̂n mā doy mh̄ā tma khān ṭhī
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