Friday, September 13, 2013

Loudoun County Sheriff Department Does Not Have Time to Serve and Protect

I asked for help from the media or anyone that would listen and no response. I have a top federal agent as a roommate who could be a part of this crime against me and every time I have called the Loudoun County Sheriff Department, they have always come up with a reason why they could not do their job and investigate my concerns.   So I made the changes as they had suggested and still someone is tampering with my supplies. 
This time I had proof and even the Loudoun County Deputy agreed that he could smell the tampered bleach from where he was standing, he also acknowledge the time stamp break from my hidden camera that I showed him on my laptop and when I asked him to dust for fingerprints, he immediately said no, because the only fingerprints he would find would be mine. Now, how does he know what he will find, if he had not checked?
 If I proved to him that somehow, someway, someone got into my trailer while locked and tampered with my supplies then that should have been enough to at least look into my complaint or at least write up a report noting my concern but instead he just brushed me off and telling me he does not have the time to deal with it. He kept asking me what I wanted him to do, he is the Officer, what do you normally do when someone expensive item has been burglarize/tamper with. In my case, nothing.

I recorded the entire conversation because if I did not, it would be my word against their word and they would win every time, even though we know that some Officers of the law are some of your biggest crooks.    This to me is an obvious sign of corruption from the highest level on down and I believe partly my Federal agent roommate is involved.  Because all of a sudden someone comes to the door while the deputy and I were talking and turns on the outside light, then shortly afterward the deputy received a burglary call on his radio.

Now they knew the deputy was already on a burglary call and they supposedly did not know the status of that call at the time.  So why would you call that same deputy to another burglary call when you know he is working on one at the time without at least checking in with him to see where he was with the current case.  Bullsh!t
I don’t know what is going or why this crap is happening but I do know that if this could happen to me, it could happen to any of you. 
If no one comes to my rescue, than just maybe no one will come to yours.   Maybe It’s just a matter of time before it your time.

If anyone knows something or could help, please reach out to me.
I don’t know what else to do.   But I do see whatever is going on is not right and this lets me know that we are fighting a false fight especially when so many are involved with this ridiculous plight.

All I ever ask for is Peace, but I guess it does not apply to me.

Please listen to our audio conversation below, after you click on the link below, you may have to select a media to open this link in. Thanks MoPoDC 

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