Thursday, July 18, 2013


Like we have said in the beginning “It’s not over”.

There is another open case of a young man 17 years old shot by and adult who is claiming that he was in fear of his life when there was no weapon of the sort found.  Of course in Florida and his parents work for the Air lines.  There is a chance this killer may get away with murder as well.

Enough is enough and it is time to do away with this Stand Your Ground stuff, by standing our ground, no matter how long it takes.  Now the question is what is it going to take to make this happen?  1st of all we do not quit or let this die down after a month, year or years, we need to be prepared for the long-haul and we need do it  together with all of ya'll- All of  ya'll that care about innocent  people dying  while not looking for trouble or bothering anyone and they are just minding their business.

We should not have to wait until it happens to you or your family; we need to be proactive before we lose more people to this unjustly law.

Just like our Attorney General stated “why do some cities or states need the Stand Your Ground law when there are already laws on the books that provide adequate protection against someone trying to cause you harm".

So whether or not you were involve with helping to establish this law in the past, since the law have been in effect, you can see how some have abuse it which innocent lives are lost.   This is also an expensive price to pay for  an extra non-needed protection.

So we need to Stand Our Ground to help knock this law down.  So talk to your Governor or whomever and if they do not want to help at least bring this law to another vote,than we need to help them out of office because  if we don’t, we lose again.

We  could also do like Stevie Wonder and boycott places that have the Stand Your Ground law and are unwilling to change it.
But if we just take to the street and loot businesses we also lose and people like Trayvon dies for nothing; even though we feel that we are mad enough to burn down everything in sight, it does not make it right.

This is also the time for all Civil Rights Leaders to lead and to reach out to every resource available to help get this Stand Your Ground overturned. That to me should be our focus, because with the way Stand Your Ground is written, I do not see how we could bring about civil suit and win.  I’m not saying it is not possible, but it seem whomever put Stand Your Ground law together anticipated Civil suit and enter an immunity clause just for that. 

I believe we can do this if we truly stick together and start staying involve and letting these folks know that we are here to stay long after everything is said and done. 

I hope we have also learned that we have to educate our children’s about getting involve because they are our future and they sometimes try to emulate us adults.

What message do we want to leave them with when it’s all say and done?

Stand Your Ground to help knock these unjustly laws down.

Together We Can Make a difference


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