Monday, August 24, 2015

Can We CoExist ?

What’s up You? You know who you are. Let me tell you who I am.  My name is Maurice Bryant and I have a strong love and passion and desire to work with kid or our future generations.  When I see people being mistreated or taken advantages of like the young lady crying for help, I get involved.  Especially when something hit near and dear to me,  I was responding to the people like the young lady who wants help and is tired of people coming in their life like they care and they laughing in her face.  My goal was to find out why people cannot live safely in their homes not to disrupt your money. All that I ask is that we stop senseless killing and terrorizing of low income black neighborhoods. Give them same opportunity like some of us have or you may have.

To be able to live your life in some form of peace without people feeling hopeless. I figured they deserve better, Baltimore deserves better, my Black people deserve better. I am tired of us being put down and labeled as lazy a thug or person who does not want more theme selves.  When that is not the case. Its thugs holding the people hostage in their own homes and taking the good life out of the neighborhood through killing or just plain violence

I would like for all us to be able work together, you make your money and people get a chance to live and feel safe in their own neighborhood. 

In fact, that would be a great way for you to be a part of the change.  Like looking out for the people in your area. For instance helping the neighbors fix up their home or put down new grass or buy all the kids backpacks and so forth. 

People want their investment to pay off as well. If they buy a home they would like to some kind of profit from it.  Why not help with that as you push your money thru the neighborhood. 

Honestly I do not know but I do believe we all can work together if it is for the Better of the city, neighborhood or the people.

But please do not blame me for you financial lost because I’m just a person with no powers who cares, I do not work for the Police or any other agency so my power to get them (decision makers) to buy in is weak to none. 

Please know this had nothing to do with your money just trying to save lives.  I was hoping to have a chance to give someone like me who came from the hood a better way of living, a different w ay living other than fighting, shooting, and killing.

How long do you think you would have before the high powers to be stepped in and started making changes on their own?

 I am tired of see my people struggle and hurt from our on. We do this to ourselves and then blame everybody but ourselves for our condition

. My life should not be threatened for that. If you do not want this for your people, you really do not deserve to be a part of them in fact to know that you are part of the problem who hold a foot on our necks why you get rich sucks. But please do not blame me for being tired of this killing and stuff. 

For real, you would think with this new change we could have a world where you can make money without killing so much,  That would be a Great world. 

Hope we can give it a try because I do not want to die. 


MoPoDC4 Peace

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