Friday, May 27, 2011

Lady Gaga

I woke up this morning to support Lady Gaga on Good Morning America (GMA) and Rihanna on the Today's Show. 

I was never a Lady Gaga Fan until I saw her on the View; which is funny because right before her interview, I was listening to the Christian Radio and Co -Co Brother or some DJ asked how someone like Lady Gaga can beat out Oprah in sales and tweets.

I was trying to dial-in so that I could comment on why I thought she was successful.

I posted on my blog last week about the Training at Organizing for America and how we are people who are tired of people being bullied by people in the Government or where ever, tired of them trying to take away any government assistance or funding.   Especially for those who truly needs it. .

I guess when I heard her Story; I was truly amazed how she turned out giving her circumstances.
What I really enjoyed was the turned out of people wanting to see her.

I think GMA’s said it was one of the biggest turn-outs ever.
Lady Gaga seems so cool and free not caring about the money or fame just enjoying singing her music and fans or people that wanted to hear story.

She was quick to give out hugs; in showing how she appreciates the love, & thanking above.

Her last song about her hair and how it prevented her from being treated fair, brought back memories of when I was in school in 1600 lol and how I used to see those Punk Rockers and their styles and how I thought they were wild or pass some kind of judgment on them.

 As I am writing this, I also realized that is no different than people passing judgment on me because of the color of my skin or if my style is not in.
That is why we need to be in for  2012 for our President Obama to win.  
All around the world and back again. Just look how people have Hope even though we are broke. Now that’s no joke. MoPoDC 

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