Friday, May 20, 2011

Check me out, Copying The Youngest MVP- In History Derrick’s Rose's Basketball Moves.

What’s up Twitter, I just got finished playing basketball, we were talking about the game last night, and my Latino’s friend said he really enjoyed the game, & that he was a basketball fan now after watching the game last. night. 
 I asked him, if he had a chance to pick two teams to make it to the finals who would it be? He said the Bulls & Dallas, he picked Dallas because of their longevity in the game and how they have always played in such a Professional  well fought game and that it was hard not to like them as a team.
He said that he believed I would want to see the Bulls & Thunders in the finals.
I thought it was funny, because, I felt  similar to him about Dallas for similar reason, but I also feel that the best team should be in the finals no matter how much we like you as a team.
On another note, when were we playing, and he was talking sht, I told him the only thing he was going to get for talking sht is his a$$ kicked.  
Then, I told him that I was going to do a Derrick Rose move, and that I was telling him before I did it, so he wouldn't say it was an accident. 

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