Friday, October 28, 2011

Our right to vote Nov 8, 2011 #occupyWallStreet/World-.- MoPoDC

 Our right to vote, we have witness our people go thru great lengths to established this, and yet,  some people are so fed up with all sides that they lost interest they lost hope, their will to care.  So what are they to do?   Not vote-,- which is the wrong place to be,- just because you proved your point does not make it right,- because if our schools suffers , our teachers and kids suffer & we suffer as a Nation.                                                                     This is not about party, this is about doing the right thing for the right reasons.                            Please Vote in Your Local Elections -We ThePeople-#occupyWallStreet/World-  MoPoDC                                                                                                                                            Absentee Voting - If it can snow this weekend, it can snow on
November 8th. Don't count on being able to make it to the polls if you
have a job and commute on that Tuesday. Absentee vote today! You can
actually go vote IN PERSON, right now:

"Absentee voting for the November 8, 2011, General Election is now
taking place at the Voter Registration Office, 750 Miller Drive, S.E.,
Suite C, Leesburg, 20175.  Hours for voting are Monday to Friday 8:30
a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Extended hours will start on October 24 and end on November 5, 2011.
Monday through Friday hours will be from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. On
Saturday, October 29 and Saturday, November 5, the hours will be 8:30
a.m. to 5:00 p.m.                                              
Saturday, November 5, 2011, is the last day to vote an absentee ballot
in person."

 Polls will be open from 6am to 7pm..

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gadhafi," Every One Of Us Good or Bad Serves A Purpose; "-MoPoDC

 I just read a nice article on Gadhafi & about the good he has done.  I also heard he was truly about Peace, and that every one of us Good or Bad serves a purpose; it’s by Designed.  

Which gets me to asking what could be so dyer that would cause you to not only overthrow your Leader, your Savior, the one that made it possible that you were healthy enough to fight & you shoot  him in the head. L

You shot an un-armed man in the head then put his body on display while holding up the Peace sign. That to me is a bad sign already.  The start of something that could put your country in turmoil or ruin the great things Gadhafi did achieved before his death---- 

Let Your Actions Be What People See- MoPoDC.

Which is why I questioned how some of us are easy to be influenced- me included; partly by Hope & the other, your Word.  Trusting you would do what you said you would.

For Gadhafi to do what I believe is not only the first but the only one to do what he has done,- In fact, if these things be true, I believe this concept could apply to Me & U. MoPoDC   I know he has done horrible things.  I also know our America leaders have done horrible things as well & still is and I would suspect so have every other leader that is in power.

Because life past should have thought us from the last, each time it’s not until someone puts a foot into our A$$.  

Why can’t we achieve something like that but do it together as One?  Why can’t we respect each other for who they are even though we do not like who they become? 

Again, nice article, it makes you think who is next, and has it really come down to this or is this some hyped up accusation.

I don’t know about other leaders of today but to achieve what this article say Gadhfi did to me shows the type of Love I Wish & Pray For.   

I’ve heard the president comment on how China is dictatorship & because leaders like him and Gadhfi have great ideas for their country and they are going to try it; no debating, but unfortunately it seems like China Leaders are willing to do it at any cost. -   Where is the Love?  As people walk by and watch a baby run over & do nothing.

Have you ever wonder what America would be like if we let our President lead. Instead, we sabotage ourselves from the mere fact of truly living the impossible.

I’m seeing, new signs everyday especially with the #OccupyWallStreet/World

We undercut ourselfivies, by achieving the biggest Birth to Grave deceit of mankind.  

"It’s All about Me"-   We all play a role on earth and whatever that role is, thoroughly  it’s not all about youJ but more about -What about you?

Only way you can tell that story is by your actions.

What about you-Libya, What about you-Congress, What about you- America, What about you- Leaders across the World?

Please click on link below to see article

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Gov. Bob McDonnell & Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s - MoPoDC

BY JIM NOLAN  Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s protracted battle with the Environmental Protection Agency over its process for regulating greenhouse gases took another legal step this week. On Monday, the AG’s office filed its response to the EPA related to its appeal of the agency’s 2009 ruling that carbon dioxide and other gases are pollutants that pose a threat to humans.

Gov. Bob McDonnell chided the federal government Tuesday for standing in the way of developing energy resources he called vital to the country's future.

Besides Virginia and Texas, the thirteen other states in the suit are Alabama, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Nebraska, Michigan, and Kentucky.   Who would you blame for contaminated drinking supply or for breathing in fumes that can cause cancer or other sickness? Self for allowing it to happen & for not getting involved or these current leaders in office. It's time for a change- MoPoDC

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sterling District - Winning Loudoun County, Virginia MoPoDC

Precincts and Polling Places
If you are unsure of your precinct, check your voter registration card,search here or call 703-777-0380.
  • Buchanan - Guilford Elementary School
  • Claude Moore Park - Claude Moore Recreation Center
  • Forest Grove - Forest Grove Elementary School
  • Guilford - Sterling Middle School
  • Mirror Ridge - Sugarland Elementary School
  • Park View - Park View High School
  • Rolling Ridge - Rolling Ridge Elementary School
  • Seneca - Seneca Ridge Middle School
  • Sully - Sully Elementary School

Virginia Senate - District 31

Precincts: Seneca

Virginia Senate - District 33

Precincts: Sully, Park View, Rolling Ridge, Guilford, Forest Grove, Buchanan, Claude Moore Park and Mirror Ridge

Virginia House - District 34

Precincts: Seneca

Virginia House - District 86

Precincts: Sully, Park View* and Forest Grove
*Some Park View voters may be included in House District 87. See this map for details.

Virginia House - District 87

Precincts: Park View*, Rolling Ridge, Guilford, Buchanan, Claude Moore Park and Mirror Ridge
*Some Park View voters may be included in House District 87. See this map for details.

School Board - Sterling District

School Board - Countywide At Large

Board of Supervisors - Sterling District

Board of Supervisors - Chairman At Large

Commissioner of Revenue

Soil & Water Conservation Director - At Large

Vote for three.

Ballot Questions

Vote yes or no.
Acquisition of Fire and Rescue Apparatus - Shall the County of Loudoun, Virginia contract a debt and issue its general obligation capital improvement bonds in the maximum amount of $3,000,000 to finance in whole or in part, the cost to acquire fire and rescue capital apparatus?

School Capital Projects - Shall the County of Loudoun, Virginia contract a debt and issue its general obligation capital improvements bonds in the maximum amount of $169,620,000 to finance in whole or in part, the cost to design, construct and equip the new Moorefield Station Elementary School (ES-16), Ashburn Area Elementary School (ES-22), Ashburn Area Middle School (MS-6), Ashburn Area High School (HS-8), and Park View High School Renovation?
Election Date Change (For the Town of Leesburg Only) - Shall the Town of Leesburg change the election date of the Mayor and members of the Town Council from the May general election to the November general election in even-numbered years, beginning with a change in the scheduled May 2012 election to November 2012

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

NBA –This is Bigger Than U & Me, MoPoDC

Basketball played as kids was free, as Rich as you both are and the fight is over money.   Now a few games are canceled & more Americans suffer because they counted on the income to help jumpstart or to keep a positive front during bad times.  So, you are kind of messing with our minds.  It sucks to see to the Rich whine, when Americans have exceeded crying and yet, you still are not buying.- MoPoDC

 Please Click on link below-Come Together- The Beatles 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Jan to LoudounTeamfor.
show details 1:10 PM (2 hours ago)
Please ask yourself that question NOW so if the elections don’t turn out as you hoped, on November 9  you don’t have to wonder,“Could I have made a difference?” The answer to the later question is a resounding “YES, YES, YES”  you can make a difference.

Will you? 

Do more than hope.  The local elections are less than 30 days away, and there is much that you can do for the candidates of your choice.  Volunteer and see how much of a difference you can make!

Below are the contact names and contact info that I have for some of the local candidates—but there are a lot more candidates and folks looking for your time. Find them and volunteer and make a difference.

We hope you’ll jump in and help a local race or three or four, but we also hope you’ll jump in and give an hour or more a week to help get the President re-elected. We have a lot of work to do and we need your help NOW. Please don’t sit on the sidelines thinking it’s too early, or someone else will do the work. That someone else is likely from the Tea Party.  You have the power to change elections----so again,

Will you? 

Volunteer with OFA for even just one hour a week---we have lots of opportunities listed below, but if you don’t see what you would like to do to contribute, please give me a call and we’ll get you going on what interests you most!  A house party, scheduling events, researching events, writing letters to the editor, training? 

Let’s keep winning!

Jan Wilson

Community Organizer
Obama for America—Loudoun County


1.     SIGN A PETITION TO GET THE PRESIDENT ON THE VA BALLOT. We hope to have this wound up statewide very soon. Loudoun needs to be
well-represented, so please get to any event within the next 7 days.. Just come and sign the petition and leave if you want.  We want your signature!

2.     Learn about the local races and volunteer for one of the many, many campaigns and GOTV efforts. Less than 30 days until the election!

3.     Volunteer for one of the OFA events below, in your neighborhood. An hour a week would make a big difference. Join a Saturday AM training session to learn more

4.     Double your impact by bringing a friend to volunteer with you! 

5.     Check us out on Facebook---some recent pictures of the President, and other luminaries are our events…
“Like” us to keep up with what OFA is doing in Loudoun!/pages/Loudoun-Team-Obama-for-America/130335607044974

6.     Contact me with ideas you have to write letters to the editor, train, help with scheduling, finding events or WHATEVER you can do


Tuesday, October 11, Ashburn  7--9 PM, phone bank, data entry and org meeting.
Contact Gail at

Wed, Oct 12, Sterling, 6:30-8:30 PM phone bank, data entry, contact

Wednesday, October 12, Leesburg 7-9 PM, phone bank, data entry and org meeting.

Thursday, October 13, Leesburg phone , data entry and org meeting 7-9 PM contact

Saturday, October 15, Leesburg, organizational meeting and training 9-11 AM

Saturday and Sunday, October 15-16—Leesburg Oktoberfest Celebration 11 AM-9 PM, voter registration,
Gather signatures to put the President on the VA Ballot. Contact:

Saturday, October 15, Leesburg Farmer’s Market 9-noon, voter registration, gather signatures to put the President on the VA or



Friend --The U.S. Senate is supposed to vote on the American Jobs Act as early as tonight. (202) 224-2541.


It's a bill that will put people to work immediately, and it contains proposals that members of both parties have said in the past that they'd support.

But Senate Republicans want to block it. Not because they have a plan that creates jobs right now -- not one Republican, in Congress or in the presidential race, does. They only have a political plan.

Their strategy is to suffocate the economy for the sake of what they think will be a political victory. They think that the more folks see Washington taking no action to create jobs, the better their chances in the next election. So they're doing everything in their power to make sure nothing gets done.

There's still time for principled Republican senators to declare their independence from this kamikaze political strategy.

Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the Senate, needs to hear what Americans like you think.

You can reach his office at (202) 224-2541. Tell him not to let politics get in the way of creating jobs.

Will you take three minutes and call now? Then click here to let us know how it went.

If Sen. McConnell's office says he won't support the American Jobs Act, ask which parts he doesn't support:

     -- Making sure that those who served our country can get good jobs at home by providing incentives for businesses to hire unemployed veterans?
     -- Preventing layoffs of teachers, cops, and firefighters, while supporting the hiring of tens of thousands more?
     -- Rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, railways, and airports with a bipartisan, public-private infrastructure bank?
     -- Modernizing at least 35,000 public schools in rural and urban areas?
     -- Providing job training for the unemployed, especially young people who have been hit especially hard?

The President has been forceful and clear: Action on jobs is desperately needed, and Congress should pass this bill right away.

And he has specifically asked those of us who agree to make sure Republican lawmakers know it.

This bill -- and the simple idea that every American who works hard and plays by the rules has a fundamental right to economic security -- is a big part of what we stand for as a campaign and as a movement.

There's no good reason for Congress to delay any more -- and if they do, you deserve to know why.

Call Sen. McConnell's office. Tell him you're watching, and you expect Republicans in the Senate to do the right thing and move forward on this bill today.

Then let us know how it went:



Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Upcoming Elections in Loudoun County November 8, 2011: General Election

S/O  To Sterling Fest this weekend & all that came out to show their support in a Peaceful gathering  no matter what party you belong too.  We had a nice time meeting all of you and hearing your concerns. 

 Hope to see you again at the Polling Booth to really let your voices be heard on Nov 8, 2011.  

Please do not forget Absentee Voting by Nov 1, 2011

Voter Registration and Elections
Absentee Voting

Are You Eligible to Vote Absentee?

Registered voters entitled to vote by absentee ballot are:  
  • Active duty military, their spouses and dependents
  • Students and their spouses away at school
  • People absent on Election Day for business or vacation
  • People working and commuting to and from home for 11 or more hours, between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.
  • Electoral board members, registrars, and election officers
  • People with a physical disability or illness, including pregnancy
  • People who are the primary caretaker of a confined family member
  • People who are temporarily confined
  • People with a religious obligation
  • People temporarily residing outside of the U.S.
  • First responders who may be absent while they are working on Election Day     
If you are active duty military, or if you are the spouse or dependent of active duty military personnel, or if you are a United States citizen living abroad, you may fill out the Federal Post Card Application:   
Absentee voting is done through the mail or in person prior to Election Day. In order to vote absentee, an Absentee Ballot Application must be completed prior to voting.   
The two applications above require the free Adobe Reader which may be downloaded here.   

Information About In-Person Absentee Voting  

An in-person absentee voter visits an absentee office location to vote. In Loudoun County there are two locations:  the Voter Registration office in Leesburg and the Cascades Senior Center in Sterling. Arriving voters complete the Absentee Ballot Application and provide appropriate identification. The Absentee Ballot Application is processed there and voting takes place on a voting machine just as is done on Election Day.

Absentee in-person voting begins approximately 45 days prior to a general election and ends at 5:00 p.m. on the Saturday before Election Day. The date of the next election and other information is online:   

Important Dates

November 8, 2011: General Election   

  • Tuesday, October 17, 2011, 5:00 p.m., is the last day to register to vote.
  • Tuesday, November 1, 2011, 5:00 p.m., is the last day to request an absentee ballot to be mailed.
  • Saturday, November 5, 2011, is the last day to vote an absentee ballot in person.

Absentee Voting Hours 

Absentee voting for the November 8, 2011, General Election is now taking place at the Voter Registration Office, 750 Miller Drive, S.E., Suite C, Leesburg, 20175.  Hours for voting are Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Extended hours will start on October 24 and end on November 5, 2011.
Monday through Friday hours will be from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. On Saturday, October 29 and Saturday, November 5, the hours will be 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 5, 2011, is the last day to vote an absentee ballot in person.
Satellite absentee voting is also offered at the Cascades Senior Center, 21060 Whitfield Place, Sterling, 20165. 
For the November 8, 2011, General Election the Cascades Senior Center hours will start on October 24 and end on November 5. 
Monday through Friday hours will be from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. On Saturday, October 29 and Saturday, November 5 the hours will be 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Directions to the Voter Registration Office and Sterling absentee voting location are online:
Information About Absentee Voting by Mail
A by-mail absentee voter acquires an Absentee Ballot Application and completes the pertinent absentee and voter information on the application. The application must then be mailed or faxed to the Loudoun County Voter Registration office, where it is processed. Once eligibility has been determined, a ballot and its accompanying instructions are mailed to the voter. When the voter receives the ballot, he/she may vote in the presence of another adult. The voter must return the ballot in the self-addressed envelope provided.
The ballot must be received no later than 7:00 p.m. on Election Day to be counted in an election.

To Receive an Absentee Ballot by Mail

You may access the Absentee Ballot Application link to .pdf online and either print this application, fill it out, sign and date it orcomplete it on the computer, print, sign and date it. Mail or fax the application to the office.
Loudoun County Voter Registration
750 Miller Drive, S.E., Suite C
Leesburg VA 20175-5686
Or request an application be mailed to you from our office by calling 703-777-0380
The Absentee Ballot Application cannot be submitted online. The deadline to request an Absentee Ballot by mail is 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday before Election Day. Sending your application early enough will allow enough time for delivery, as well as the time necessary for processing your application. The date of the next election and other information is online:

When Will You Get A Ballot?

Ballots are mailed approximately 45 days before each general election (30 days for primaries). Ballots are mailed the next business day after the Absentee Ballot Applications are received.

When is Your Ballot Counted?

All absentee ballots, those sent by mail and those cast in-person, are counted on Election Day in Virginia, as if the ballots were cast in a polling place. Ballots must be received by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day in order to be counted. The last day to request a ballot to be mailed is the Tuesday preceding Election Day.
You can send in an Absentee Ballot Application for any election to be held the following year, up to the next November election.
Please call or e-mail us if your ballot doesn't arrive within a reasonable time. The phone number is 703-777-0380 and the e-mail address is